Chapter 25

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Namjoon's POV
"Can you look at the piece I sent you? I have the music for the chorus, but I can't find the right music for the rest."

"I'll check it tonight, hyung. I have somewhere to be." I answered Yoongi hyung.

"Where are you going this time?"

"Dance studio. Hobi hyung is working technique with another dancer and I thought I could use it too." Wasn't technically a lie.

He turned his chair to his computer. "She coming to our building?" A sigh. "Who's idea was it again?"

Not mine this time! "Hyung overheard our conversation some time ago and proposed it. She's buying us lunch and drinks."

"Just go already, you'll be late. Don't get Hoseok angry."

No more arguments? Alright then! I got straight there.
When I entered the building, music was already playing in the studio. She was there, black joggers and pink long sleeve crop top. She and her sunbaenim were stretching. Where was her friend? I told her to bring her didn't I? As I opened the door, I saw she didn't forget. Meg was sitting with Jk and Tae. "They found out the time?"

My lady friend pointed at her teacher. "He told them."

Hobi's hands went up. "They asked! I figured she wouldn't mind."

At least they didn't distract the dancers. I acknowledged them. "Why did you want to see them train anyway?"

"I wanted to see if she could survive hyung's comments and training." Tae answered.

"And I wanted to see your face Namjoon hyung!" Kookie, I swear.

The eldest turned to us. "Unless you work on technique, don't be distracting. Joonie, can you translate words she might not get? I don't know the English for most of them."

"I should be fine Hoseok sunbaenim." Mina reassured him as she stretched her legs, sitting on the floor, touching her toes.

"Call me Hobi for the session, Mina. I don't mind." He'd never do that to us, but hyung was shorter to say than sunbaenim. "Unless oppa is fine for you."

She saw my face in the mirror. "I think only he wants the title for now." When she finished stretching, the work started.
"Think back straight and lift your chest only. Like it's a string pulling it up." She did as told. It was a little small. "Again. Really pull. Give it all you've got." She did. "Again." She repeated. "Again." Her shoulders pulled back. "No, only your chest, Mina. Do again." She could isolate well if she did it small. The bigger the movement, the less control she had. She didn't argue. Even if she did it 20 times before having it how Hobi wanted it. "Great! That's it! Do it 5 times like this and we move to the next thing that icked me in your clip." She did. After 8 times, she had 5 great ones.
"Take a break, Mina and we can link everything in your choreo, okay?"

She nodded. "Alright!" She jogged to her bag and sat with us. "Not too bored?"

Meg denied. "You've been at this for two hours and we didn't see the dance yet!"

She shrugged and untied her hair. "Technique is not a quick learning process. I've been doing popping for years here and there, but never a competitive number."

"Not quick? I think you're underestimating yourself." Kookie said. V agreed.

She was flattered. "Oh, please." Mina took a sip of water. "I'm not an outstanding dancer."

Her teacher sat next to her. "What do you mean? You're doing so good! You get it right away. It takes a few tries, but it's because you need practice like everything. Best part.." He looked at us. "You don't argue and complain like them!"

They shared a laugh. We spectators from the band pouted. "So mean.."

Mina nudged my shoulder. "Don't be upset~"

I messed up her hair. "Show us the choreography with the work you did so we can go for lunch... It's already 2pm! Meg fed us the snacks you brought."

Hobi hyung got up. "It'll just be dinner then." Her turned to my friend. "Ready?"

Hair tied again. "I'm ready."
They ran the specific parts 5 times each and 5 times overall. If that didn't give her another second place in the biggest competition in Quebec or more, I didn't know what would. She was obviously exhausted, but her smile made it known she was glad to be there and was always up for another try. The session over, Kookie gave her his second fan. The first was with Meg. "Thanks. Was it good?"

I hugged her, even if she was sweaty. "It was amazing! Another time, you dance with us." I corrected myself. "With me at least."

She wiped her sweat off. "Sure! We'll fix a time for that. For now, I promised food. Let the maknae of the group we are now pay okay?" It was true! She was the youngest. Meganne was 3 weeks older than her. "Where are we going?"

I handed her her bag. "Get changed while we decide that." I chuckled. "You too hyung, you stink."

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