Chapter 43

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Namjoon's POV
"You two look way too happy over there!" Kookie said, jogging into the basketball court.

Oh, we were. Hwasa was asked about the clip hyung's girlfriend posted that was reposted on Mamamoo's Instagram. The caption was about an special practice with a dancer friend. She had to repeat that her eonni was friends with my.. we didn't talk about the titles still so.. situationship? Anyway, she had to say we were too and her eonni's friendship with my hyung led them to seeing our dance practice. "I think she won't do it again."

Mina nodded. "I got a text from her this morning asking me if I wanted to join another practice with them."

Kookie chuckled. "I guess I don't want to know. Who else is joining us?"

Even I didn't believe he had agreed to play with us. "Our hyung."

He didn't get it. "Hobi hyung? Clearly not Jin hyung."

He showed up. "Talking about me?"

Even the lady who was more than my friend was happily surprised. Jungkook gasped. "Not fair! We'll never win!"

Mina passed him the ball. "Sunbae, catch!"

He caught it and smiled. "Not bad, kid. Not bad. 2 vs 2? She's with me? To give you a chance?"

She crossed her arms and raised a brow. "Think I'm the worst here?" She asked for the ball. "Gimme that." He did. She dribbled between the one and 3 points lines.

He laughed. "Really?"

Her cocky smile was quite unexpected and entertaining. "Watch me." She shot and it went in without hitting the board behind. He seemed pleased, nodding. "I'd like to see the dragon man try."

Why me? "You're so mean to me."

"Not what you said on your studio couch early this morning." Her comment made the guys chuckle.

I covered my mouth. "Foxy, shut up."

Kookie pat my back, enjoying the exchange a little too much. "Just shoot your shot, hyung."

I did and I hit the board, but didn't make the basket. "Happy? I suck more than her."

Yoongi hyung fistbumped her. "Canadians invented basketball, Joonie. You of all people should know that."

"So.. let me guess, I don't get the girl, do I?"

"Not this time." She picked up the ball and left a kiss on my cheek as she went by. "Ready to play?"

We were. We got beaten so fast.
"You play well together." Kook said to the eldest and the youngest.

They looked at eachother. He spoke up. "She understood what I wanted to do and we're good shots."

She smiled. "Admit it, you had fun."

He grinned. "Fine! It was fun." He checked his watch. "I need to head out, but invite me if you ever need a player."

It was nice that they seemed to get along. Kookie turned to me. "You can kiss if you want, now that he's gone."

"Why are you looking at me like that? I can kiss her when I want!"

She leaned in. "Then what are you waiting for?" What did she eat to be so playful?

"Aww come one guys! Don't make me do it!" He gently pushed our heads towards eachother. We laughed as our lips pressed together. He was a happy child. "See? Not that hard is it? You have a girlfriend. Kissing her is kind of the point."

She was not focused on putting our things away anymore. Her head rose up. I scrambled to answer. "Of course I want to kiss the one I'm dating, Kook. We just make sure not to get caught while doing so."

He took a look at Mina. "You okay? You look like a deer in headlights."

Her wide doe eyes did give that impression. She shook her head and went back to her gym bag. "Y-yeah! I'm fine. I was wondering if you'd be too tired to hit the gym. I'd be up for some weightlifting, kickboxing or dancing if I'm honest."

We had been playing for 2 hours. Wasn't she tired? It was a very hot day too. "You would?"

She put the bag on her shoulder and handed me mine. "I can do so alone too. Your guest room is big enough to dance in. I could take Mushu for a jog. He spent the morning watching us play."

"I can accompany you if you want Min! I'd be up for a jog with your pup to hyung's place and hit the gym or go to the dance studio." The band's maknae offered.

They got alone so well, but they never worked out together or danced together. "Compromise? Walk home and we hit the gym."

She hesitated, but gave in. "Sure! Let's get going then!"

Mina's POV
Did he say this is what we were? Was it what his friends believed? Was it what he wanted? Was it what I wanted? Did I deserve that nickname? It hadn't been 10 days yet. How could it be? I watched him at the lat pulldown machine. He did his set, shirtless. "Hyung always trains shirtless, Min. Is it distracting? We can switch side."

I took him up on the offer after his hyung's eyes made eye contact with mine for a brief moment. "Thanks.. Sure you don't mind being the punching bag?"

"Not at all!" He clapped the mitts together. "Show me what you've got." We did a couple of series until I was panting so hard I couldn't catch my breath while hitting the targets on his hands. He helped me sit down. "I think you went a bit too hard, dongsaeng."

I glanced up. "..You think?.."

He took the gloves off. "You hit pretty hard! My hands are red. Look!"

He showed me. They were tinted of a darker pink than usual. "I'm so sorry!"

He sat next to me. "You had steam to let out. I get that." He glanced at his shoes, a half smile on. "It's because of what I said isn't it? Your shocked face earlier? It made you lose your composure. I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "Don't be. It's my issue to deal with."

"You never talked about that did you? Only that you were dating?"

Steps came behind us. I thought it would be harsh, but it was quite gentle. "That's a conversation we need to have, Kookie. You won't be part of this one."

He fluffed my hair. "Text me if you want to dance later. I'll come get you. Bye hyung."

Joonie help me up and out of the boxing ring. "I'd ask for a hug, but you're drenched in sweat."

He was right. I'd fancy a shower right now. "I can take off my shirt, that'd take away the sticky sweaty situation."

"Not until we're in the intimacy of my place you aren't."

I smiled. "Evading the subject?"

He chuckled to himself. "Until the privacy of my home, yeah."

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