Chapter 30

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Namjoon's POV

Hey, I'm home.

How are you? I know you are busy..

Moonbyul eonni told me you and Suga-ssi argue a lot. I hope you're doing okay with that. If you need to talk, I'm here.

She and I are working on some jewelry for a clip. Isn't that nice? She said I could post our practice and tag them too.

Namjoon? It's been two weeks.. Just text me so I know you're alive. I'm worried. I want to hear from you.
Oh dear.. What had I done? I had to fix this.
I video called her right away. She answered on the third ring. "Look who's giving a sign of life."

Oh. She was pissed. Her arms were crossed, frown on, her eyes threw daggers at me. "Miny.. I'm sorry, I-"

And it exploded. "Don't MINY me. I understand being busy. I don't expect much, but dear God. A text in two weeks would do the trick. I heard of you from Moonbyul and Jungkook. Jungkook! I think I deserve somewhat of an explanation. Don't you think?"

She was right. She did. She was also right about being scary when she was angry. She had authority, that was.. Don't say it. "I do. I do.. I'm sorry. I was so upset with Suga hyung, I've been locked up home or in my studio as much as I could. I miss you and I throw myself into work when I'm upset. It's not a good reason. I'd be angry if you did the same to me." I sent her files to the address I got from Moonbyul. "I was working on important non work stuff too. You're very dear to me and I wanted to do you justice and to protect you."

She seemed to ease down. "Protect me from what?"

"People saw us, I tried to make it die down. It kind of did, but it reached the ears of a Korean media outlet. I said we were just friends having a good time and I held your hand only because you had tripped moments before the picture."

She put hair behind her ear. "Not false.. so, you've been defending me?"

I nodded. "Of course! We defended Meg too. We're friends aren't we?"

She looked at her e-mails. "Did you send me something?" She clicked on it. Her eyes went wide. She was so choked she couldn't speak Korean. "Namjoon. I can't. It's too much."

Now I was proud of myself. "You can bring your dog. It's gonna be nice out. You can bring or buy supplies for your work here. What do you think?" She was speechless, eyes watery. "And no paying for a hotel. You can stay at my place. It's pet friendly."

Now she was crying. "I can't repay you. I can't thank you enough.." She was not ready for the tickets I got her.

"Just get your food and your dog's stuff. Everything else is taken care of. I can move the dates if anything changes." I informed her.

She brushed her tears away. "That's why you argued didn't you?"

Who was she? Sherlock Holmes? "That easy to know, huh? Yeah, but I don't care what he thinks. I'll keep fighting him on that." I paused. "You have no idea how mad I am that I couldn't hug you goodbye."

She looked at the tickets. "See you in.. 6 weeks? Missing me that much?"

I had to be honest. "I do! I made sure everything was covered. Not costing you a thing except food or activities and supplies."

I made a woman happy today. Maybe, I could call her mine? If she wanted to! I'd have to ask. Namjoon. You're such a dork. No wonder you've been single since 2020.

We talked for hours, clearly it compensated the time we didn't do so in the past two weeks. "You're getting more orders?"

She nodded. "Yeah! Like about half more than before. Most from Korea, some from all around the world now! I had to adjust my prices because shipping is expensive."

Wow.. "The post had that much impact?"

She shrugged. "Seems like it! I'm very thankful for it. I'm working a lot right now, but I shipped all of my spring collection. I have normal orders and a couple custom ones. I even had a couple for weddings! Make all the same pairs custom for bridal parties. It's fun! Also, I think you'll like something I'm releasing soon."

I would? "What is it? Your summer collection?"

"Yeeeees, but no." A pause for suspense. She chuckled. "I made a dance to Seoul."

My jaw dropped. "No way! When can I see that?"

"I was planning on releasing the clip next month. I can show you in 2 weeks." She had to add. "Tomorrow is my last competition of the year."

Oh my goodness! I DIDN'T MISS IT. "I can't wait to hear from that! Call me after the awards okay?"

She promised she would, and the day came.
It was in the middle of the night for me. I didn't care. However, she wasn't back stage. "Are you on the stage?"

She nodded and texted me the awards began for her alternative piece. She got second for the contemporary one, first for the hiphop one and was waiting for the one she worked on with my hyung. "3rd place, Lenny Langevin." A pause for applause. "2nd place, Emilie Zolika." Didn't she place at all? "1st place, The Forensic Artist." She put her phone in her pocket hiding me and went for her trophy. When she got her phone back to her face, she was in tears. I was so proud of her. She told me if I went on their page, I could see a glimpse in their stories and I, in fact, could. It was from her popping part. I think Hobi hyung would be proud. I'd call it perfect. Big mouvements and well isolated! I was proud to call her a friend. I wished she could dance here. I could see her more often, but Moonbyul was working on that. A work visa can make you stay longer, can it?

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