Chapter 116

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Mina's POV
He was right, Sabrina loved all my articles. "Maybe I'll be able to write more opinion and research pieces.."

In my room, a voice rang by the door. "Why are you doubting that? Slowly moving into that direction is a great idea." He saw me pack my dance bag. "Practicing for tonight?"

I nodded. "Yeah, Hyejin eonni needs us for a stage practice for placements. We didn't do that one yet."

"You haven't? What song is it?"

Should I tell? I didn't want to ruin the surprise, but the choreography would not be to his taste.. Not that it should matter. It's my job, but you know.. it was more than what I had done before without him. "It's Chili."
Error 404, page not found. His stare was blank. "Do you have an issue with it?"

"I know what the MV looks like."

"Annnd?" I zipper my bag. "It's one time and I like that song."

"Well.." He covered his mouth with his hand, cheek creasing inwards.. He was biting it inwards. "We never danced like that before."

"Namjoon. If you have a problem with everything we haven't done together, it's gonna be an issue." How tone deaf was I?

"Do you even realize what you're dancing to? With whom? What that choreography looks like?" His tone rose. "Can't you understand how it makes me feel?"

"No! No, I can't Joonie. Not unless it's blatantly obvious like you're being right now." His eyes went wide. "To me, I'm dancing with and for a friend. I'm doing more sensual dances that I love, but am not used to. If you did like I rarely do and read between the lines of the song and dance, you'd understand it's not fanservice." I didn't yell, I knew my tone was stern enough to not need volume to rise. "I'm sorry if it upsets you, I am, but I can't fix it tonight. I'm doing that performance. Next time I might be more mindful, but is the dance the issue or the person I'm doing it with?" I picked up my things and kissed his cheek. "I'll see you this afternoon before the awards, okay?" I got out and picked up Meg on my way to PNation.
"You look like death crossed your door." Meg frowned as we walked. "You're walking too fast for me, wait up."

I stopped. "Do you think doing this song is a problem?"

I opened the door for her. "I don't think so, but I get why he'd feel jealous. You're working with his ex and don't act like you don't know you're playing a sensual character in that story on stage. Seriously, can't you tell?"

True, but... "I do it well, no?"

She laughed. "That's the problem!"

Namjoon's POV
What? I mean, I didn't know what position she had, but if it was the worst in my mind, of course it was the dance! Namjoon, do as she said. Sure, you're upset, but think. If she did it with Solar or Wheein or even Moonbyul.. Would I mind as much? I don't think I would.. I got to the location with the guys. "Think I'm exaggerating?"

"Are you scared she'd do anything?" Yoongi asked.

Never! "Why would I? She called it dancing with a friend."

Hobi sighed. "Then what are you upset about?" He gave it a second. "Are you jealous or worried Hwasa may try to pull something unscripted on stage?"

I messed up my hair. "Maybe both. You know what that song looks like."

My second eldest hyung shrugged. "Mina showed that work is work, I think you need to work on that jealousy because it's not gonna be the last time. I get what you mean, but she's comfortable in her skills and, let's be honest, her sexuality. She's a grown woman. If you are gonna police her work, I know some guys who won't."

How could he say that? "She'd never be this shallow about it."

He seemed annoyed. "Then why are you mad about this? Shut it and enjoy their stage practice!"

I couldn't watch it. My girlfriend was proud of it. Being upset at my ex wasn't a reason to spoil it. "I'll see it tonight."

Mina's POV
I fixed my dress in her room. "Mind fixing the back? I'm having trouble." My hair got stuck.

"That's cute~" Hyejin grinned

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"That's cute~" Hyejin grinned. "You're matching with him. That's sweet! You're not even showing up together."

I saw him finish a practice performance. It was very pink. It changed from the rest of the performances tonight. I had three numbers with them. It went well when we practiced earlier, but we didn't talk at all. A small smile, but it was all. "I don't get why he's upset at me."

She shook her head

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She shook her head. "Girl, no." She pointed at her phone. "It's with me. He may not be super happy, but it's life, okay? We're gonna make that the best show ever. Even with my eonnis okay? Go! We have two hours before it's our turn."

I walked out and managed to catch him before he headed in for the official entrance. "Have a good time tonight."

He was shocked for a moment, then nodded. "I will.. You too, okay?" A quick caress on the cheek, a smile. "I'll see you later."

He didn't seem too upset or did I read it wrong?

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