Chapter 131

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Mina's POV
"A little bit more of that here.."

My phone blipped

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My phone blipped. "That's KakaoTalk." I took a look.

Mina! Are you still here?

I'm not! I thought the holidays was your last military pass. I've been gone for weeks!

Oh no! How did I miss that?
By the way, I can have my phone. It's not a crime! 😂 I'm at the gym. See?

Me:I can see that! You're there late! You'll get your girlfriend jealous sending pictures to another woman, you know?

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I can see that! You're there late! You'll get your girlfriend jealous sending pictures to another woman, you know?

It doesn't count, it's you! Especially that I have no one who can get jealous.

It didn't work with Chaeryeong? You two seemed to get along well from what I heard when I had dinner with her and the 00's-01's liners.

I messed up. I complained about how we aren't as huge as them even if our dances are more difficult.

I sighed deeply.

Wow. That was so dumb of you, oppa. You can't do that! It's comparing apples to oranges. It's like comparing Le Serrafim with TXT. Not the same vibe, not the same people.

I'm pretty sure she didn't leave you for one incident.

Wah! I was texting you to cheer me up, but you're giving me a scolding T^T

Oh please, Leedo. If you wanted comfort, you would've gone to RAVN or Xion or anyone else, but me. You know I'm abrasive.


Even if subconsciously, you knew I'd help. Just not how you wanted.

Damn right you're direct. I appreciate it. I was an idiot. How do I put a plaster on it?

Videochat with her. Tell her why you are sorry. Not just that you are. Speak for your actions.."I'm sorry I compared our careers. I'm feeling anguish and I am questioning why we aren't moving forward as much as we'd like. I'm very happy you're doing so well, but jealousy got the best of me." kind if speech. Right?

How many times have you had to apologize like this in your short life, missy?

I laughed.

Way too many to count. I put my foot in my mouth a lot.

That bas, huh? 😂 Thanks! I'll try that. Even if it just means we can remain friends, it's a start. What are you doing this morning?

Packing for a week in Toronto! I'm working on Taemin-ssi's shows. His company was fine with flying me in.

I'll leave you to packing then. I'm sure you have other calls or texts to make before you leave.

Thanks! I have about 200 pairs of earrings to ship today, and another 100 tomorrow, but that's pretty quick. I made plenty on the week I came back. See you soon!

Namjoon's POV
I didn't want to disturb her. I was about to give up after the third ring. "Hey, silver fox~"

"Hey, Kitten~ How is it going in the Americas?"

She shrugged. "Depends, the US has more states with anti-abortion laws now. Venezuela is getting into a war with the United Nations for their negligence towards their citizens and the Montreal Canadiens might not participate in the playoffs. You tell me?"

Ah.. Literal bundle of realism. "Can you alone change it?" She shook her head. "Pisses you off?" Very. "Did you get bad news from the neuropsychiatrist?"

She played with a strand of hair. "I don't believe so. I'm just confused." She admitted. "Can we talk about something else?"

I'd circle back to it. I nodded. "To avoid your feelings? Sure! We can do that." I gave her my nicest smile. "You're pretty. Where are you?"

It made her blush. She covered her cheeks. "Stop it.. I'm in a hotel room. We're starting practice tomorrow."

Right! "Jimin said Taemin-ssi was excited to work with you. The line-up of dancers you gave him worked great."

She didn't pick friends. She really gave him dancers from Ontario who fit his vibe. "I'm glad. Gabriel couldn't come. He had a competition with his team." What a bummer! "It feels weird to be alone in a hotel room. I'm used to having Meg or you with me.. I don't have any work to do."

She didn't HAVE to work. "You can draw. You never leave without pen and paper."

My hunch was right. "Aren't you scared to be alone with your head at times?"

Why was I smoking then, huh? "All the time. That's why I love talking to you. You entertain those thoughts. They become less dreadful and pessimistic."

"You're doing that for me too. Is that an ashtray in your balcony?"

"Jungkook needed it when he came by last time."

She seemed to let it go. "He's gonna ruin his lungs, I swear. Anyway, I got a diagnosis that changed my perspective on how I behave and feel. It's odd and I don't understand how I didn't see it before." She checked her watch. "I don't want to keep you up too lung so I'll make it quick.." She took a deep breath. "ADHD, but not autism.. Obsessive compulsive personality and High Intellectual Potential." I didn't get it. "I'm clinically gifted."

My eyes went wide. "Wow.. that's a lot to take in for sure." But.. "The social cues and sensory issues?"

"It's not that I don't understand social interactions and cues, they don't make sense to me. They're futile. The sensory stuff is a symptom of it. I'm hypersensitive." She sighed. "I don't want to bother you with this so late."

I knew how to make her smile. "That new IQ test.. how high did you score?"

A soft grin. "142."

That's 6 points from mine! "Woah! You're so smart~"

She laughed. "That's why I love you." A pause. "By the way, you know I can't stop you from doing dumb things, but don't lie to me. There was a pack in your coat when I left. You can say you had a few. You didn't have any while I was there. I'm surprised you lasted that long without."

I smiled showing the pack. "I swear it's the same one. I'm trying to find something else to change my mind." Should I? We still had so long before we'd see eachother. "I miss you a lot."

She glanced down. "I miss you too, Joonie. We'll speak soon, okay? I love you."

I waved at the camera. "Bye, Minmin. I love you too."

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