Chapter 127

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Jungkook's POV
"Kookie, don't wake her. Pretty sure we can make food without them."

Meg was right, but.. "Min promised pancakes."

She laughed. "We can have them for lunch! I don't know, but they're being cute dorks, leave them be."

They got up pretty early because they were on the couch by the fireplace when we woke up. Hyung had been reading since minutes ago. "If they can't help then.." I put my phone in my pocket after taking a picture.

" I put my phone in my pocket after taking a picture

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I drew Meganne closer. "We can fix it for ourselves, right? You said so yourself."

She chuckled pushing back against my chest, obviously flustered. "Jeon Jungkook, don't play games with me!"

I snuggled her into a hug. "It's just too easy to make you embarrassed~"

Namjoon's POV
"Hyung! Mina said the pancakes are ready!" A voice jogging closer to me yelled. "Ouh- what's that about?"

I finished my email and closed my laptop. "Just getting something worked out, but it didn't work."

He frowned. "Getting the girls tickets for Montreal or New York?"

I nodded. "Manager said they're sold out already. Can you imagine that? Especially with the fact we're doing three dates in these places."

He glanced down. He had to be upset. "That's bothersome.. Doesn't mean they can't come backstage or at a US award show."

Miny never saw our concert. Sure, a show is a compilation of performances, but it was more than that. It's a big production. She always spoke fondly of the times she saw them at the cinema or on Disney+.. She didn't say it, but jealousy would peek out when she spoke about her friends seeing it before her. The pandemic ruined her only opportunity before we left for the military. I was invested in her making it to one. "If I have to fly her to Vancouver or Toronto, I will."

The one on my mind surprised me with a kiss on the cheek. "Is the eldest going deaf? Are you losing your sense of smell? Food's ready~"

Don't show disappointment. I smiled. "I love you."

She frowned, confused, grinning. "That's out of the blue." A soft peck on the lips. "I love you too."

She said it. Usually, she used alternative words like adore, respect.. That she enjoyed my company, found me and my thoughts interesting, but the word love rarely came out of her mouth. She did explain she was better at showing it and it was accurate as well as appreciated, but hearing it just made me all fuzzy inside. "How much?"

She rolled her eyes. "Let's see... The limit from the right of 1/X when X tends towards 0. How's that?" She went back to the table.

Kookie looked at me quizzingly. "What?"

The limit of 1/X when X tends towards 0 does not exist because from the left it's negative infinite amd the right- it tends towards infinity. I almost screamed it out. "You're such a dork!"

I could hear her laugh from across the chalet. It'd be embedded in my memory for ages.

Mina's POV
As always, trips have to come to an end. Back at his place, I made sure everything was packed. He, as myself, wasn't pleased with my luggage by the door. "Where do you think you're going?"

I was more than confused. I motioned to myself, fully dressed in winter attire. "You did know I was leaving today, right? Taxi is picking me up soon."

"I meant.." He opened his entrance dresser. "Where do you think you are going without me?"

What? "It's 5am. I'm not forcing you out of your pajamas to accompany Meg and I to the airport."

He brushed his hand against my waist after he put his coat on. "You're not forcing anyone, Foxy." A kiss. "I can make it this time, so I will." He tied his boots. "And it's not the taxi picking you up with Meg in it. It's Jungkookie." I was stunned. He chuckled. "What did you expect? That I'd sleep in? Hell no!"

Namjoon's POV
"You know.. Ever since you showed me how to ride a bike, I kept practicing." She admitted. "I borrowed Stef's bike a few times last fall. I think I'll get one myself next spring! It'd be great for Mushu to run next to me. He adores that."

I laughed at the thought of her dog running next to the bicycle. "It'd be a great idea! How's your friend? You didn't mention him a lot."

Even Meg in the car was quiet. "He's working with the military police currently on a big investigation. He can't tell us anything and he was relocated. Even his mother doesn't know hos whereabouts. No news is good news if you ask me. That's why we didn't mention him much. We haven't seen him since you came to my place."

That was something. "He seems like a strong and smart guy. He'll be back in one piece."

She smiled to herself. "With his ego boosted probably."

Meg chuckled. "Probably? Obviously! You know how he is with these. He flaunts it for a week then he's humble about it. He can have his moment when we see him."

The bonus of the airport so early was few people. Us guys helped the girls with their things. "Got your passport?"


"Your skincare."


"The gifts Kookie, Tae, Byuly noona, Hyejin, and I got you?"


"One of my hoodies?"

She laughed. "Yes! Yes, Namjoon-ah. I have absolutely everything. Except you, but you don't fit in my pocket."

I sighed. "If only, I'm no pocket monster."

Minmin pulled up her phone. "But you'll be on here. It's kind of in my pocket."

I hugged her so tight. "Text me when you can, okay? Have a good flight and a great book launch."

She nodded. "Good interviews and even better shows, okay? If ever you need an extra backup dancer on file, you know how to join me."

"Of course, we do." I made this kiss last as long as I could. "I'll miss you."

She copied my gesture. "I'll miss you too." She pulled back to hug Jungkook. I hugged Meganne and we watched them leave. I saw his face. "Now you get it, don't you?"

He lightly smiled getting in the car. "Yeah, I won't make fun of your pouty face again, promise."

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