Chapter 95

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Namjoon's POV
The best part of that interview, to me, was everything not work/friends related. "I saw that you've been posting more and more pictures with these beaded earrings." The MC pointed at the ones Miny was wearing. "Is there a reason? Will you start selling these?"

"I will! But the sales will go to a charity for the Indigenous people of my country." She touched them. "I found a sense of self with their community and I slowly became part of it. Some sweet ladies introduced me to the art of it, the colour choices and meanings. I can't do otherwise than to support them."

I was something we had thoroughly discussed when I was at hers. She wasn't sure if they'd accept her with heritage that was slightly distant, but she reached out and they were happy to meet. She did have to go up a 7 hour drive up north, but it was so worth it. "What made you seek their kindness and community? Are you related to them?"

"The Anishinaabe community is where my great grandmother and my great grandfather's mother are from. However, with the history of assimilation by the French Canadian population, the women of my family had to leave it behind. I was glad they accepted me for the few times I went. I didn't get to participate in big events, I still have a lot to learn, but it opened my eyes to my identity."

"Talking about identity. You do open up on your socials about your mental health and ally ship with the LGBTQ+ community. Why is that so important for you to speak about those things and attend events in support of these?"

Jessi had done her research and read my cue points. That, to me, was what made Mina amazing, interesting, human and lovable. "I believe that our mind is the most important thing to know about and protect, so whether it is to know that you have or are ADHD, ASD, CPTSD, bipolar, anxious, depressed.. Learning how to live with it, understand it or work to get better is a fundamental need we have as individuals and as a society. Same with the Queer community. Being part of it myself, having an open mind on different gender identities and sexual orientations brings us closer as people. Even if not understand, at least accept that people don't fit in the same exact cookie cutter mold. There are multiple music genres and styles in those same genres. Why would people not follow this pattern? Art is versatile, why not individuals?"

"You're right about that, girl." My ex was drinking her words. "You really are smart."
They even did the dance for NUNU NANA. It was funny, until the singer handed her a microphone. "For fun~ Come on!"

The fox-eyed woman turned into her usual doe-eyed one. She paused, but did take it. "Okay? What song of yours?"

Obviously. "Zoom." She was shy at first, but did sing a few parts with her which I didn't think my girlfriend would do. They closed on that.

I closed my computer seeing the interviewe herself, out of her morning shower. "I did good right?"

I don't think she expected me to pick her up and spin her around. "Beautifully! You were adorably charming. I liked the tiny shy choreography as you were singing and you couldn't keep a straight face when she made eye-contact with you during it."

Her smile was gorgeous. "How could I not? Did you see how she looked at me?" She did give her some sultry and flirty looks. "She was messing with me!"

Of course, she did! "Ready to mess with me for four days straight?"

Shooting started in a few hours. "Bring it on!"

Mina's POV
I liked the outfits. "We all have the same type of suit? Boys and girls? How sweet!" The wide legged dress pants were very welcomed if you asked me. There were so many sous-ensembles to film and I was in 4/7 of them. They included, but weren't limited to solo takes for Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung; duos for JK and Jimin, Yoongi and Hobi; as well as the whole group ensembles. The outfits were a colourful suit, a monochrome suit, a light modern hanbok and a dark modern hanbok. It was beautiful and pretty exposed if we talked about the last two. It'd be quite different.

The choreography wasn't sexual or leaning heavily towards it, but it was sometimes implied as powerful and charming. The dance resembled a mix of Idol and Blood, sweat & tears? High energy, but when the beat dropped it was inclined towards the line between playful and sensual. The choreographer's choice were peculiar and innovative nonetheless.

Today was suits one day. It was a lot to fit in a day. At least, the way it was built, it was a sandwich of group, solo, duet, solo, group takes. It made it easier to give it our all without looking tired or sweaty. During a solo part of another member, the guys chatted with the dancers, so I had a small talk as well. I felt a chin on my head. "Working good, Mimi?"

"Yeah!" I laughed sipping on my water bottle. "I think our interactions during our subunits were better than during practice, don't you think?"

He agreed. "Speaking with your troops during practice did help create chemistry for those to not be awkward with them either." A pause. "I think you like me more too!"

That was the funniest thing I had heard all day. "What do you mean? I never disliked you in the first place! Your playfulness did grow on me, though."

"See! Told you so!"

RM, as he was being called by the dancers and production team, jogged over. "Tae! Your turn with Hobi hyung, JK and Jimin."

He gave me a boxy smile. "See you later! Love the hair!"

It wasn't my new haircut, it was purple washable dye. We all had a different hair colour that complimented the suits without being their actual colour. My suit was royal blue like my partner's. He sat next to me. "Not finding the day too long?"

"Are you kidding? It's already 7pm. We've been at this since 10am and I'm good for another few hours, trust me! I'm fully awake. It's our group duets soon before we do the  big opening and closing shots. It's over soon."

A low chuckle. "You call another three hours soon?" A pause. "You saw the hanboks?" I nodded. "You're good with them?"

They were short, but not extremely revealing per say. Most of my top and arms were covered, just with a sheer overlay. "I've worn worst in terms of coverage. They're too pretty not to wear."

His nice dimply smile appeared. "Happy to hear that, because you'll wear it again to perform at an award show."

No way! "Good to know! Thank goodness there are safety shorts."

Tae came back to get his leader. "Hyung, time to go!"

He helped me up. "Let's hope we don't have to do too many takes of this because it's hard to stay professional."

I slapped Joonie's chest. "Don't say it like that, dirty minded man!"

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