Chapter 6

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Mina's POV
"You said WHAT?" I had to clean my ears. Surely I was hearing wrong.

"You and me, my place with takeout and drinks? We can play games and do karaoke and you can laugh at how bad I without a choreography." He repeated.

I understood right. "Tomorrow?" I paused. "Your place? Really?"

He seemed unbothered and proud of his idea. "Yeah! I get the food and you get the drinks?"

He wasn't joking at all. "You're fine with the idea of me being in your home?"

A short silence. "I'm sure. I'll get you at the subway station to get there. Safer that way."

"Wouldn't want to give out your address." I choked in my laugh.

He laughed as well. "Can't say you didn't expect it, huh?"

True. I would've proposed it. "Of course, I did. Safe choice. What's the dress code?"

Namjoon's POV
Dress code? "I don't know. Potato sack? Just dress comfortable. You do know what that is do you?"

"Don't dress like Taehyung-ssi, dress like Jungkook-ssi?" She chuckled.

She was messing with me! "You know what? You're kind of right. Tae does overdress often and Kookie wears the sames things all the time. Usually a T-shirt with jeans or joggers."

She hummed. "Simple man, huh. You taught him how to dress then?"

Another joke? " Is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Text me the station, I'll bring the soju. See you tomorrow ~" She hung up.

Was it a bad thing or not?

Mina dongsaeng:
Oh, btw.. It's a good thing, haha. Take care.

I read her text. That girl, I swear.
Surely hoped so! You too, Mina.
So... The house is clean, kitchen too. My TV is good to watch or play anything... We'll order later... I have slippers for her. I think that's it. I checked my watch. Should get going not to keep her waiting.

As always she was there, nose on her phone or scanning the place around. This time, she let me greet her with a quick hug. "See? I have lots to drink!"

She was right about that. "How many bottles are in there?"

She shrugged and counted. "I don't know.. How many flavors of soju do convenience stores have on average?"

I had to laugh. "6 to 10? You have 8 bottles!"

"What? I got 3 normal ones! Im case I don't like the others." She grinned through her mask as we walked.

"You like soju? Have to say I'm surprised."

Her hand went in her bag. "I got you beer too. I don't drink them much, but I can try."

She was so sweet. "Thanks!" I stopped by the door of a complex. "We're getting in here."

Mina's POV
No way... I looked around in awe. "What floor?"

He pressed the elevator floor button. "Pretty high." The 18th floor. "Scared of heights?"

I was terrified of heights. "As long as I don't stand on the edge of a balcony, I'm alright."

He took out his keys as we got out of the elevator. "I have a corner unit, so I have really big windows." We stopped and he opened the door. "After you."
I couldn't close my mouth. Everything was crisp white, except the appliances and the couch on first view. It was huge.. His chuckle brought me back on Earth. "Impressive?"

I never saw an apartment this big. "Taking the words out of my mouth."

"Know what's impressive?" A pause. "My book collection."

Oh! Books! "Show me! Show me!"
He indeed had a lot of books. From political to philosophical to fantasy. You would not get bored. "It's insane... I wish I had this many!"

Namjoon's POV
I had never seen a friend of mine obsessed with my collection. She looked like Belle in the Beast's library. I smiled fondly at her. I didn't have to look down too much. "What type of reader are you? Got a favorite book?"

She turned to me. "I don't think you have them. I like Kelly Armstrong as an author. She writes supernatural series that are in the same universe, so they end up meeting. It's all related to a pharmaceutical company somehow! Other than her, my favorite book is L'Étranger."

Albert Camus? "Never thought you'd be an existentialism current fanatic."

She shrugged and made a face. "Right? I don't know why, but his lack of guilt and his going through the motions is fascinating and reassuring."

I needed to hear more. "How can that be reassuring? The guy didn't care about the girl who loved him and he didn't care he killed a man."

A laugh. "I believe it's more a love me or not, stay or not, it is your choice. Tell me with words and I'll act rationally. May I remind you that he didn't shoot on purpose, but his belief is to assume everything he does and is fully rational. He lived by it till he died."

But. "He didn't care his mom died."

Now that was interesting. "Did he? First page, he only states the obvious, the facts. He never talks about how he feels."

"No way! I have to check that. I'm sure I have it somewhere." I scanned my shelves. "It's in English tho."

She recited. "Aujourd'hui, ma mère est morte. Means Today, my mother died. They're the first lines."

She knew that by heart? "How many times did you read that thing?"

She chuckled. "Maybe 10 times now? I stopped counting at 7."

Well, found someone to chat books with. That was nice.

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