Chapter 66

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Mina's POV
This time, I got greeted by special people. "Stef! Meg!" I hugged them so tight.

"Welcome home, dancing queen! How was the flight home?" My cop friend asked.

I wasn't gonna lie. "Stressful. I'm both glad to be here and wish I didn't have to leave."

"Don't worry, you got private security now!" Meg joked pointing at our friend.

I laughed and looked around. "Let's leave as fast as we can. The rest of the flight will be out soon."

Meg took my dog. "Don't want people that got from Seoul to Quebec city to see you?"

I agreed. "No one could come in or out of my section of the plane and people from Seoul know I went back home."

"That famous already? What happened?" Stef asked.

Meg sighed and slapped his arm. "You didn't look at the things I sent you?"

He admitted to it. "All I know is that she's dating the guys she found handsome since we were teenagers. That's about it."

That was so him. I smiled. "I'll tell you in the car. We have three hours to catch up on this."
"So.. let me get this straight." Stef started. "Your audhd ass is dating a famous handsome South Korean man. He organized a party at a fancy club for your birthday with people who you might get along with you. You made friends, it was nice. However, there was another handsome Korean man who was interested in you, but Namjoon and his friend shut him up. Your boyfriend went on the dance floor with you. He kissed you to annoy that Key guy. Instead of leaving, the guy stayed and asked another guy's... V? Yeah. V's girlfriend for pictures of the night and since they're friends she just sent everything and he sent the kissing picture to a News outlet." A pause. "Your friends back there teamed up to find a solution. You dug up some dirt on Key and you curated both your social media to one up him and the News. The next day you exposed yourself as much as possible. You got a lot of hate so your account is private and no comments can be made anywhere for now. Namjoon plans to release a statement today and when you got to the airport there were cameras."

I nodded. "You caught the jist of it."

He swore. "That Key guy is an ass. Who dares do this to my friend? If you need anything or get threats, tell me. I'm sure I can easily get someone from the cybercrime team to get on it."

"Thanks. I still have connections from University. A girl from the cyber forensics group might give me a hand. Don't use public services for private matters."

He shrugged. "If you fill out a report, I'm sure the fact you're somewhat of a public figure could make it go faster, but a case can take 5 months. Tell me and it's done in two weeks max. A couple of people on the team love your boy group. I'm sure they'd be more than willing to help."

What? "They do? Well.. think you can figure out what they think of this?"

He nodded. "Sure! I mean.. We're adults too. I'm sure most comments are from dumb teens."

He was probably right. "Mind stopping at the SAQ first? I need a drink and I need to thank you for coming to get me 3 hours away and driving 6 hours of your day for it."

Meg frowned. "Aren't you tired?"

"I slept on the plane. I really need to numb my mind to get emotional and upset or to laugh my ass off."

Namjoon's POV
She arrived well. Meg convinced her not to drink which was a good thing. She had enough in the last week and opening up wasn't a reason to drink. I decided to release my statement. Not a text, but a video. "I was seen kissing a girl at a club. She was identified as Mina, my friend and you are correct. She and I are dating and have been since the beginning of the month. We wanted to announce it on our own, but it was ripped from us. We've been friends since September of last year and it developed into more. She's a kind person that deserves respect and space. I ask of you to let us date in peace. She makes me happy and we are grown ups. I think we deserve happiness and deserve to date like anyone else. I have been released from a dating ban for ages. I'm 31. I believe I'm allowed to love and so is she. Thank you."

The guys saw it. "It's well said." Suga hyung said. "I'm sure it'll go well. You said it yourself. She's smart and her friend is a cop. If anything goes overboard she can deal with it. Besides, she did forensic biology. She can easily dispose of a body."

Ah.. hyung.

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