Chapter 39

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Mina's POV
"I was surprised to hear a contralto. I didn't believe Namjoon when he mentioned you might be one." The eldest at the table said. "We don't here many in that range."

It felt like such a compliment coming from him. "I have no idea what it means, but thank you? I'm no singer. I don't know why he asked me to record this with him."

"What he means is that your voice is comfortable at a low range, a bit like me. Most girls have higher voices we call mezzo or sopranos. You and I can easily sing in a register that some people can't."

"Namjoon hyung is right! I can't do the notes you were doing without pushing it." The golden maknae explained. "Him and Suga hyung are baritones. I'm a tenor. They can't do my high notes without forcing it."

I didn't know the terms! I get it now. "That's why I like lower harmonies better."

Joonie looked at me, glimmer in his eyes. "I never thought I'd speak music with you here."

Suga took an other serving of japchae, he checked for approval. "Do you mind?"

I denied. "Please, eat up! I'm glad you like it." To me, someone liking my food was a great compliment. Especially that it was food they commonly ate. "Tho, I have to ask you something Yoongi-ssi."

He nodded. "Sure. What is it?"

I hope it wouldn't upset him. "Why were you so against Namjoon oppa and I being friends?"

Namjoon's POV
My hyung answered, hand to his nape. "Honestly, I've only seen him this glad to meet someone when it ended badly, they love bombed him. I wanted to protect him. He was spending money differently and spoke a lot about you. I thought you were after something. Him showing you to other Idols and offering connections so fast only enhanced my fear." He looked down and took a bite. "Especially with the tickets to fly you out. Economy wouldn't surprise me from what he's been doing and spending recently, but that was something. The recording felt like the last straw. You were his friend, he bought from you, you had connections and now you got into his work." He smiled. "However, with every behavior you've shown at the studio, at the tv show, you kept your distance, you hide your identity with him unless he doesn't mind. You don't share pictures showing yourselves and you fight back. I think that's when I understood why he did what he did. You're a decent person. You didn't deserve the name calling."

"You care about me that much hyung?"

"Of course, Joonie. You're a brother to me. I saw you through every adult friendship and relationship you've had. Your happiness matters to me." His answer touched me.

"See, hyung? I told you he'd come along!" Kookie said passing some food to the lady of the table.

She let out a sigh. "Thank you for the apologies Yoongi-ssi. I appreciate it, a lot. Hopefully you don't mind my presence here as much."

He laughed. "If it was a bother anymore, I wouldn't be here. You can call me sunbaenim if you're fine with this. It feels strange to be so formal when you call others oppa at the table."

I loved that about her. Her expression of respect was endearing to me. Her way of asking for respect, that was something I'd always remember. "I will do so then. Thank you."
Finally, they were gone. Sitting on the couch, tea in hand, cuddling. "So much for the surprise of the finished tester sample."

"That's what we recorded yesterday? Make it right? With our low voices?" She asked.

"Yeah! I only worked with sopranos and the low feminine voice brought something to the song. I wanted to mix it with some raw samples of the boys from that album to see how it held."

Good question. "Aren't Moonbyul or Hwasa eonnis contraltos?"

I denied. "Mezzo. They push themselves where your voice sits naturally. Like you can hit some higher notes if you force it, but you're not a mezzo, nor a soprano. Tae is a good example of a baritone having to do tenor notes. He goes high because the songs are not suited for his range. The raps are special in themselves so being a baritone doesn't matter as much."

She nodded, face nuzzled in my neck. "I see, that's why I like your voice then. It's soft and low." Her voice dropped lower. "I think it's very attractive if you ask me."

"What you're doing is. If you don't stop nibbling on my neck, I'll show you what else my mouth can do." I felt her grin against my skin.

"I'll believe you when you will." She'd play the game?

I couldn't wipe the smirk off my face. "Then, if I may." I pulled her on top of me. "My neck had enough. It's my lips' turn." I held her by the nape and brought her face to mine. Tongues invited themselves, not overwhelming eachother. It was deep, yet soft. I wanted her to inch closer and closer to me, to feel her skin under my fingers, to gently grab her hair as we kissed. Each act I did was received positively. Grabbing her hair made the kiss deeper, the exchange warmer.. I was getting greedy. "Mina."

She slowly pulled back, sitting on my thighs. "Was biting your lip too much? I was being playful."

My hands rested on her lower back, smiling. "I enjoy the playfulness. It's more about the fact that I'm thinking of taking layers off."

She undid the buttons of her cardigan. "It is getting warm. Let me take that off."

In the heat of everything, I forgot she took things often literally. I lifted her chin up for her eyes to meet mine. "What I mean is that I want to undress you, not just the cardigan. I want to hold you bare. I'm a greedy man, Mina." I gently pulled her vest off. "I wish to show every inch of you how much I love you."

Her fingers ran through my hair. "You mean it?"

I nodded. "Every syllable of every word."

Her smile was the most beautiful one I had ever seen on her. She got up and pulled me off the couch, guiding me elsewhere. "Then show me where there are not wide windows and where we can close the door."

I switched places with her and picked her up, legs around my waist. "Keep being a smartass and I'll gladly shut you up."

Her giggling as I dropped her on the mattress drove me crazy.

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