Chapter 20

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Mina's POV
"Finally, we passed security!" My best friend said sinking into her seat in the waiting area.

"That's why we get to the airport 3 hours in advance." I answered putting my passport in my bag. "We only have 45 minutes before boarding. After that, it's Vancouver for an hour layover, then it's 14 hours of plane and we're in Seoul! Excited?"

It was an understatement. "I can't wait! Especially when we managed to get nice hotels for pretty cheap!"

A nice room in Myeongdong with two double beds was 60$/night. At 30$/person, it was almost as cheap as my room alone last time! One thing about the length of the trip though was that in economy, leg space wasn't existant. Thankfully, I managed to book us the door seats. My legs wouldn't go numb this time!
"I hope you packed entertainment, because , we have a couple of hours to kill in flight in the morning before we land."

She rose her phone up. "Got shows and music right here. What did you bring?"

I took a book out. "This. He let me borrow it. He said it'd be a great introduction to a thicker Korean book. It's my first time reading a novel in Hangul. I'm about halfway done." I had music and shows too, but that'd be my main entertainment.

"He has your address, you have his PO box, you send him stuff, he does too. Look at you!" She nudged my shoulder.

I held my necklace as we got ready to board. I took it off to clean it, but I didn't otherwise. You could see it in my last competition pictures. "We do the same thing, girl. Just, you give it by stepping into my place."

We put our carry-ons away. "I saw the brand of your necklace, Boo. It's not che-"

I interrupted her. "I don't want to know. Honestly, I REALLY don't want to know. He can spent the money of my merch contract in a weekend if he wants to. Our view of money is not the same. I'd rather not know."

She let it go. "Okay, okay!" A whisper. "It's more zeros than you think."

"Meg. Shut up and listen to music will you?"

She laughed. "Alright, I'll keep it in my head."

Why were we even friends? Oh, I know. She understands my quirkiness.

Namjoon's POV
She sent me a selfie of her and her friend. They had arrived in Seoul safely. I texted her.

Got to your hotel safely?

We did! We slept most of the way here so after we put our things away, we're gonna walk around and get something to eat.

I was glad.
Think you'd be up for sports tomorrow?

Yeah! I'll tell Meg to do something she wants that I already did and don't want to do again while I come over.

She wouldn't have to.
Bring her! You said so yourself, it's a team thing.

You're bringing friends too? Sure! That's gonna be fun. Meg is already excited to come.

See you tomorrow then Mina!

She said the same thing to me. I think she wouldn't be disappointed on the line up of friends I gathered.
"Basketball? Sure. I'm free tomorrow morning. Please tell me I'm not the only girl for once." My other lady friend said over the phone.

"Got a friend on vacation with her best friend. I promise you won't be the only girl. My friend is a dancer too. I'm sure you'll get along."

She seemed convinced. "Alright, tomorrow it is! See you then."

"See you noona."

"Basketball. You're inviting her and her friend? Isn't one stranger enough?" I turned around to see my pessimistic hyung.

"What now? I can't hang out with multiple friends if she's there?"

He got inches close to me. "You're bringing Jungkook into this. Wasn't Hoseok enough?"

I stepped back. "We're just having a civil conversation hyung. Kookie proposed himself, just like Hobi hyung did. I never forced anyone. I asked a female friend to join us to have equal teams with another friend of mine."

"Idol or not." He waited, arms crossed.

Really? I was getting angry. "Why does it matter with you? I called her because I thought they'd get along."

"She's an Idol, huh? Stop introducing her to known people! What if she's using you for your connections? She's talented. Connecting with people who have money and links is exactly what she needs to grow." He argued.

She already could live from her art. My post boosted her sales in January and February, but not by thousands of orders. "Mina does well without a push. Can you think for a second that someone might actually like me for me for once!" My hands balled into fists. "I'm lonely. All I do is work. All I am is composing, producing and rapping. For ONCE in my life, I'm a guy that likes nature, science, philosophy and books. For ONCE I'm just Namjoon. I'm not the only one with an interesting life. She doesn't have a typical 9 to 5. No days are alike. She makes me forget I'm worldwide know for an instant.. Even when we talk about my work." My cheek got wet. "Don't you want that for me hyung? I'm 31 and all I have is you guys and a few friends I barely see and have trouble keeping. Let me make mistakes. Let me do different things. Let me have this without always criticizing me at every turn."

His eyes went wide. "Namjoon, look. I'm not trying to upset you."

I knew he meant well, but I couldn't understand why he was so aggressively against it.
"Well, you succeeded." I opened the door. "Please leave my home.. I'll see you tomorrow evening for practice."

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