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You were currently a couple of hours into your second shift and today has been a little..weird.

On one note Lonnie has been a little quiet today and a bit more distant with you, which was strange because yesterday she seemed pretty chatty as well as on the phone last night.

You wondered if you had done anything and asked her if she was okay she told you she just wasn't feeling the best today and not to worry but you still felt a little sad because you liked listening to her talk.

Another thing, you've had a lot of 'accidental' encounters with your weird boss you met yesterday.

You're going to listen to Lonnie's warning about the man because you assume since she's worked here longer she would know more than you.

But to avoid drama you also made a promise to yourself you would keep things civil.

So even though all the 'accidental' run-ins have gotten a bit annoying you've been polite.

As if on cue you walked into to break room and you wouldn't believe who was already in there.

No wait because this one's gonna surprise you... it was Koren.

"Hey (y/n)!" Koren greeted you with a big smile that again you were not used to so you just greeted back without making eye contact.

"It seems like something's bothering you. Are you alright?" No, I am not is what you wanted to say "Yeah I'm just a little tired is all."

Koren pouted fake of course "Well if you need anything you can let me know, that's what I'm here for" Koren replied with a charming smile.

Koren then proceeded to basically yap his head off for the next ten minutes while you tuned him out because you didn't know him or care and he honestly makes you a little uncomfy.

As you were getting up to leave the break room unfortunately Koren spoke and stopped you again.

"Hey (y/n) can I ask you something?" you turned to look at him giving him the go-ahead. "I was just wondering if we could maybe be friends?"

You went silent for a moment thinking about the stuff that Lonnie told you, you wanted to believe her a keep your distance, but at the same time, you didn't wanna be too much of a dick.

Koren noticed your hesitant behavior and decided to chime in with a little...

"You've probably heard some rumors about me from other staff and I just want to let you know I'm not trying to push you or anything like that I have no bad intentions here, I just like you and genuinely think you'd make a good friend."

Great now I feel bad, Shit.

You thought if you said yes maybe he'd leave you alone for the rest of the day, and it'd make things less weird plus it's not like you'd be best friends or anything more like acquaintances, what's the worst that could happen?

If what Lonnie said is true and he tries flirting with you or anything like that you'll just politely decline with a 'I'm flattered but not looking for anything right now.'

"Um sure" You agreed hesitantly, Koren's smile widened a bit "Great! We should hang out this Sunday then!" He replied chirpily.

"Wait- wha" Before you could respond to that Koren cut you off "I already know your number so I'll text you the details also you should accept my friend request since we're friends now." The man said before happily walking out the door, you could not get a word in or object.

Um okay?

He sent me a friend request?

You checked your Instagram and he indeed did send you a friend request.

I think he's just weird.


𝑺𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓 𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎 ❥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora