Chapter 45

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Mina's POV
After my dance practice with the other back-up dancers and the girls, I joined them in another studio room. Moonbyul eonni handed me a water bottle. "Still up for it?"

I happily took it and took a sip. "Of course! I hope you like the earrings I made." I gave them to her boyfriend when I came by in the early hours of the morning a couple of days ago.

She nodded. "Yeah! They're great. We were able to film yesterday just fine."

Another one of them entered the room. The confident facade wasn't so present. "Hey, can I talk to you for a moment?"

I wondered.. "Sure, what's up?"

She grabbed my wrist and gently dragged me to the other end of the room. "Did you see the interview I did?" I nodded. "I wanted to say something else, but I didn't. At first because it wouldn't work and because I realized it would not be something a friend does to another." She went on. "I guess that I'm a bit jealous about how you and Namjoon get along. It's childish of me, I know. I wanted to mess with him a bit, but it would've included you."

I frowned as if I didn't know. "What did you want to do? You don't have to be jealous. We're friends... you and me, he and I. We don't hang out a lot outside of work, but we have a good time. I hang out more outside of work with him. That's all. Just a girl working with a guy makes a scandal as it is." Was I beating her to the punch again? Maybe.

She glanced down and played with her hair. "Tell me about it. I can't hang out outside of my home with someone of the opposite sex. I wanted him to live that, I guess? Last time there were rumours was with me. I thought I'd make him sweat a bit, but I figured that my friendship with you was more important. I'm just your sunbae for now, but I wished we could be closer? You have a nice vibe."

She did too. Outside of that petty attitude, she was fun to dance and speak with. "How about lunch after practice? You decide if you want the others to join? Take the friendship outside of work?"

She seemed so pleased, she hugged me. "I'd love that! Thank you! Food is on me. You forgive me?"

I wasn't a very bitter person. Besides, we won the catfight. "I do, but if you actually pull something like this off.. I think I'll be more than upset."

My tone made it heard. Hwasa nodded, then smiled. "Got it! Want to do old songs? We can film everything and I can send it to you. You could put it on your dancer Instagram page."

I'd love that! Solar called us over. Time to dance.

Namjoon's POV
I was filming my solo parts for my remastered clips today. It was fun, but lonely at times. Thankfully, Hobi hyung came over to watch. I hugged him when I finished my scene. "I didn't think you'd be the first here!"

He laughed. "Maknaes are at the gym and Suga hyung is helping Jin hyung with a song he wrote. You're getting me for now. They'll come over later."

I checked my phone seeing pictures of his girlfriend's band with mine on her personal profile. "That's why she's not here huh?" I put it back in my pocket. "Staying a while?"

He promised. "Till you're bored of me."

I went back to work and looked at some of the clips. "Why is someone crossing?" I watched another. "There's someone in the decor again.. Let's redo it. Make sure no one is there when we start." We ran it again, looking up at what would be CGIed as a night sky, I felt arms around me. "Kookie?"

A kind feminine voice resonated. "I'm the one who messed up the takes. The ones before were perfect."

I was so HAPPY. I turned to pick her up in a hug. "I thought you were having lunch!"

She chuckled. "An hour ago. Hobi oppa brought me here."

Why was I not surprised? "Thanks, hyung!" He was laughing his ass off. I looked at the staff. "What else do we need to do?"

They checked their documents. "Only one more scene. We're doing the other parts tomorrow."

She got out of my embrace and joined my hyung. "I'm sure you can do it in one take!"

Because of her, I was motivated to finish as fast as I could, and I did.
"Did you guys want to go somewhere?" My hyung asked.

Seeing Mina in her shorts and baggy t-shirt, hair fluffed from doing her best to air dry it, I could tell her social battery was empty. I placed my arm on the small of her back. "Sorry, we agreed on movie night. We'll walk to my place and take it easy. Tomorrow's a long day and her first show is the day after."

Thankfully, he was one of the people who understood. "I'll check on you guys tomorrow then! Bye~"

Mina's POV
I closed the door behind me. "What movie are we watching?"

He left a kiss on my neck. "Our movie."

I faced him, arms around his neck. "Didn't know it was out."

His dimples showed as he laughed. "I lied, it's not out yet. I just wanted to have an evening together. Just you and me, doing whatever the hell we want. Can be a movie, a series, karaoke, slow dancing foolishly, enjoying the making of our dinner or only the taste of takeout." He took hold of one of my hands and made me slowly turn around him. "I wanted some quality time with my moon lady."

That was a new nickname. It was sweet. "Alright, Moonchild.. if you take care of opening a bottle of wine, I can start on making mandu. How does that sound?"

His smile was warm and inviting, far from childish. "Cozy and fancy, who knew we could do both?"

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