Chapter 10

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Mina's POV
Okay, I have my wallet, my phone, my list... I should be good to go! Back to Myeongdong. I was already feeling nostalgic already. It was my last day. Tomorrow morning, I'd be in the shuttle for the airport. Ear buds in, I listened to my playlist.
I arrived first. I leaned against the concrete wall of the subway. A thing I always did was micro-dance when I had music in my ears. If it had a dance to it, I'd do it really small. To many, I looked like a freak. To me, it was fun and soothing in a way.
"Is the Illella from Mamamoo?" One of the people who never called me odd said.

I put my ear buds in my bag and smiled. "How did you guess that?"

He mimicked me. "You had your fingers in your face like this. What else could it be?"

I laughed. "Fair enough!" I took the paper out of my bag. "That's for you." He didn't read it. "Not even a glance?"

He put it away. "I'm spending time with you, not the paper. We'll have plenty of time to talk about that by text or FaceTime."

"You'll still talk to me after this? For real?"

Namjoon's POV
Of course I would! "I did say it'd be great for us to see eachother again when you get back this spring. I want to keep talking with you even when you're back in Canada. I don't remember the timezone difference, but I'm sure we can video call a couple of times and answer texts when we can at random." He turned to me. "If that's okay with you, of course!"

Maybe she didn't want to. Maybe Suga hyung was right and it was a one trip thing? Don't look disappointed. She didn't answer, yet. "I'd very much love that." She did? She did! "We're doing that friendship thing for real. I wasn't sure if you wanted to, but I'm happy you do." Her smile was so sweet. "So, friend. How about we talk about how you think the Truth is something you think you can reach."

Well, yes! "The sky is blue, it's a truth."

A frown. "Is it though? It appears blue. It's not of a particular colour. You studied physics. You should know this."

She right, I should! I took out my phone. "Sunlight reaches Earth's atmosphere and is scattered in all directions by all the gases and particles in the air. Blue light is scattered more than the other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. Thank you Google. So, it's not blue. But this is the truth then?"

Another shrug. "For now. We believed the Earth was flat. Now, we know it as round, yet some of us know it's actually more oval than round." My silence made her chuckle. I was fascinated. "What we know as facts change sometimes daily. Take kids for example. One day the fact is their favorite colour is red, next day it's blue, next day it's green. During those days, the colour changed, but the fact is it was his favorite on that particular day. We can get closer to the truth, but never reach it. Everything is subjective really. The sky is blue? Not to someone who is visually impaired. The Earth is round? Not if that person over there thinks the opposite. Everything is based in opinion. That's why conversations are important."

Brilliant she was. I jumped in. "Dialogue, huh? That's the answer to everything. Hear eachother out, present evidence of our point of view in a civil manner to the other. If not properly brought, it's tinted with calls to authority or derogatory comments. A conclusion can't be reached." She nodded. "You can't assume you're right from the start either. You have to assume some parts are right, some not. Same with the person you are talking to. The point is to understand the other and make a new idea made of both our parts. It might be more of yours than theirs, but you agree on this new belief. It's still an opinion, but closer to the truth since you're not the only one believing in it."

"Yeah. That's why facts are what the majority of people know or think."

I looked down at her as she searched for her size in a shirt. "I like our conversations. They're different."

She glanced up, clearly happy. "Me too."

I helped her. "Which are you looking for?"

"Hmm.. last time I was here, a L in the women section fit. I forget your sizes are smaller sometimes."

I looked and looked... "Here! Is it the right colour?"

An assured nod. "Yep! That's it. There's a cardigan over there that I want too. After that, we can go to the book store a few shops away."

I pulled the shirt away when she went to take it from my hands. "Hey, your hands are full. Let me at least hold this one."

I made sure she couldn't argue with me. "Fine, let's go. Thanks.

My pleasure.

Mina's POV
Book paradise! So many! They had an English section, thank goodness, but wow. I was looking for a specific author. "It's not in the English section.. it said it was available on the website.."

I showed him. "Available, yes." He pointed at the other word. "That means online. It's an electronic version."

Me and my okay Korean. "That's what it means! Damn... I really wanted it. I can't have it on Amazon back home."

"If I find a copy, I can send it to you." He proposed.

I think I had stars in my eyes. "You'd do that? It'd be awesome!" I got another book and we left the store.
After a late lunch, it was time for goodbyes. I looked up to him. "Thank you so much, for everything really. It was crazier than it would've been if I didn't stumble apon you."

Namjoon's POV
I very much felt the same. "You did make my first two weeks back to normal interesting. Thanks for being a friend."

She was getting emotional. I could see her eyes shine brighter. "I'll come back when I can. I might go see Busan a little next time too."

I hugged her to me. "Don't cry. It's not a goodbye forever. It's a see you next time thing."

She stayed in the hug. "I'll text you soon."

We pulled away. "Text me when you get at the airport and when you get home okay? Just to be safe?"

It made her laugh. "You sound like my friends and my mom."

"It's the minimum! Come on, you have bags to do. Have a good flight, okay?"

She nodded. "Bye, Namjoon oppa."

"Bye, Mina."

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