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You were currently sitting on Koren's living room floor with Caden playing with Koren's beautiful cat Marla.

Koren was making dinner which was lasagna Caden's favorite and you'll eat anything so you don't care.

It should also be mentioned that Koren didn't mind letting Pickle into his apartment so your buddy was patiently sitting with you like the good boy he is.

"Alright dinner will be done in about 20 minutes Cade you should go change and take a bath." Caden pouted a bit but ultimately walked his happy butt to the bathroom.

L decided to get up to check if your phone had powered on so you could text your uncle.

"I know I've already said this (y/n) but I can't thank you enough" You paused and looked up at the man "It's really nothing I just did what anyone else would do."

"No, anyone else would've lost their patience and called the police which probably would've traumatized my little brother, he doesn't do well in those situations."

"So thank you for being so patient with him." Thank man smiled at you in appreciation. "Um your welcome" you replied looking away.

"I'm surprised he's latched on to you so quickly though, it usually takes him a bit to warm up to people" you laughed in response "he's a good kid, and uh thank you for inviting me to stay for dinner"

The man chuckled "I guess our hangout got sped up to today I'm glad though gives me the chance to get to know you more" Koren said.

"How was your day today (y/n)?" The man asks shit I'm not good at small talk ugh I suck you thought to yourself "Uh it was fine me and my uncle helped our new neighbor Josie move in" you replied.

Koren stopped what he was doing and went for a moment, Josie? Koren thought to himself there's no way it could be that Josie, right?

"Oh uh that's nice, her name sounds a bit familiar what's her last name if you don't mind me asking?" Koren asked with a plastered smile.

"Flores" you replied nonchalantly


Okay let's not freak out yet Koren thought from the look of things (y/n) hasn't mentioned him to her which hasn't given her the chance for Josie to run her mouth about him.

Worst case scenario if that does happen and Josie tries to get in my way I can always spin the story around, wouldn't be the first time I've had to.

"Oh I knew a Josie Flores a while back but we lost contact, unfortunately." Koren replied "(y/n)? Could you tell me some foods you like so that'll I know for the future?"

"Uh sure- I like (f/f).." you went on to tell Koren about some of your favorites and you two talked for a little bit while he finished cooking.

Soon Caden emerged from the bathroom squeaky clean and by that time dinner was ready.

You demolished that lasagna like a heathen Caden thought it was funny Koren thought it was cute, and was flattered you enjoyed his cooking so much.

His cooking skills were just another one of his traits that made it easy to pick up women, but out of all the women he's cooked for he'd never seen one eat like that.

He's big on table manners so normally he'd be disgusted but somehow you make inhaling food look adorable.

It helped that you also asked for thirds.

You were just very hungry, your stomach was a void.

He also adored that you offered to help with the dishes and cleaning up (bro is getting rizzed up by common manners) but being the 'gentleman' he is he declined and did it himself.

𝑺𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓 𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎 ❥Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat