Chapter 26

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Mina's POV
After we had dinner, Hoseok and Tae left us to spend the rest of the evening with their certain someones. We walked around Gangnam until they started walking in front of us, whispering. They turned around and grinned. "What's with those faces?" We asked.

Kookie answered. "How about we show you how we club in Gangnam?"

We could never get into a club in that part of Seoul. We were foreigners. Also, even very pretty Korean girls didn't make the cut. "We can get in?" Meg wondered. She turned to me. "We'd have to change."

Namjoon frowned. "You have other clothes?"

Jk knew? "Hyung, Meg said they were gonna go to a club in Hongdae together if they spent the afternoon there today. The practice took longer, but they wouldn't go back to Myeongdong just to change." He pointed next to him. "There's a public bathroom two doors away."

I grabbed my friend. "Give us 10 minutes!"

While we were in the bathroom... "How the hell will they get us in there?"

I fixed my eyeliner. "Let's trust them. They seem to know what they're doing." I looked in my bag. "Dark red or light pink?"

"I'll tell you when you help me zip up my dress." She said getting out of the stall.

I helped. "So?"

She looked at the two. "Why are you even asking? Red is not working with that colour."

I applied the pink one. "We made them wait enough."

Namjoon's POV
"No way they get out in 30 seconds." I made a bet with Kookie. 10 minutes for dressing up and makeup? No way.

He had a cocky smile on. "10 seconds left." And 5.. 4- They were out? You're kidding! "You owe me 10$."

Fair. Fair. Meg had a nice black dress and red lipstick. Mina.. I was speechless.

Both were K-style, but she was the lighter, colourful one. Only eyeliner, pink gloss, nude heels. It all fit in her bag? Wow.. Her hair gracefully falling down. "I really don't get how you couldn't get into a club here."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh please.. let's make it there and see." I gave her my hand. "To stop you from falling?"

Surprisingly, she took it. "You're still taller than me, that's fun! When do you take off the masks tho guys?"

I smiled. "When they argue."

The girls looked at us confused. We decided to show them. We arrived at the entrance. Kookie spoke up. "A table for 4. They're with us."

The doorman didn't budge. "No foreigners."

Jungkook rose an eyebrow. "Too bad. Namjoon hyung, let's go."

The doorman seemed in disbelief. "My apologies. Do you have ID?"

That's when the masks get off. "Doesn't matter does it? You said no foreigners. We'll find a bar in Gangnam that will." I added starting to take a few steps with Mina.

She whispered. "It's working?"

I replied back. "Give it a second."

"Wait." The man turned to a waitress. "Get them a table. Don't charge for the seating." He turned to us. "Very sorry for the misunderstanding."

We all bowed down and got in. The girls looked at us like we were magicians. "Do you do that a lot?"

Jk winked at the girl in black who asked. "First time. Being known has perks sometimes."

We sat. "Not pay the seating? Isn't it expensive to get that off a bill?"

I shrugged. "Not as expensive as what they think we drink. Depends on the drinks. Let's just say you don't drink soju here." She seemed to get it. "Don't worry about it ~"

"How expensive?"

Bost of us guys answered. "You don't want to know."

Miny frowned. "That bad huh." A sigh. "Like the necklace, don't look it up."

I laughed and passed my arm around her shoulders. "Pretty much."

Meg read the list of bottles. "What do you usually get?"

Jk pointed at one. "A vodka bottle. I have wine too."

I did the same. "I drink that gin. It's pretty good."

Mina found it funny. "Meg loves vodka."

Meg added. "Mina likes gin."

I looked down at her. "Straight? On ice?"

She shrugged. "With sparkling water most of the time, but I love it on ice."

Jk called the waitress over. "This vodka and this gin please? Thanks. We take a couple of drinks and go on the dance floor?"

They didn't refuse. What was nice about that place was that it was far from crowded. Most people were other Idols, businessmen, artists.. The vibe wasn't as hectic. When the bottles arrived, I served my girl friend a drink. "Try this."

She took a sip and nodded, huge grin on her face. "That is amazing!"

We chatted, had a few drinks until I could convince her to come over with me to the dancefloor. "Don't worry, Meg is in good hands."

She chuckled. "I know, I know.. Just like I am." She really said that? She wrapped her arms around my neck. "You're fine with this? Meg and I being here? Not hiding identities?"

My hands on her waist, I whispered into her ear. "You think the Idols around aren't with friends and people they're dating here?" She took a look around. "It's one of the rare safe spaces we have. Once outside is where it's exposed."

I noticed that alcohol made her speak a lot more freely. "How would you feel if a fansite took pictures of us or Jk and Meg as we get out? They never think a guy and a girl are just friends.."

I made her twirl around. Her hair flowing, so pretty. I couldn't care less what others thought. "They can go to hell for all I know. I'm having a great time. I don't know about Jk, but he's having a nice time too. Besides, what if we were more than friends? The media has nothing to say about my private life. I'm 31!"

She laughed. "Good point."

She said she wasn't dating when we met, but... Now? "Hey, Mina?"

Her eyes met mine. "Hmm?"

"Are you seeing anyone?"

A small frown. "No, what's that question about?"

I pulled her closer. "Just to see if I had someone to threaten if they were mean to you." I joked it off. No one in the way, huh?

A muffled giggle. "You're funny, it's cute. I love that about you."

I hoped it wasn't the only thing she liked.

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