Chapter 50

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Namjoon's POV
"We should check the comments on your video hyung! It's been out for more than a day now."

I wasn't fully awake yet. "Why are you still here? It's 9am."

"Beeecause I can?" He whispered. "So we can see what people say about the NEW people in your clip."

Ohhhh. "Good idea. She just got in the shower. We have 10 minutes or so." She wasn't one to linger in the shower. "45 minutes if she blow dries her hair."

He scrambled to get the clip going and to read the comments. "A lot of hearts, saying you're handsome...They say it's a new type of MV, some like it, some don't."

New? "I've had women in my MVs before."

He shook his head. "Featured women that sing yes."

I frowned. "Shinee sunbaenim had girls in their MVs all the time before. They didn't sing. We did too at some point."

He kept on reading. "They say it's more of a story line. They didn't expect it to be about a girl? But it's not. It's not a love story hyung, is it?"

I sighed. "It's not. I could have used a male dancer it would be the same thing. It's about stepping out of the darkness. That people who shine the brightest have lived difficult and dark things. They don't get the song, but they used to before."

Kookie pointed at a comment. "They say to watch the behind the scenes to have more info, but the comments under that one are mixed." He went on. "Some say it's nice to have a friend in there and that friend or not, the multiple styles add a nice touch.."

"The others?"

"We mentioned it yesterday. That it's favoritism, that you're putting American artists forward." He read.

"But she's an underground artist, just like I was, like all our rappers were. She's in the shadows all the time. The times she's put forward at home is for a rock baroque singer. It's great! She adores the style, but it's not what pushes her name around. I'm not the one in BTS to get most views on my MVs, so just scrolling down to see the mentions is not likely. They'll see it, but do anything about her career... I sadly doubt it, so why be upset?"

She had blow dried her hair and even curled it. It had given us an hour to talk. "What are you talking about?" She fluffed her dog's fur. "He wasn't too much trouble?"

Kookie laughed. "Except licking my face to wake me up, he was a charm. I'm sure my dog would enjoy a playdate."

She clapped her hands. "Right! Why didn't we think about that earlier?" She glanced over. "Looking at comments? I thought you better than this, come on!"

Wait, what? "Don't want to look?"

She shrugged. "Like everything, some people like, some don't. It's a good representation of what could be asked tomorrow tho."

Was she really nonchalant or not? I stared her up and down. Leather pants, white shirt, mamamoo silk bomber jacket on.. "Going to practice already?"

She denied. "Think I'm dancing like this? The day is still young. It's pretty cold for a summer day today and I need to buy food for Mushu." A half smirk. "Doubt you'll follow along still in your underwear."

"What's wrong with it?"

Kookie answer in union with her. "We woke up around the same time!"

"I have nothing today! Let me be! I might take Mushu for a walk if you'd like?"

She gave me a kiss. "You do that each time you do nothing." Another. "Thank you. I'll be right back."

And she was gone like that. "Are you the slow burn type or the raging fire type?"

I turned to the youngest. "What do you mean?"

"You're cocky with eachother, but you don't really kiss when you're out of your house. It's a quick peck if you do. You even make intimacy jokes  sometimes. What are you?"

I never thought I'd talk to him about that! "Let me think.. I think slow most of the time? We just enjoy eachother's company, we're... I mean, she is not prone to intimacy out of the apartment, but I don't know if it's her nature or the fear of cameras."

"You guys are not public yet. Two scenarios.. You say you are friends, a picture is taken that shows you lied or you say it in public, then cameras are chasing you. You know how it is." He had lived the pictures that could be interpreted as a dating proof problem a couple of times even if it wasn't true, sometimes even when true. "So you understand her doing this?"

He nodded. "Yeah! I'd rather have someone careful than someone trying to kiss me in public all the time. Lots of arguments I had was because I didn't bring a girl out in a public space or refused to even hold hands if we were in public. Min's respectful. She won't do a thing without your approval. I think she's not very showy when she's with our whole group because she doesn't to take up space. Moonbyul noona is the same, no? Hobi and her do small kisses and hold hands, but nothing else."

True, Mina is not a fan of PDA to start with... Only hand holding. "I'm sure she coached her somehow." Should I say it? "You know Kookie? She and I have been together for almost three weeks, but sometimes I think getting caught wouldn't be so bad."

His eyes widened. "Don't let the impulse win, hyung. At least wait for the next time she comes over."

It was the sane thing to do, but it was the stage I hated the most and the stage I never passed. Going public. "You're right. I wonder tho.. Think she and I could hold hands and everything back in Canada?"

He shrugged. "I don't think so. We're known everywhere. You'll catch everyone's attention, mask or not. If you ask me, it'll be harder to blend in."

We'd see about that.

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