𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓

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It had now been a couple of days since Koren had taken you.

And it was now known by police and anyone who knew you or kept up with things like this that you were missing.

Koren was still confident as ever though, it wouldn't be the first time he had to lie and manipulate his way out of a shit situation.

I mean, has anyone suspected him of Josie's murder? No, and it's not just that either just because Koren had a clean record doesn't mean he hasn't done a shit load of bad things.

But he was smart, and knew how to get out of any situation.

Moving on to better news, he finally got the call this morning that his shitty mother croaked. He was told that he overdosed and sat dead in that old beat-up trailer home for three days before a neighbor found her.

The call was about what he would like done with her body and if he wanted help organizing a service, quite frankly he didn't give a shit and that's what he told them before hanging up.

They've called back a few times but Koren ignored each time so he thinks they gave up.

But it's great news, maybe he should celebrate with you when he gets home?

Koren's thoughts were interrupted by Dan walking into the kitchen and calling his name.

"Hey! Sorry to bother you Koren but there are two young kids out here who wanna talk to you, said it's pretty urgent..." Dan explained followed by a chuckle.

Two kids?

"Alright thanks for letting me know I'll be out in a minute" Koren replied curtly followed by Dan leaving the kitchen.

Koren walked out of the restaurant, greeted by two young adults sitting at a nearby table.

Koren recognized them, it was Delphine and Kingston. Great.

Koren put on his best smile as he walked towards the table the two were sitting at, they were busy conversing with each so they didn't notice Koren until he spoke "Hello? I was told you wanted to speak to me"

Della looked at the man and smiled politely, Kj sat silently. "Yes, sorry if this is out of the blue but it's important" Della explained.

"Oh no worries, we're not too busy today so no problem" Koren replied with a smile as he plopped down in the chair in front of the two.

"What would you like to talk about?" Koren asked, obviously he already knew but you know? Kj rolled his eyes at the question which didn't go unnoticed by Koren.

"Oh, we're here to ask some questions about (y/n)..." Della replied, Kj scoffed "What else would we be here for?" Kj grumbled under his breath, followed by Della elbowing him harshly in the ribs.

While Kj pouted about being hit Della turned back to Koren "Ah yes I had assumed it was about her, but I didn't want to be rude" Koren replied with a lighthearted smile.

"Yes... we really just want to know if you've heard from her at all. Seen her? We've contacted everyone we know and no luck..." Della stated sadness was written on her face.

Koren let out a sigh and frowned "I'm afraid I haven't, when I heard about her disappearance I tried contacting her myself" Koren stated dejectedly.

Della didn't try to hide her disappointment at what Koren said, King on the other hand had a look of 'I told you so'.

"Dels I told you this was a waste of time..." Kj stated in irritation Della responded by glaring at him "Why are you being so mean?! This is (y/n)! Our best friend is missing! And someone was just murdered for Christ sake!" Della shouted in anger, her yelling began alerting the other customers as they were beginning to stare at the three.

A waitress came over, with a passive-aggressive smile clearly irritated "Excuse me, if there's a problem could you please take it outside? You're making our other customers uncomfortable." The woman stated through gritting teeth.

Koren smiled at the woman and apologized before turning back to the two, Della was red in the face clearly embarrassed at the scene she caused.

"Look I'm sorry... you think I don't know that? I haven't been able to sleep since Valen told us she was missing... she's practically my sister." Kj spoke quietly and dejectedly, Della looked down at her lap, eyes glossy, lip trembling.

"I haven't had a moment to apologize... but truly I can't tell you how sorry I am... I've only known (y/n) for a short time so I can only imagine how you're feeling right, if it helps I know quite a few people outside of town I will alert them and tell them to be on the lookout for her..." Koren spoke sympathetically.

Della looked up at the man with a trembling smile, trying to keep polite "Thank you Koren... that means a lot I'm sure Valen would appreciate it too, he made a police report, Kj and I are going to make missing person posters to... I guess that's a start."

Once again Koren looked at the two sympathetically before speaking "Please let me know if you two need any help with anything I'm more than happy to help."

Della thanked Koren for the offer, the rest of their conversation was cut short as Koren was told he was needed back in the kitchen, and the two were left alone at the table.

"What's your issue with him?" Della asked quietly, Kj raised a brow in response and Della rolled her eyes "Don't be stupid you know what I mean, I've never seen you act that way with anyone before..."

KJ stayed silent for a moment before letting out a long sigh "I don't know why exactly but I just don't trust him..." KJ replied and now it was Della's turn to raise an eyebrow.

"He just reminds me of like... I don't know a wolf in sheep's clothing, I can't help but feel like he knows something about this..." Kj stated reluctantly.

Della laughed quietly in disbelief "Don't be ridiculous, if that's true why would he even offer help" Della replied humorously, Kj rolled his eyes.

"Never mind you wouldn't get it..."





Koren was now back at home feeding you dinner, admiring you... and thinking about what happened today.

He didn't actually feel bad, he was just a little annoyed, more so with Kingston. It was very clear that he didn't trust Koren.

Della on the other hand was as dumb as ever, though it has always been easier for Koren to get women on his side.

Anyway, he wasn't worried about him, just annoyed. He still felt as confident as ever about everything.

"Did anything happen at work today?" You asked interrupting Koren's train of thought. In turn, he smiled at you and stroked your cheek.

As nice as it would be if you were just inquiring about his day, Koren knew what you were doing he knew you just wanted to know if people were looking for you.

And Koren had no plans on giving you any hope that people on the outside were concerned about you.

"Nope... just a normal day."


𝑺𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓 𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎 ❥Where stories live. Discover now