Chapter 72

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Mina's POV
"You're sure you want to do this?"

"Yeah! I didn't say yes for nothing."
Oh, dear. Even family events were painful for me when I was single, they were even more now that I had a thicker skin. It was their fun to mess with the young ones' significant others. I was the one they joked about the most as a child. I wasn't pretty or attractive.. I passed over most of why they made fun of me before, but all that to mean that dating a celebrity, one I've respected for years nonetheless was something insane to them.

If he was fine with it. It was good with me. "Let's get my new car and we're good to go!"
I got a dark purple electric Tucson. I had the colour custom made so it was a bit more expensive, but gosh was it beautiful! With my new jewel, I was ready to go to my uncle's house. We entered by the yard, dessert in hand, Mushu running into the enclosed yard. "Hi! We're here!"

My uncle Sylvain, Syl for short, joked. "Since when are you the last one here? Landing interviews on national TV doesn't give you an excuse."

A fake laugh on my part. "Ha. Ha. Very funny. Be nice a little."

He shrugged. "Why? Because you're bringing a man? You haven't brought one since Jeremy 4 years ago. I'm not gonna go easy. He doesn't understand French anyway." He wasn't rude. He was being playful. If you didn't know him, you'd punch him.

My boyfriend bowed and shook his hand. "Hi, I'm Namjoon. It's nice to meet you."

Syl smiled. "Nice to meet you. Take a seat. Plenty of space in the yard."

When we approached, the place grew quiet. I held Joonie's hand tighter. "Let's do this.."

Namjoon's POV
She seemed more terrified of this, than to do a freestyle on stage. We greeted everyone properly. Her uncle was right. I couldn't speak French, but I understood some. I took little classes on an app to learn a little more. Mina's smile was so forced. How could no one notice? "How did you like the show?"

"P!NK isn't my type of singer." Her grandma frankly said. "It was good tho."

Her cousin saved it. "Your performance was great Mina! Right grandma?"

"Yeah, it was nice. How did you manage to get a call for this?" Grandma asked.

My girlfriend gave me the opportunity to answer. "After seeing the clip of mine that she was in, she looked at her dance page and found her interesting. She wanted half the crew to be from here, so she got the call."

"How did you two meet?" Alex asked doing the same curious face Mina did. No wonder people thought they were sisters.

We could be honest. "She asked me for directions to a museum."

The dancer scratched her nape. "Old map. He liked that museum and decided to look at paintings with me."

While Alex found it sweet, her grandmother was of another opinion. "How did you end up liking dance and art and doing unstable income, yet succeed. I don't get it."

Her granddaughter's chuckle was one of nervousness. "Because I worked for it? It wasn't a walk in the park. I put countless hours into this."

I added to it. "She has! You should've seen her with Mamamoo and on my set. She put so much effort into her work. She's remarkable."

"What do you find in her?" Gosh. Her grandma never stopped.

"She's smart. She's kind, funny, a bit sassy and she's pretty." I simply answered. "Need I say more?"

She surprisingly seemed pleased. Mina got up. "Want something to drink?"

They all said what they wanted. I stood up with her. "I'll help you with those." Getting inside, we spoke more freely. "Your grandmother is pretty..cold?"

She laughed. "Yeah, I noticed." Then a sigh. "She's not the worst. My uncles are." No wonder she skipped these. "It's a reflection of how they feel about themselves. They make famous jokes and mock my new car while they mocked my old one before. It never stops really. They wish to have my life. I don't blame them. It seems all sunshine and rainbows. They even downplayed the threats I got." My eyes went wide. "I'm used to it."

I helped her with the drinks. "Mina, you're already tensed and annoyed. We're not staying for dinner. Give me 30 min and I'll find an excuse." My band would be my best excuse. All the fault on me.

Mina's POV
I couldn't believe he did this. I drove off, Mushu in the back seat. "They weren't even mad! That's a first."
He gave me a worried look. "What?"

"You lived that every time you had a family meeting?"

I nodded. "Pretty much. Right now, it was going pretty well."

"That was pretty well? Why do you still talk to them?"

I shrugged. "They're family. I see my friends more, but I show up for birthdays, Christmas and the occasional pool afternoon. I never see them altogether. It's chaos waiting to happen. They say something I interpret wrong or my tone is f*cked. I don't take the chance anymore."

He put his hand on my thigh. "Well, now you have another family in South Korea too! You can come stay at my place as much as you'd like. If I pay, I promise it'll be more reasonable."

I laughed. "I surely hope so." Those seats weren't cheap. "I don't plan on you paying too much or at all. My next performance check is going towards my next trip. I need to buy a fancy dress."

He frowned. "I told you to leave that to me. The stylists have your measurements. They'll figure something out with the themes and different places."

"What? Places? Not just one?"

His chuckle answered everything. Oh, dear.

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