Chapter 84

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Namjoon's POV
"What do you mean he booked us to practice until 1 pm? I have to pick her up at 9 in the morning! I'm already gonna be late if I don't leave now." I was furious. We had been at the studio since early morning. It wasn't even scheduled yesterday!

"She knows you can't promise. She reminded you so before her plane took off."

"I know, Jin hyung. I wish that I could for once. I'm trying to play the game and play my cards right, but it keeps failing."

V did try to reassure me. "Your manager said he'd arrange for a car. Isn't that something?"

I wasn't worried about her not being able to drive home. She had two driver's licenses! Getting lost wasn't something she'd do if she found a path once. "I asked for security. To pick her up INSIDE of the airport. You do remember how it went when she left."

"She's arriving early, maybe there won't be a lot of people since you won't be there."

"Maybe.. I hope so." They did expect me tho.

Mina's POV
Coming back after all the drama that happened when I left was so stressful. I remembered the crowd. At least he was there, security was. Now... I was alone. Bringing my luggage past the customs, I could see a lot of people on the other side of the glass doors. Hopefully they came to pick up family.

Most were, but surprisingly there were not a lot of cameras that I could tell. Some girls got my attention by saying my name. I remembered what my boyfriend told me. Smile and wave. Covered as I was with my mask, hat and coat, I didn't think they would notice me. I did as suggested. They were happy, maybe it won't be too bad?

I spoke too fast. A few meters out of the taped zone, someone blocked my way. "Where do you think you're going?"

What? My eyes met the ground and I put my hand in front of me. "Excuse me, I have somewhere to be. I'm sorry." I wouldn't be so soft and unsure usually, except that I was in unknown territory and in public.

They tugged at my bag on my suitcase. I could only hold on tighter. "You don't deserve him!" The pull wasn't on my possessions anymore. "Look at you!" It was on me. I froze. I couldn't do anything. All I heard was loud noises and frenetic steps. "You foreign b*tch-" The insult got strangled. The grasping and scratching ended. A hold around my shoulders and fast paced walking.

I gained back sense of self when I was seated, a man crouched, looking up at me. "Miss?.. Miss? Can you hear me? Are you alright?"
I took a look around. I dissociated, didn't I? I shook my head. "We'll go to the police station of the airport. You'll be safer there and you can fill a report, okay?"

After a better look, I finally noticed the uniform. Pull it together, Mina. You're better than this. "..Thank you, officer.." He asked me if I could call anyone. I texted his manager about the basic details. He kindly went to the station with me. I couldn't be mad at anyone. He hadn't arrived at the airport when it happened. I couldn't speak. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't. I wrote or typed what I needed to. Pictures of my arms, coat off were taken. Long sleeves would be needed for the next few days.
The manager handed me the keys Joonie gave him for me to gain access to his condo. On that, I was left alone making my way into the unit. It was cool and empty. I saw his text from 8am.. Practice until 1? I would be alone for an hour. I didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Namjoon's POV
Kookie's phone dinged, mine rang. I had so many messages. How did I not see those. There were multiple links in the chat. I read the first article with a video. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was ENRAGED. I packed my stuff faster than I had been before. I didn't hear anything around me. I pointed at Jungkook. "You're taking me home, right now." He didn't argue and got his keys ready.
I did thank him for bringing me. I was no monster. I did scream, vent and cry in his car, however. I got to my unit as fast as I could. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Her luggage was still by the door, her outerwear on the floor.. Not a sound. I calmed down and managed to speak softly. "It's me, I'm home.." No answer. I took off my coat and boots to make my way to the guest room. She wasn't there. Mina was in mine. Only her head out of the covers, noise cancelling earbuds in, curled up. A sigh of relief. "You're safe.." She wasn't facing me, but when I met her face, I had mistakenly assumed she had been sleeping. Her eyes were opened, fixed on a fictive point on the wall. Her breathing was hasty. I had seen her overwhelmed, but that was on another level. My significant other was broken and I didn't know how to fix the situation. I knew what not to do. No touching, no loud noises, no metaphors, no complicated sentences, no babying, no assumptions. I crouched next to my bed to meet her gaze. She broke eye-contact with the wall. I gave her a half smile and a small wave. The tip of her fingers peered out to do a miniature version of my greeting. I wasn't expecting much, so that was hopeful. I pointed at the empty space by her legs. "Can I sit?" She nodded and took an earplug out. I only knew two ways to make people feel better : hug them and speak with them. It was what I also needed when I was upset, like now. I was there searching for another way to comfort her. I had been so focused I didn't notice her eyes had been on me for a while. A gift of hers was how expressive her gaze was. Ask. "Can I put my hand on your leg? Is it okay?" Her nod made me glad. Caressing her ankle lightly was soothing to me. I wanted to show her that I was there for her, that I was sorry, that I was upset.. mad, furious! I was wordless for long minutes. I wanted to ask if she was alright, but she clearly wasn't. "Are you hurt? Please, tell me you're not hurt.."

She got choked up.. sat up, revealing the scratches and early stages of bruises on her left arm, and looked me in the eyes, hers slightly red and tearing up. "..I froze." She mumbled. I inched forward and she hid her face in the crease of my neck. I held her close, securing the back of her head with my hand. Her muffled sobs intensified. "..I had been nice.."

It shattered me. That was the last straw. BigHit played nice and cooled my temper, but I wouldn't be tamed anymore.

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