Chapter 28

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Mina's POV
While Meg had another fansign for a group, I went to another dance studio. I was greeted by the woman 9 years my elder. "You're here early! Come in, come in." We made it up the stairs. "I received more than a few good comments about you after your practice with Hoseok."

I was surprised. "You heard about that from Namjoon?"

She laughed and denied. "It never came up? Hobi and I have been together for a while. Since before he left for the military actually."

Woah! "You two are so secretive. I would never have known."

"Right? Most people think I'm dating Hwasa." We laughed and she opened the door to the studio. "Here's Mina, she's a friend of Hobi so be nice to her. She's my friend now too."

The one mentioned earlier greeted me. "You're the one that did a dance on our song? That was so nice! I hope you enjoy watching us today."

Solar passed by. "If we start now, we should have time to fool around a little." I took a seat and watched them. They were so talented..

Namjoon's POV
"Hyuuuuung!" I jogged to Hobi. "Look." It was a picture, Mina and I holding hands. My face was shown, but hers was hidden. She was glancing down. "What do I do?"

He shrugged, a smirk on. "You knew that'd happen. That's what you get for not having a car. I drive my girl everywhere."

Each time I heard him say my girl it gave me the ick. Date my friend, but say her name, Jesus! Besides.. "She's not my girlfriend!"

"Right, right. Space for the friendzone, but the space is getting smaller if you ask me. You hug, hold hands without noticing. I saw you in the mirror when we practiced."

Kookie popped up. "You should have seen him at the club. Dancing all close and smiling like an idiot."

Want to come at me? "And you kissed her friend what's your point?"

He frowned. "You know I do what I really want to do when I drink. I don't remember, but if I did, I'm not mad at it."

Dear God. "You're so nonchalant. I won't see her until winter. She can't pay to come till then." An idea came. "How about I remaster some songs from old albums and make a new one. They'd need MV's... I heard Canada is pretty in fall and they have good FX studios too."

A door slammed behind us. I didn't need to look to know. "Kim Namjoon. Are you out of your mind? There are pictures of you outside a club with Kookie and two girls, pictures of you with one. Did you finally decide to date artists or did you do the dumb thing I think you did?"

"Can we just play nice? We're going on air for the show in an hour. Keep the good mood." I mumbled.

"Keep the good mood? I'm so upset with you." He pointed at Jungkook. "I'll come at you in a minute young man." He went back to me. "It's clearly something they can ask us! It's not because our asses are in Korea that it isn't an American TV night show. They love gossip."

Hobi took my defense. "We just did our comeback. They're gonna talk about that. We recorded a performance for them. They're gonna ask for a tour. We're on for 2h. They do games and stuff. He'll be fine. It's just Army on X who know for now. Let it go. He can deal with it."

Mina's POV
"Want to give it a try? You know the dance." Hip? I surely did.

I placed myself on the side. Always stay behind them when they do a line, you'll be good. "Ready!"
They seemed to have had a nice time with me. They spoke together for a minute before my new friend came by me and my things. "They're gonna ask something to the manager. Want to grab lunch? It's your last day here. If your lady friend is free now, she can join us. Make your last day nice."

"Namjoon can't make it tomorrow can he?"

Her full smile turned into a half one. "No, but I promised I'd make sure you and Meganne had the best day you could."

That was so sweet of her. "I appreciate it, but if you can't, don't worry about it. I'm sure we can find something fun to do."

"I know a great shop for dance clothes. Want to go?"

She said the magic words. "Yes! Meg will meet us for lunch."

Namjoon's Pov
Like I thought, the pictures were never mentioned. Byul eonni had posted a picture on her personal Instagram. She sent me a video of their practice together. My friends got along so well. I wish hyung's opinion didn't matter to me as much. I called Mina. No answer. Text, no answer. I called again. She picked up. "Hey, Rap Monster~"

Ah.. She sounded happy. Thank goodness. "I thought you were already in the plane.."

She reassured me. "We have an hour before boarding. Everything okay?"

"I'm so sorry I couldn't make it. I would've loved to see you before you left." I admitted.

I could hear the slight disappointment. "I would've liked that too, but I told you. I don't expect anything. It's comeback season. You're on MC countdown today. Just have fun, okay? I'll see you in a video chat when we can."

I missed her already. Call me crazy, but the plan I had in mind... I'd do it.

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