Chapter 35

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Mina's POV
I wasn't sure about this. "You're certain that it was cleared with staff?"

He nodded. "For the fifth time, yes. Staff gave the okay. You'll be at the end of the corridor, no one will come distract you or ask who you are. It's on file. Just have a good time." He opened the door to where I'd spend the morning. "I'll get you for lunch." He looked around. "Lucky me. No one around."

He left a kiss on my lips. "Alright, Joonie, go before you get caught."

A second kiss and he jogged away. "Bye~"

"You just had to didn't you?" I got in before being seen. Let's practice and create, shall we?

Namjoon's POV
I arrived first to make sure. Tae arrived second, then Suga hyung. "You two are early."

Tae shrugged. I did the same. "I wanted to stretch a little more before practice. I need to work on the footwork at the end of the side piece song too."

"Why not stay late when J-Hope is there instead? He's the guy to ask."

"I'm pretty good hyung. I've been showing it to Namjoon hyung for a couple of minutes already. We don't need Hobi hyung for everything."

I had to add. "He can't stay today anyway. He's meeting his girlfriend for lunch."

The eldest in the room laughed. "Can you believe it has been that long? Dating Moonbyul noona after you-"

I stopped him. "I know, don't care. Noona's my friend and they're nice together. Same group, does it matter?"

Tae frowned. "Why are you getting defensive? It's the past."

Right. It was. I brushed it off and started practicing when we were all here.
"JK, where are you going?" Jin hyung asked.

He answered by the door. "We said 15 minutes. I'm taking a walk."
"Where your friend at?" Jimin asked.

"She's shipping some orders she got last night." I answered.

Hobi hyung frowned. "Didn't bring her to practice? Yangchi's here, Tae's friends too."

"She didn't want to bother us while we worked or annoy anyone."

"She knows her place then. She respects your schedule." Yoongi scoffed.

The eldest glared at him. "Be nice." He turned to me. "Text her. If she can make it here before the end of practice, it'd be nice to see her again."

Mina's POV
I jumped when the door opened. "Sorry! Sorry! Just me. It's just me."

"Dear God Jungkook oppa, don't do this to me! What are you doing here?"

He grinned. "Watching you practice. What else? And get a tiny hug before hyung beats my butt for doing so."

He did hug me. Short and sweet. "Fine, you can sit and watch a little. Only Namjoon saw this. Don't tell anyone."

I played the song and did my choreography. He clapped at the end. "It's nice! He's not the only one who saw tho. He sent it to Moonbyul noona and Hobi hyung."

No way. "He's hiding stuff from me. I only posted the other dance online."

"I share stuff worth sharing." A lower and soft voice said. "We're about to start Kook, you should come back."

The youngest singer waved at me. "Bye, Mina. See you soon."

I did the same. "Bye~" An arm wrapped around my waist. "Don't tell me you're jealous of that."

He shook his head and smiled. "Nah. I won. I have the girl don't I?" He saw my face. "I'm messing with you! But really, the guys said you could come over if you wanted."

I denied. "Tell me when it ends, I'll wait by the door."

"I promise you'll see one while you're here." He let my waist go. "We finish at 1pm."

I nodded. "I'll be there."

Namjoon's POV
"Great practice guys! See you in two days for another." Hobi hyung called it off. He moved his head up. "The lady is here, Mister."

She was leaning on the wall by the window. Purple biker shorts and white T-shirt on... Texting. They all acknowledged her, which made me happy. "Thanks hyung! Have a good date with noona." I grabbed my stuff and jogged out. "You look so unbothered there."

She closed her phone and turned around. "Mayyybe I am?" We waited until all the guys were well in front of us and I grabbed her hand. She put her mask. "I'm ready for lunch now!"

I did so too. "Did you have a nice practice?"

She nodded. "I recorded a couple of rounds."

I couldn't wait to see that. "Did you start any new ones?"

Her smile was so cocky. "I have. Two are from your group."

"Tell me! Tell me!"

She kept her mouth shut about it. "Secret until they're done."

I guided her into a restaurant near my place and helped her take a seat.  "I've been thinking about something."

She frowned, curious. "What is it? New songs?"

"The opposite, actually! The remastering thing. I'm thinking about it." I said honestly.

Her interest was tickled. "Really? Just put favorites of yours into an album or?.."

I elaborated. "No, I want to rerecord them. Same song, but maybe not sounding exactly the same. Maybe add video clips."

She silently clapped her hands. "That sounds awesome!"

After a while, the subject went elsewhere. "Did you check what I told you about?"

"The English thing? Yeah! There's a private college for adults to take classes. I did TEFL back home, but since I don't have the certification, I can't do it with kids. I never thought you'd have a job like I used to here."

I rested my hand on hers. "So, if ever you want to stay for longer times than you can without a visa, you can do classes there, maybe?"

She looked at me sweetly. "I'll check that out, but I think just being able to do my art here is helping quite a bit."

I was glad about that! "I sent your clip to Moonbyul noona by the way. I hope it's okay."

She grinned. "I was wondering when you'd explain why."

I scratched my nape. "She's a great dancer too! I was showing her how your popping got so much better. It gave her an idea. I don't know what it is tho! You'll know when you see her."

"The jacket?" She mumbled.

"What?" I didn't catch that very well.

"Nothing! Nothing."

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