𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆

430 19 3

You and Koren currently sat at the mall food court.

Koren convinced you to stay and spend the day with him since it was still the weekend.

You've been noticing that he does that quite a bit.

Don't worry he did take you by your house first so you could shower and change.

Koren was happy, he was secretly considering this a date.

You were happily going to town on your sandwich that Koren paid for.

He's also been doing that all day, if you even looked at something for longer than a second or said you liked something he would buy it for you.

Whenever you ask him why or try to reject it he just tells you it's for 'everything you've done for him' or 'for being such a sweetheart'.

"Koren, did you forget that I like to have money? I mean it's not like you write my checks or anything but yeah it's all there" you stated sarcastically. "Don't be silly of course I know but I love spoiling you, you deserve it," Koren replied fondly.


Lately based on his recent behavior you've been questioning whether or not Koren has feelings for you. Maybe not strong feelings, more like a crush.

But right now you're a little confused, when Lonnie gave you the warning about Koren she made him sound like a manipulative and relentless sleazeball when he's interested in someone.

But that's not the vibe you get from Koren at all, in fact in the short time you've known him, he's treated you better than any guy who's ever tried to pursue you.

Except for Toby, of course, we love him.

You don't really know why Koren treats you the way he does, because from your understanding you haven't done anything special to warrant this behavior from the man, I mean what you have done is just common decency right?

I mean what kind of person would leave a lost injured little boy in the middle of the street alone especially when it's getting dark outside?

And who would ignore a friend who had just injured themselves at a party, full of people they don't know, and let them go home by themselves, and the narrative that 'he's a man' and 'he can take care of himself' is just stupid.

Besides that you've just been nice to him, right? So you don't really get the special treatment but whatever. And this is not to say you are starting to have feelings for him because you aren't.

You don't even know if your hunch is true or not, if it is you just don't want him getting the wrong idea, it might suck if you have to reject him because he is a cool friend in your opinion at least.

You and Koren finished eating and decided to continue shopping for a while, but the two of you ended up bumping into an unexpected individual.

"(Y/n)" Toby said as he looked at you with a smile.

"Oh hey, Toby? I didn't think you'd still be in town" you said, "Yeah I'll be here for a few more days- oh! By the way, how's your hand?" Toby asked looking at Koren.

"It's fine" Koren replied in a short tone trying to compose his glare. Toby laughed nervously "Well that's good... are you guys gonna stick around for a while? If you are can I tag along? I'm here by myself so..." Toby said.

"Yeah, that's okay! We haven't got to hang out in forever is um that okay with you?" You asked turning towards Koren, "if that's what you would like darling" Koren replied with a sickly sweet smile.

Obviously, in truth, Koren wanted to tell Toby to fuck off but he doesn't want to make you upset so he'll have to grin and bare it for the time being.

I guess I can give Toby some charity, after all, it doesn't matter because (y/n) is mine. And once she's with me for good she won't be seeing or speaking to you ever.

Koren thought to himself with a smirk, even so, it was still incredibly annoying seeing you laugh and smile with him, it made him want to do unspeakable things to the man.

The three of you walked around the mall for a little while occasionally buying small things, you ended up in a popular stuffed animal store that brought back some memories for you and Toby.

"(Y/n) now that I'm thinking of it the mall was actually our first official date" Toby chimed in with his thoughts "How could I forget Della and Kj followed us around the whole time, they were treating you like some cereal killer" you laughed.

"Yeah this is where we caught them too, remember how fast they ran?" Toby added chuckling at the memory "Yeah I remember King's dumbass running into a rack of teddy bears and knocking the whole thing over" You snorted.

You and Toby continued laughing at old memories from your couple days, Koren was quite literally about to rip his hair out before he snapped.

"(Y/n) It's getting quite late, isn't it? We do have work tomorrow." Koren stated while trying to mask his annoyance, you checked the time on your phone before responding "shit you're right, uh I'm gonna use the restroom then we can go?" You replied.

Koren nodded his head with a smile and you turned in the direction of the restrooms, leaving Toby and Koren alone.

Things were silent for a moment until Toby decided to break that silence. "Hey... did I do something to offend you?" Toby asked hesitantly "No, why would you say that?" Koren replied curtly.

"Well it's just that you've kinda been glaring at me the whole time, and last night as well" Toby stated anxiously.

"You should stop whatever it is your trying to do with (y/n)" Koren stated bluntly after a moment of silence.

Toby looked at the man and raised an eyebrow with a slightly offended expression, before he could speak Koren cut him off. "Don't act stupid it might work on (y/n) but not with me. It's pretty clear what you're trying to do, you should stop because it's going to get you nowhere" Koren stated confidently.

"And what exactly am I trying to do? I am simply trying to catch up with (y/n)" Toby snapped. "I already told you not to act stupid, your lying skills are almost laughable" Koren retorted "Let me lay it out so it's easier for your tiny brain to comprehend, (y/n)'s moved on, she doesn't like you anymore. So you should really just forget it." Koren stated coldly.


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