Eighty Six

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Sidharth was in a deep and peaceful sleep and he had been the whole night since his beautiful girl had slept so peacefully, snuggled up in his chest.

Even last night after she had slept, he had stayed up for quite some time, his mind constantly playing her words from the gazebo and the way she broke down in front of him, how heartbroken and upset she had been. It had shaken and completely devastated him.

She was right in feeling this way. It's not about closeness, it's about what is being done and by whom. If your biological parents torture you like some enemies, what else are you supposed to feel and think?

His heart was just so sad for his beautiful baby.

She didn't deserve any of this. He knew, he knew
that her healing would take time, it was going to be a hard and long journey, but he was sure that they'll get through because he was going to make sure they do.

He knew his Sana wanted to heal too. She wanted to leave all of this behind and move on too but she was just unable to.

So he was going to make sure that he fills her life, her mind, her heart with so much love, that there's no room left for any pain or trauma or fears.

He wanted her to fly. He wanted her to be fearless. He wanted her to know how precious, how special and how pure she was.

He didn't want her to harbor any kinds of fears , doubts or insecurities in her mind.

Thought it had completely broken him, he was so grateful that she shared her heart with him and told him what bothered or hurt her.

He wanted her to share everything with him, let it out of her system, get it off his chest but he wasn't going to force or pressurize her into anything.
There were still so many untouched conversations between them. He saw she had panicked and tried stopping him when he was pulling the strap of her dress down and how scared she had gotten thinking he was going to pull the dress down.

He still remembered how she was constantly trying to clutch and pull the towel up her body when he had sponged her. This wasn't his Sana. This is not how his Sana had to or should be.

He didn't realize when he gave into his exhaustion and all these thoughts and dozed off.

It was probably when he felt her rub her nose on his chest and snuggle deeper in to him. he sighed and closed his own eyes.

His eyes finally stirred open after the long and peaceful night. That too because he could feel her constantly moving in her sleep.

She seemed restless and he could constantly feel her moving and getting fidgety in his hold. That stirred him up from his deep comfortable sleep.

He slowly opened his eyes and the room was lit up because of the sun rays. He lifted his head to look at her. She was still asleep but she had a frown on her face and she seemed quite restless.

He kept observing her for a few seconds to make sure what was wrong. Was she up, was she still asleep, what was happening?

Soon she stopped moving and he saw how the frown on her forehead also relaxed as she probably fell back asleep.

He sighed and threw his own head back on the pillow again, closing his eyes. He was holding her closely to himself and he could feel the slow rising and falling of her chest.

He almost smiled at how peacefully she was sleeping. He quickly lifted his head again and pressed a very small and quiet kiss to the top of her head, he had to. He just couldn't control himself.

A few minutes later when Sidharth was again falling asleep, Sana moved again. She squirmed uncomfortably in his hold making him open his eyes again. Something was definitely bothering her.

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