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Lonnie and (y/n) were currently on their break together, (y/n) had her headphones on playing some random mobile game as a passing time while Lonnie stared at the girl in deep thought.

Lonnie knew she had to get more information out of the girl even if she hated doing so especially since it was all so a very disturbed man could have the upper hand.

But her job depended on it. And she really needed this job.

If Lonnie could go back in time she would erase the part where she ever got involved with Koren Lucas.

if you haven't figured it out already the truth is that Lonnie knows about Koren's true Nature.

When Lonnie started working a the co-owned restaurant Koren took an interest in her looks and fiery personality. Lonnie was originally supposed to be one of his 'projects'.

Koren had asked Lonnie out on a date, it was already off-putting to her that somehow she and the man had every single thing in common but she tried to shrug it off and continue the night.

Of course, one thing led to another and they ended up drunkenly hooking up at Koren's apartment. With the already existing weird feeling she had about the man, she did what any other girl would do and went through his phone while he was in the shower.

Lo and behold he had a note in his phone practically filled to the brim with all the things she liked and facts about them, and not just her either there were at least over a hundred girls. Her being drunk and stupid confronted him when he got out of the shower.

Of course, in true male fashion, he tried denying it at first, then manipulating but Lonnie being drunk and the person that she is didn't budge so he confessed everything that night and let the prince charming mask fall.

They came to an agreement that she would keep her mouth shut and they would just have fun together because c'mon you can't deny the man is hot garbage.

Lonnie mostly agreed to it because Koren is her boss and she was afraid if she said otherwise he would just fire her on the spot. Koren of course paid no mind to that and actually spent the rest of the night gloating about all the women he's hurt and was happy he finally had someone to talk to about his favorite hobby. (go get fucking therapy damn)

Lonnie's first initial thought was 'Hey so he's a little mentally unstable but he's really just a shitty guy right? there are tons of those in the world'

Well the one that really did it for her was when The man was practically hysterical about how a girl hospitalized herself over him.

Not only did the man not feel a shred of guilt for what he put this girl and her family through he thought that the girl attempting to take her own life and getting put in a psych ward was hilarious.

The saddest part about this story was when the family tried to press charges all Koren had to do was play the part of a worried ex-boyfriend and shed a few crocodile tears to get authorities to believe he was innocent.

She was already unsettled with Koren's behavior but in all honesty, she was terrified of what the man was capable of. He swears up and down he would never hit a woman but Lonnie can't say for sure that she believes him.

So due to her fear of the man whenever he wants something from her she gives it with no complaints, usually, he just wants someone to vent to and gloat about everything he's done since she's really the only person he can talk to about it.

Only under the condition that he never involves her in his sick game but as you know the man broke that boundary today.

There are plenty of reasons Lonnie doesn't wanna do what the man is asking of her, not just because it's cruel but because the woman just has a very terrible feeling this time around.

𝑺𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓 𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎 ❥Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon