Chapter 14

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Mina's POV
As promised, he got in touch with me that night. "I fell asleep, I'm sorry."

I never expected an apology. "Don't be! You said you were working. I'd never put myself between you, Bangtan and your work. They're your priority. I respect that."

"I appreciate it very much, Mina. You really don't know how much." He seemed tired and, honestly, exasperated, but glad. "I gave what you sent me a look and it's great, really. They get 15% of the selling price. It's costs you 50% of the price, so you get 35%. It's less than what you usually make in profit, but you sell hundreds of pieces at a time. How will you make all of these? It's a lot. 500?"

I reassured him. "I have many identical molds. I can do 60 at a time. It takes 48h to be ready. All of them assembled it can be done in less than a month without me having to stop my other orders. Her tour is next summer anyway."

"Neat! Just making sure."

Namjoon's POV
Should I ask her? "Do you deliver to South Korea?"

She let out a small laugh. "Uhmm, yes? I do! Why? Saw something you like?"

Yes, but.. "Actually it was to know if we could order directly online with your Instagram shop and answer the questions there or to contact you directly."

Her confusion was clear. "We?"

"Hobi hyung saw your limited collection sculpture and wanted to get it. Jin hyung looked at some keychains and seemed interested." I admitted.

"Really?" I could hear the joy in her voice. "They can go through my page for sure! Just add the words Young Forever to the other details section so I know it's them. I'll fix a little something. You guys have a PO box? Want to send it to Big Hit's building? I can pay the full tracking option since it isn't an option."

It isn't an option? "We're all human. I'll tell them. I doubt money is an issue."

My laugh was contagious, so it seems. "True, true... But if there is anything, reach out to me, I'll do whatever I can to help."

She was so sweet. "Thanks a lot! Do you have a PO box? Or your address is fine?"

"You found the book?"

Surely did. "And maybe something else."

She scolded me. "Oppa. We agreed on the book. Nothing else."

I shrugged. "You agreed to pay the book. You didn't say I couldn't send anything else with it."

Knowing me enough at this point, she gave in. "Okay, okay. I'll text you my address." A big yawn.

It was long, but soft and high. Pretty endearing, if you ask me. "Keeping you up late?"

"It's midnight here, so a little? I don't mind though." She admitted.

Oh, dear. "I forgot about that, I'm so sorry! I should write that down.."

A chuckle. "I don't mind the late night chat. Especially from an interesting person."

Why are my cheeks warm? It was nice to be called interesting. "I won't keep you up too long then. I'll wait for our video call."

"Maybe we could chat about cat theory you were talking about last time." She mentioned.

Schrodinger's cat? "The uncertainty principle? Sure! I think it leans into our talk about what Truth is very well."

"Right! Since we are still uncertain of what it is. I see what you did there. Have a good day, Joonie oppa."

"Goodnight, Miny. Good luck on your set in two days."
Min Yoongi's POV
I clicked on the link Moonie put in the group chat. Had to admit, that girl made pretty stuff. She's been in business for two years? Not bad. Seems it took up a year and 6 months ago. Cremation art? People's ashes? The pieces in that category are quite artistic. That medium is tricky to work with so Namjoon told me. She's a great dancer too. Background dancer level at least. I don't know what he saw in her though. I didn't have her personal profile since it was private, but what I know is that I need to make sure he doesn't get hurt by her. I knew he probably wouldn't deal with this one well. He cared so much about that woman so fast, if she rejected his friendship at some point... It'd hurt him too hard. Until I know for sure, I'll be an ass.

Mina's POV
I indeed received three orders with one that included the limited edition piece. I never had Korean orders, even if I shipped there. It was obviously them since the details were in Hangul. Nowhere did it say I spoke it. I added a keychain to each of their orders and a thank you card with a personal thanks, as I always did for my big orders. I packed them and sent them to the post office. When I came back, I got a fourth order for Korea. Did one want more? They could've texted me. It wasn't in the same line. My more muted art pieces were in their cart. I did the same. Packed, wrote a thanks and went to the post office the next day. Did Namjoon tell another friend? Who knew? If he did, I'd have to thank him for it.

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