Chapter 2

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Mina's POV
He said he'd be there in a few minutes. Don't worry about it.. I fixed my hair in front of the mirrored wall when I saw a silhouette behind me. "One of the rare people with a mask on a good air quality day, cherry pink crop top.. I think I have the right girl."

I turned around, relieved. "Namjoon! I thought you stood me up. You're late."

He lifted his hands in the air. "Sorry, Mina. I swear I was gonna be on time, but I missed the first train by seconds."

I let out a chuckle. "Hey, I'm not angry. How about you show me that nice place?"

The masked one smiled. "Sure! Let's stop for coffee first."
"You didn't have to pay mine too, you know?" He said, thanking me.

I shrugged picking my cup up. "Isn't it what the youngest does?"

That made him laugh. "True. Thanks again."

As we walked to our destination, I had to ask. "Why did you want to stop for coffee? Forgot this morning?"

His answer surprised me. "To be honest, like that, I get to see your face."

What? "That's exactly why I didn't propose coffee! For you not to have to show your face."

Namjoon's POV
Really? She cared that much. "I promise, if it was a problem, I would have said something."

We sat down on a bench when we arrived. She looked at the panorama. "It's very pretty.." She sighed and brought her hand to her ear. "Here goes nothing." She took her mask off. I'll try to describe it. She had both a cute and a mature face. High cheeks, but defined cheekbones. Her nose was narrow from the front, but more present in her profile. She had a few freckles and beauty marks. Her lips were of a pink you couldn't say leaned towards purple or coral. Her whole face was of a diamond shape. Her side profile showed her chin wasn't a strong feature, but overall her structure was very symmetrical. Her eyes were and still are her dominant feature. I cane back to reality with a small.. "My face is not what you expected, huh?"

"No, no, no! Not at all. It was pretty much what I thought you looked like." It wasn't a lie. Except from her lips which I didn't think would be of an elongated pouty heart-shaped form and her few freckles, it was what I imagined.

She didn't seem to believe me. "Sure, sure. How about you do the same and chat before our drinks get cold?"
Mina's POV
"What did you end up doing yesterday?" He kindly asked.

I took a sip of my drink. "Went to Myeongdong to shop a little. I drew at a park near my hostel, and I went to a club for a couple of hours. Not very long since I don't like big crowds."

"Clubbing isn't your thing, huh? How do you meet people then?"

I shrugged. "I don't? I'm just not a people person. I enjoy a crowd at shows, people at an event, but even family parties can be overwhelming."

He seemed curious. "How can family be overwhelming?"

I laughed. "My family isn't just my mom and my grandma. It's all my loud uncles that love to drink and the girls and up doing most of the stuff. I can talk back to them when they make bad jokes now, but when we can't be outside, their loud voices can get too much."

He nodded. "Oooh, I get it. It's cacophonic." A pause. "How do you date if you hate crowds?"

What kind of question is that? I was slightly embarrassed. "Coffee dates? Doing activities during dates I met on apps. Never successful. Not meeting the right type of people." I turned to him. "How do you? If you do?"

He scratched his nape. "Wow, didn't realize the question was uncomfortable until you asked it back to me."

I took it back. "You don't have to answer. I'm just making conversation."

He didn't seem upset. Only smiled. "I did, a couple of times. They tell Idols to date other Idols because we understand the struggles and the work. So, I did. It wasn't easier. Schedules don't match. You never see them. You get upset so fast. It burns and dies so quickly. When we separated the guys and I, I tried dating people out of the industry, but all they asked was about BTS and my work. They had a glorified image of us. I ended it after a few dates, sometimes the first."

I saw he seemed upset. "It takes a while to find a decent match. I can tell you a funny moment in these awful dates." He smiled and I kept going. "One guy, he was 5'6. I'm 5'8,5. He said that if I was scared at anytime, I could run and he couldn't catch me."

His eyes went wide and he covered his mouth to muffle a laugh. "No way, that's awful!"

I rolled my eyes joining in. "Tell me about it!" I stared into the distance. "I think that's why I don't look anymore. I live my life and someday, someone will cross my path. It's not like I'm never out. I'm at concerts, at competitions, on sets, on walks in national parks.. I see people."

Namjoon nodded, his grin exposed. "You're wise. How old are you again? 24 years old? You sound like me."

I frowned in a smirk. "Are you giving yourself a compliment by giving me one?"

He copied my expression. "I might be."


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