Chapter 81

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Namjoon's POV
"What did you mean by maybe more? What do you have planned?"
I took the cooking spoon out of her and put it down next to the pot. "Did you see the schedule were gonna have? How are we gonna get a breather?"

I loved that she used that word. "You're saying we."

She gently pushed me with her hand. "Of course, I do idiot man.. I care about your well-being too! I don't know how yours looks like, but is there even space for your idea?"

I pulled her by the waist, cocky smile on my face. "I'm sure, I do. We'll check that. Besides, If there isn't it'll be a good excuse to bring you over again." I pointed at her phone. "Mind sharing your schedule?"

She did. "Suit yourself, mister!"

 "Suit yourself, mister!"

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Right.."Like that, it does look full, huh?" I looked at the precise schedule. "Hmm... I'm sure I can find a spot or two."

She rolled her eyes and grinned. "Believe that all you want. Just make sure we can do nothing at some point. I'm not a machine, you neither."

"Ahhh, you worry about me too much. I'll be just fine." I brought to my chest for a hug. "I know I don't tell you about everything I do with work and we spend our time together doing things in parallel, but  just having these moments with you means a lot to me and I thought I wasn't the kind of person to flash my relationship around or in my work, but you're so down to earth about it it makes me want to include you." I glanced down when I felt a squeeze. "You know you can tell me no. I'll never put you on the spot. You hate that."

She pulled back, her eyes went to the stew cooking. "I need to know what that thing is to say yes or no to."

Fair. "Good point. Well.."

A chuckle on her part. "I won't bite your head off. What is it?"

"I'm doing three intimate shows in December."

"And I'll happily watch them!" She frowned from the look on my face. "I can go backstage if you'd prefer."

I denied. "Actually, I wanted to know if you could sit up front and maybe join me for a song or two if you feel like it? Not super staged, no costumes just walk up and do a few parts. Not the full thing. It'll look nice and casual. Even if you don't join me. It's at a cabaret like place and people chat after, have a drink.. 300 people or so a night. I'm doing this for fun, not money. They'll be announced a week before only. Please?"

"Hmmmmm.." She moved her head left to right, thinking. "I'll say yes for now, but maybe not all the dances okay? You pick which on which night, but one per show. It's yours afterall. Deal?"

I smooched her cheek. "Thank you, Foxy! You're the best."

Mina's POV
I never had someone agree to my compromise right away. I always had or felt I had to explain extensively why this was what felt best for me. He was just glad I'd think about it. If I read a book while he worked, it was nice just for my foot to brush against his thigh if we were on the couch. Same if I was on my computer dealing with orders, headphones on so he could watch TV. His arm on the couch behind me was all the attention I required and he never made me stop work for his emotional needs. It was so different. "You're fixing the wall, Kitten." I blinked and sound came back to my ears. "Tuned the world out?"

"Oh sh*t! The stew. Wait-" I mixed it up. "I hope it didn't stick at the bottom.."

He leaned against the fridge. "It's on low, I very much doubt it, babe." He gave me a concerned look. "Are you feeling okay?"

I tasted the food. "No burnt taste, thank goodness." I reassured him. "I was deep in thought. I'm alright. I just couldn't hear anything and things played in my head."

He scoffed jokingly. "What about?" He paused. "Can I joke or is it serious time?"

I laughed softly. "You can joke, relax, Jagi." He grinned at that. "Thinking about how thankful I am that you understand me at times. That's all." I took plates out and passed my hand in his hair. "Besides, your seriousness turns into a joke at some point."

"What do you mean by that?" He stopped me from serving our dinner by grabbing me from behind. "My gorgeous little ball of oddness!"

"Namjoon! The plates!"

"Fiiine." He let me put them down and let me go. "What can I say? I care for your well-being and laughter usually works with you."

"Damn right it does.." He helped me settle everything for dinner. "You know I'd love to do all the songs you want and give extra performances, but-"

He gently cut in. "You recently started a more serious dancing career and you still have your business to carry. With the work you're already gonna do in December, you might be tired or not necessarily want to do some more. I get it. You don't have to explain or justify yourself to me."

It wasn't just exhaustion. "I'm not used to so many people all the time. I might get overwhelmed at times."

He caressed my hand with his thumb and gave me a kind smile. "We'll do our best for it not to happen, huh?" He smirked. "I saw you're having an interview with Jessi. She finally wrote to you? She told me she would, but I didn't believe she'd do it. Excited about it?"

Even if she was his ex, they ended on a great note and were good friends. "I don't believe I deserve a solo interview, but I'm thankful she thought of me."

"Talking about interviews. The one we did today.. It was so nice. Even if we were together, the focus wasn't in what we were, but on our friendship and general chemistry. She's great."

I nodded. "Hopefully my interview with Jessi goes as smoothly."

He laughed. "Be ready for a dirty mind with a lot of swears."

That was to be expected!

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