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You were sitting in the passenger seat of Koren's car once again as the two of you sat in silence.

Koren had many thoughts running through his head.

He knows and understands how he feels about you now, at first he thought he would be terrified but strangely he feels great right now, better than he's felt in a long time actually.

For years since he was a teenager he's sworn up and down that he would never fall for anyone.

And for years that's been true, his life plan was to live his life and do what he was interested in doing, and once he reached the appropriate age he would find a pretty woman to settle down with.

For years he was okay with that, until now.

He never knew how good it felt to fall for someone, he wasn't used to the butterflies he got in his stomach when you were around or the way his heart would speed up and he would start blushing.

But he wasn't bothered by these feelings at all.

In fact, he had never felt this amazing in his entire life. Usually, when he would hurt women in the past he would get this incredible euphoric feeling as if he'd won something.

But over time it would fade away and he'd find someone else.

But nothing in the past compared to how you were making him feel right now.

just the thought of going back to how things were before made his stomach churn.

He was still annoyed at the fact that the hug was cut short.

To anyone else it looked normal, a comforting hug shared between two friends.

But it was more than that to Koren at least.

Koren is exceptionally good at reading people, in the short time that he's known you he understands that you are not a person who is good at confrontation or comforting people.

But you stepped outside of your comfort zone for him.

In all honesty, he couldn't be too upset that the embrace was cut short because he wanted to do so much more than that.

He wanted to grab your adorable face and kiss you all over, he wanted to squeeze you tight, pick you up and twirl you around, and maybe harmlessly bite and lick your sensitive neck areas.

He knows you're too much of a coward to say anything so if Allegra hadn't interrupted he would've ended up doing all of those things.

Koren pulled up to your apartment complex and once again got out before you could open the door for you and walk you to your home.

"Thank you for being so sweet earlier (y/n), you're very charming" the man purred, followed by a girlish giggle.

You cringed at the giggle you weren't used to it.

"Yeah no problem I guess?" you replied scratching the back of your neck.

As the two of you made it to your apartment door the man couldn't help himself so he pulled you into his arms once again startling you.

Before you could say anything your apartment door swung open revealing your one and only Uncle Valen.

Much to Koren's dismay his bliss was again cut short as you quickly slithered your way out of the hug (yes exactly like a snake).

"Val? I thought you were at work?" You asked the man, Koren didn't even notice your uncle until you spoke directly to him since he was too busy sulking over the hug.

Shit, guess I gotta make a good impression on my future uncle in law. Koren thought to himself.

Valen gave Koren the suspicious side-eye before responding "There was a flood in the bathrooms this morning so the bar is closed until they get it fixed, who might this man be?" Your uncle asked voice full of suspicion.

"Val you literally go to the restaurant all the time this is the guy who co-owns it." You replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

Koren politely waved to your uncle the man as he had a realization moment.

"Oh, I remember you! Foods great by the way! But what was goin' on a minute ago? Were y'all about to make out or somethin'? Valen asked with zero shame.

You slapped your hand over your eyes to hide in embarrassment before you turned to Koren.

"Thanks for driving me home, see you tomorrow." You said quickly and bluntly before abruptly stepping inside and slamming the door.

"Absolutely not," Your uncle said with zero explanation.

"What the hell are you talking about?! You're so weird.." you replied muttering the last part. "Dating him. You can't." Your uncle replied.

You stared at your uncle in silence with a scrunched-up nose which gave the man his answer to which he rolled his eyes.

"Figured you weren't interested just makin' sure still gotta look out for you," Valen said as he plopped down on the couch cracking open a beer (classic uncle shit).

"Why would it matter anyway? I thought you liked him?" You replied plopping down beside him grabbing to remote to change the channel.

"Correction I like his food, and it's not that I don't like the guy he's just not someone I'd want my niece to be with, seen him at the bar more times than I can count, he drinks like there's no tomorrow, and I've never seen him not leave without a woman, gotta hand it to him though he's gotta great tolerance" The man explained.

You nodded as your uncle spoke, "Yeah I've already heard that he's a bit of a Casanova, but it doesn't matter because we're just friends." You replied.

Valen chuckled at the statement while you two watched (f/s) and you looked at him confused "What?" You asked.

The man rolled his eyes in response "Oh my sweet oblivious niece, sorry I have to be the one to break the news but that man doesn't wanna be your friend." Valen said followed by a snort.

You scrunched up your face for the second time before responding "What? Just cus' we hugged?" You asked.

Your uncle continued laughing at your unmindfulness to which you delightfully started smothering him with a nearby pillow.

The man ripped the pillow out of your grasp and hit you with it before throwing the potential murder weapon across the room.

"Alright enough all I'm sayin' is that a hug between friends is usually short and sweet sometimes longer depending on the situation, that shit outside was a hug to you, to him that was an embrace"

You scrunched up your face (again) but tenfold this time.

Ew 'embrace' shit sounds gross as hell.

"Great you've made me lose my appetite" you replied crossing your arms with a pout.

Valen snickered at you and flicked your nose "There's pizza on the counter".

You were gone the moment he said pizza.

Valen smiled he loves you.


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