Chapter 91

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Namjoon's POV
She gathered her things with the others as I did so with my band. "Wellll, I see someone was invested in the dance today~"

"What do you mean, Kook? It's our job. Of course, I'm invested."

Hobi hyung laughed. "You didn't see yourself, did you? Your facial expressions were flawless. It's our first time truly interacting with dancers and you just pull it off so effortlessly."

Jungkook messed with my hair. "He had the right person in front of him~"

I wooshed him away. "Stop teasing me, will you? She made it easy. What can I say?" I watched her giving them a little pep talk. It ended in high-fives and a group hug. It was pretty sweet to see.

She got out for a minute, making sure they made their way out safely before coming back. "I hope we did a good job with you guys today."

Kookie grinned. "Good job? It went very smoothly, Min. There was no awkwardness at all either."

"Thank goodness." She seemed glad. "It was our first time working together and it was the first professional dance job for two of them so I wanted to make sure it went as usual for you."

"Felt normal, except our leader being better than usual." Yoongi said a bit too loud.

She grinned, still in her heels. "I noticed that. I don't know what he ate today, but he showed up for it didn't he?" Ah.. my clueless artist.

"You're the thing making me better today." I made it obvious for her. "I don't think I would have been the boldest if you weren't my dance partner."

Mina's POV
Really? "Come on.. You're so expressive! You didn't need me."

Tae happily gave me his phone. "Look at our last take."

I did and damn.. his hand was closer to my hip than my waist. His eyes following mine, our noses millimeters from brushing against eachother. I didn't even notice that my left hand was by his neck, my right on her waist, while his left was caressing my hair. It was.. intense. I couldn't think of any other word. "That's us? No way."

Kookie oppa pointed at my hair on the clip. "Two toned brown hair? It's you." He grinned like crazy. "We're gonna have to make the gradient more linear with each of us at a different level because we can't tone you down, it's way too good."

Hobi agreed. "You're right. We'll see that with them tomorrow afternoon."
"You still have a smirk on your face."

He searched for his keys. "Why would I not?" He opened the door. "Our performances will be amazing."

I did my work right then. "You seven are always amazing. I don't see why you'd doubt yourself."

He cornered me in the kitchen. "Think I would've agreed to duets if you were not my other half? It's far from my style."

That was true, but didn't they come up with the concept. "Who suggested it?"

Why was I not surprised? "Jungkook and Hobi hyung."

"What's with that smile if yours? Stop that." It was quite attractive.

It only grew wider. "Don't plan on it." I got more than the sweetest of kisses that night. He was right, the cushioned bed board was useful.
"Soooo, we're filming Saturday! Good news is that I have your costumes!" Hyejin happily said pushing boxes to the center of the room.

There were six. One for each of us. "A box? How many outfits did you get us each?"

She laughed. "Three? Open them!"

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