Chapter 1

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Mina's POV
"What do you think this one means?" He asked me. We moved on to English for the next few moments in the museum.

It was a completely black canvas, except for a circle on the bottom right. "Well, I think the circle not being in the middle is to not be so obvious, harder to find. We have to be aware to see it. Though.. if I go from life experience, when we see dark, it's easy to be overwhelmed and swallowed by it instead of diving into the little joys of life. However, once you have dived, you can enjoy the colours of life." I looked at the other painting. " The other is the opposite, but the dark circle at the center. I believe it expresses how easy it is to dive back into darkness. A good metaphor for depression and anxiety." I turned to him. "What do you think?" His eyes were wide. "What?"

"You're smart." He said bluntly. "I was gonna say something similar for the first painting. I didn't get to the second one yet."

I was flattered. "Well, thank you."
He stayed silent for a moment. "Namjoon, are you alright? Want me to continue the visit on my own?"

Namjoon's POV
She proposed that? Why would I not want her company? "Actually, would you mind us talking even after the museum?"

She gave me a confused expression. "Like... Today?"

Was she dense or just very caring? "Like, maybe becoming friends? Or do some activities together while you're in Seoul? If you'd like that."

Her eyes went wide. "You're asking me?"

"I mean, you're very kind and smart and I think we're getting along well. You seem like a nice person to befriend." I answered honestly.

She glanced down for a moment, then nodded. "I'd love that. I can give you my kakao talk ID if you want to add me?"

I grinned so hard. "Sure! You have kakao, but not what we use for getting around. You're something." She showed me her ID. "Forensic artist? What does forensic mean?"

She took her phone back seeing the notification coming through. "And, added. Forensic? Maybe that's a subject for another time? We've been here for hours. Wouldn't want to cause problems."

Right. Fan sites, she's caring about these for me? I hesitated. "You're probably right, huh.. Can I text you later to fix another time to meet or just text?"

She seemed glad. "I'll be waiting for that text then."

"Oh, wait! What honorifics should I use with you?" I asked after a couple of steps.

She turned around. "I don't know! We don't know eachother a lot, ssi seems too formal, maybe yang?"

She knew about yang? "A little formal don't you think?"

She shrugged. "I call you ssi? Nim?"

I thought for a second. "We're artists. You're younger than me.. You can call me sunbae until we make it to friends?"

She laughed. "Alright then, see you soon Namjoon sunbaenim."

I saw her walk into the distance, her hair swaying away. I made a friend today! And I don't even know her full face..
Forensic artist.. maybe she uses the handle on her social media. I went to Instagram first and I was right. It was full of short dance pieces, some competition footage, some behind the scenes of clips. She was pretty good! There was also Forensics_&_glitter that had her name on it. It was full of resin pieces, of jewelry, and paintings of beaches. Her earrings were gorgeous. So, the jewelry she wore was some she made. There were posts of her earrings made for artists in... Trois-Rivières and Laval, Québec? She did tell me she was Canadian. Maybe we could talk about that over coffee? I stopped myself from searching what forensics meant. I was dying of curiosity. I wonder what else we could talk about. Did she know my full career? Would she be interested in that? That's what hanging out is about no? I forgot how friends were made. We didn't even take a picture together. We took some of eachother. I have a dinner with my hyungs in an hour. I should get ready.

Mina's POV
I sipped on my coffee back in Hongdae. I couldn't believe it still. I spent my morning with him? He was so nice. Hopefully, he still wants to talk to me. I posted the pictures he took on my personal Instagram. They were so pretty. I wonder how he feels back from the military. Maybe his art style change, it surely had to have changed him. I got a text.

Hey, it's Namjoon. I was wondering if you had plans the day after tomorrow?

Hey! I thought of hicking or walking around someplace green and calm? Maybe draw? But I have nothing in mind precisely. Did you have something in mind?

I know a couple of nice places like this around the city. We could spend some time at one of them if you'd like?

I smiled before replying.
I'd appreciate it very much. Where do we meet up? Do I need to bring something?

Other than the essentials, maybe something to sit on? If want to sit on the grass and not dirty your vest or pants?

Tell me the meeting spot and the time, I'll be there.

He did text it to me. I'd see him again.

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