Chapter 23

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Namjoon's POV
"Meg's not too sad to be left alone?"

My tall Canadian friend laughed. "No, trust me. She's occupied fangirling at a The Rose fansign."

As we waited for the subway I turned to her. I couldn't see her smile. "I thought we said no mask."

"Says the one wearing one. You know it's not a good air quality day. I'll take it off in the museum." She promised.

Then.. "Since we're taking the bus together and I don't want to get lost.." I took her hand. "Just don't let go. I want to keep the museum a surprise." Did I just do that? Yes. I did want to keep the museum a surprise. I glanced down. "Alright with you? Mina?"

She was staring at her feet. "Y-yeah. Sure. I won't let go then." She gave my hand a squeeze. "Is that too tight?" She had slender hands and fingers. Not delicate, but feminine.

I denied grinning like a madman. "It's perfect like that." We got in. In eachother's personal space since it was quite full. "Still alright?"

She was obviously uncomfortable. "People are so close. Your trains are so full here."

She was right. Someone was almost leaning on her. I pulled her closer with my free hand, holding her by the small of her back. "Excuse me, watch were you are going." I was gentle enough the man didn't seem upset and apologized. "Is it better?"

Her profile was to my chest, no gap between us. She nodded. "You're sure it's okay if I stay like this?"

She could stay like this even if the train was empty to be honest... What was I thinking? "Until it's less full, you can stay like this. We're going off in 6 stations."
"The museum of illusions huh? That's why you wanted pictures." She was right. I thought it'd be fun!
We shared my umbrella until we made our way in. "I'm glad you have an umbrella. Imagine getting caught in the rain!"

"No kidding! At least it's stopping." The museum was the trick-eye museum. It's full of fun pictures to take.

My Miny looked around. "Woah.. it's pretty busy."

I nudged her. "Don't worry. Just tourists."

She took off her mask. "I know the deal." She wore a beautiful light raspberry gloss.

Looking closer, I couldn't see her freckles. "You're wearing makeup?"

She grinned. "You noticed? I didn't put eyeliner on. Didn't think you would see the difference!"

Of course I would. "No freckles."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. Will you let go of my hand now?"

A playful smirk. "Don't plan on it."

She wouldn't yell my name out loud would she? "Oppa! Not fair. I agreed to no mask, that's a thing."

I reluctantly let her go. "Touché. Let's walk around and take pictures shall we?"

Her uncovered face wasn't bothering her as much when she was distracted by the beautiful interactive artwork. "Look! I can ride the pegasus. Can you take the picture?" I took my phone out and she climbed. "Kimchiiii~"

She warned me she had ADHD, but seeing it at its finest was very entertaining. As we kept walking around, I had to ask. "You know.. Your ADHD."

She looked into my eyes. Her nice chestnut and what I now knew was dark teal blue eyes full of joy answered me. "What about it? Am I doing it? I'm too much. I should've gotten a second coffee this morning."

Not what I meant. "No! No. I mean, yes it's showing. I don't see a problem with it per say. I was wondering.. Do you have medication for it?"

She nodded, hands in her jeans' pockets. "In Canada, yes. My dose was a lot higher 2 years ago. Vyvanse 60mg. I couldn't focus on useful tasks. I did on my anxiety. I couldn't work right. 9 to 5 was terrible. A side effect of it was cutting hunger, so it helped with my BED. When I started being able to work for myself more, live from it and got more dance opportunities, I didn't need to focus as much. I could do dances for competitions, I walked my dog, we went on jogs.. I didn't need as much stimulation. I'm at half the dose now. I still need focus, but being more active and not on a strict schedule helped." A sigh. "However, I can't bring it here." Why not? "Vyvanse is an amphetamine. It's a strong drug. It's illegal to bring in Korea. I compensate with caffeine." She laughed. "And walking. We walk until we can't and then take the subway."

No wonder she was fit. I biked almost everywhere, she walked. "You found a way to make it work for you. That's great if you ask me!" One thing I didn't know tho.. "What's BED?"

A non-answer. "Leave that question for google or another time, okay?"

I let it slide. Respect boundaries. Number one thing to do. "How about we get that coffee, then?"

Her smile came back. "Good to me! My treat."

As we had walked outside for a while, the sun who had made its appearance for a brief moment was pushed away by the rain. She covered her hair with her jacket the best she could with her free hand, coffee in the other. I took my umbrella out. "I got this." I tried to open it. Of course, the God of destruction I am broke it. I swore under my breath. "I swear, I have shitty timing."

She laughed. "You do! Let's find a place we can rest under until it passes." We managed to finish our drinks to hold our jackets better.

Mina couldn't care less about being drenched. She even jumped in puddles. I found a place after a while, by the side of a shop. Finally, it wasn't a straight roof. "Get here, Mina!"

She stood right next to me, cardigan around her waist. "Well, that's soaked." My friend took her mask out from her purse.

I frowned. "What are you doing?"

She brought it to her face as she spoke. "Coffee's over and my face must be messed up with smeared makeup. I'm clearly ugly right now."
A chuckle.

I stood in front of her, pulling the piece of cotton fabric away. "It's not messed up, at all. You're so pretty."

I hadn't realized what words came out of my mouth until she responded, her almond eyes opened wide, mouth agape. "You think I'm pretty?"

The rain stopped and we pulled out of our spot. "Well, yeah." Be honest, Namjoon. She's your friend. You can be honest. "I think you're pretty without makeup too. Tho, you don't make a new face when you put some. You enhance your features. Know what I mean? You don't make a fake jawline with tape or tan. You already have it. You add darker powder to show it a bit more. The most extra thing is when you put eyeliner, but it suits you."

"You notice all that? How long do you look at my face?" She found my comments sweet and funny. "What's so bad about my foundation?"

"You don't need it. You have a couple blemishes, but they don't show on pictures. It hides your freckles." I admitted.

She squeezed water out of her cardigan. "Barely anyone notices them."

I did.. and her left dimple too. "Let's get a taxi to my place, like that we can be in something dry."

Mina smiled, dimple exposed. "I would love that, if you don't mind."

My house it would be.

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