Chapter 52

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Namjoon's POV
It was going well for now, the MC was pleasant. "Now that we are informed on how you are doing, let's talk about that new clip, shall we? Why remaster a song and make a new MV instead of composing something new?"

I was honest. "I released a new album already, less than a year ago and Bangtan had a comeback. I figured that, to go with the old vibes of our album, there could be songs people would want brought back or even some I'd want to give a new life to. Moonchild was one I was eager to revisit, so I re recorded it. Seoul is the next one in my books for an MV. There may be more, but these are the ones with MVs for now."

He seemed curious. "A remastered album in the works? Can we have another title?"

I laughed. "Honestly, probably. I've been trying songs out again. Joke is a song I wrote more than ten years ago. It'd be fun to have a new version of it."

"That's exciting! About the MV you released, can you explain to us in the studio and the people at home the meaning of your song?"

I obliged. "Of course! The song is about the children of the moon. They are those who live in darkness. They are the anxious, the depressed, the forgotten, the unseen. The point of the song is to tell them that having lived that darkness is what makes them shine as people when they step into the light of the night. Most people who come from what seems to be nothing to brightly shine are the ones who have experienced awful things."

He nodded. "I see.. Because many thought it was a love story. The story of a man falling in love with a girl he has to keep hidden."

Well... Now that he said that, I can get it. "Interesting. What in the lyrics would make you think that? This song is 8 years old. I never heard that before."

He flipped his cards. "You can deny the MV can be misleading. There is a woman in you clip you're so close to, but never touch. Even when you extend your hand at the end, we see her going to hold it, but it cuts before she does. Why not show the hands holding?"

"It gives it a mysterious feel. Besides, the interpret is one of the moon children. For all the others, the choice is theirs to make."

"Ahhh, I see. That's why you're the one in the moonlight reassuring them it's okay to shine in a way." He tried.

I smiled. "See? You get it!"

Shared laughter. "You mentioned the artist doing that dance. Shall we bring her up?" He turned around. "Please welcome her!" No names mentioned? Alright? That was odd. She walked in doing a small wave, a kind smile on her face. "Hello amd welcome to the show! We have a translator at your disposal for your part of the interview." I had mentioned she was fluent didn't I?

She motioned no. "That won't be necessary, but I appreciate it." She sat in the seat next to me. "Thank you for having me."

"Oh.." The MC apologized. "I didn't believe the research team when they said you knew Hangul well." He moved on. "So, Namjoon-ssi chose you as the interpret for the choreography. May we know why?"

She nodded. "Yes, I'm the one who created the dance to his song. He reached out to me after seeing me practice it. He was already planning the MV so I did little changes to it for the clip. It was easier to have me do it for him than for me to teach it to someone else."

"She released a dance cover on my song before stepping into the plane for Seoul in the beginning of the month. It was a nice surprise and it made me want to include her in it." I added.

The MC was confused. "Out of the blue? Because some people have been saying you two are friends, but you have a friend in common."

I let her answer. "Moonbyul eonni is our friend, but I met him before her, on my first trip here." She added details. "I'm an artisant as well back home. It's my main line of work, so I went to the museum for inspiration. I made a comment to myself a little too loud." A chuckle on all parties. "Yeah.. he heard that. Seems it was interesting enough to add to it and we kept meeting at different paintings so he asked if he could join me at this point."

I agreed. "She had pretty good takes on them. After that I offered to talk over coffee since we had exchanged about her work and where she was from. We became friends just like that. I came back from the military days before so I had no plans. It was nice to speak with someone new. She does dance competitions back home and she has festivals coming up where she's performing."

"I see.. How do you go from being in Seoul randomly to being friends to performing with Mamamoo and be in an MV? How was it?"

He spoke very fast. Did she understand it all? "The meeting was random, but he spoke about me to Byul eonni and she offered me to join for a dance practice. When I came back almost three weeks ago, she proposed to have me as a dancer on their shows. They were missing people and I knew almost all moves to the songs they wanted to put in them. I gladly accepted and yeah.. He saw my choreography and my other performances before. He thought it'd give his videoclip a nice touch." She got it! "It was an amazing experience and I'm very thankful for it."

The MC smiled. "Aren't you sweet? I do have to say, many people did not agree with RM choosing an American performer. How do you two feel about that?"

I looked at her. "Want to answer first?"

She took my offer. "Sure! As an underground Canadian artist, I think that doing the unexpected always leads to a divided opinion. Some people like it, some people don't. My face was not what I was invited for. The way I convey a message is."

"The song has and will always be about people who aren't seen. Bringing talent to light was important to me. Besides, don't you think her portrayal is excellent?" I pointed at the clip playing. "The stoic expression, the fearful ones. The close shots of her eyes are a lot more expressive than mine can be."

He didn't disagree. "It's a very mystical vibe, I have to admit." He turned to her. "You do have wide eyes.. Last question before we have to let you go?" She accepted. "While we're talking about looks. How do you feel being surrounded by people so different from you? How does it feel not fitting the standards?"

That upset me. I knew it would come up, but to end with this? Her eyes met mine and I bit my inner cheek. Let her speak. "I've always been surrounded by different looking individuals. It's not my first time being the odd one out. I don't look like a lot of people back home either. I don't fit standards there too. I take what I like and I won't change my face for anyone. How's that?" Sounding sweet, but a little cocky... That's my girlfriend!

He was pleased! "Seems you have your values in the right place. Thank you for joining us today. Hopefully we see you in more things from now on. Your Instagram handles are on the screen and I wish you a great day."

She bowed still in her seat. "Thank you very much for having me."

It went to a commercial break. Noona was right. She's a fighter.

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