𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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"Are you serious?" You asked in disbelief.

You and Koren were finishing getting ready to leave, everything was basically packed and ready to go.

You were finally leaving this cramped and smelly room, and now Koren had to crush your dreams yet again by demanding you stuff yourself in a suitcase.

"Please (y/n) don't argue with me... it won't be for the whole trip just until we make it out of town."

You rolled your eyes in response "How the hell am I gonna breathe?!" You exclaimed in irritation.

"Relax, I'll leave a small air hole open for you, believe me, I don't want you in there as much as you don't want to be in there, but I can't risk anyone seeing you leave with me..."

Koren walked over to you, grabbing your face giving you a long kiss.

"Please get in, I don't want to force you"

You let out a long sigh, you were actually planning on making a run for it as soon as you stepped foot out of this apartment.

But you'll need to make a new plan, the suitcase isn't too bad and the drive out of town is most likely only thirty minutes from Koren's apartment.

So reluctantly you stepped in the suitcase and made yourself comfortable, Koren threw a small blanket over you before zipping up the suitcase.

Everything was muffled now but after a short while you began moving, you kept reminding yourself the same things.

You were out of the room, and the apartment, as soon as there was an opportunity you would take it. Run, run faster than you've ever ran in your life, run like you were trying out for the Olympics.

You heard some muffled voices, along with Koren's, you assumed he was talking to neighbors saying goodbye, or whatever.

You thought about screaming and alerting the strangers that there was a person in the mystery suitcase, but Koren could still have that gun and you didn't trust that he wouldn't hurt other people.

You don't want to drag innocent people into this, if you wanted out, you had to do it yourself.

You felt the suitcase moving again, which went on for a while until you felt yourself being lifted up and set down in what you assumed was Koren's car.

You were correct as you heard the car door close, open, and close again shortly after.

You could hear the car start up and shortly after Koren began driving.

"I'm sorry you have to be in there my love... we'll be out of town soon" Koren stated sympathetically, you remained silent.

You decided to use this time to prep yourself mentally for what was gonna go down.

You thought about everyone you needed to get back to.

Valen, who sacrificed so much for you, who held you in his arms when you cried as a little girl after being told you wouldn't see your parents for a long time, who busted his ass to make sure you had everything you needed, who was the parent that you needed most.

Della and King, who let you vent to them about all your problems and vice versa, your friends who dragged you out of the house because you were sad, who always did everything they could to cheer you up.

Your grandmother, who always did her best to take care of you even though she's elderly and sick, who always reminded you your parents' mistakes weren't your fault, who always knows how to make you smile.

Pickle, your emotional support dog, and best friend.

Even your parents, they're full of mistakes and even though your stubbornness made you not acknowledge it, they love you so much.

𝑺𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓 𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎 ❥Where stories live. Discover now