𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒘𝒐

393 19 7

Koren really didn't intend for things to go this far.

But he can't help it, when the matter concerns you his emotions get extremely high, he doesn't think, and he acts rashly.

Like right now.

He stood in front of Josie's cold and bloody corpse.

Shit this is a fucking mess

The scariest part about all of this was that Koren was not concerned nor in shock that he had just taken a person's life.

Not just a person, but someone he knew on a deeply emotional level. But no, he was not concerned with it, he was more concerned with covering his tracks so the police wouldn't find out.

And more importantly you.

It's not like Koren intended for this to happen, he really was only going to scare her a bit to keep her away from you. But Josie Flores has always been a bit stubborn.

Let's backtrack a little bit on how this happened.





As per usual Koren had you wait a few minutes after work so he could drive you home.

And he did just that.

After dropping you off Koren drove his car about ten minutes away from your apartment building, maybe a little bit into the town, away from lurking eyes.

Once he parked his car out of public view, he got out and began walking back in the direction of your apartment building.

Driving it only took about ten minutes but walking it took an extra twenty, but it was a walk he was willing to make to deal with the standing issue.

Eventually, he made it to Josie's, it was already late when he dropped you off but now fortunately it seemed like most of the people in the complex were asleep.

Koren waited a few minutes in the cold after he knocked he assumed she was asleep, but soon enough a tired Josie opened her apartment door.

It seems that it took her a second to register who was standing in front of her because, after a moment of silence, her eyes went wide.

But before she could utter a word Koren harshly pushed the woman back into her apartment followed by him curtly closing and locking her apartment door behind him.

Terrified, Josie was about to scream for help, but Koren was faster and he silenced her by roughly shoving her against the wall and placing his hand over her mouth.

Josie could only look up wide-eyed at the man while trying her best to free herself from his grasp.

"God you are still such a fucking idiot." Koren spit with venom "Who the fuck opens the door for a stranger at twelve in the morning?" Koren said followed by his mocking laughter.

"Well, I guess I should thank your stupidity as it worked in my favor.." Koren stated in a sarcastic tone "But please I'm getting off-topic, I only came here to tell you one thing and that is to stay away from (y/n)" Koren stated bluntly with a blank expression.

Eventually, with all of her strength, Josie was able to push the man's hand off of her face followed by her looking up at the man with a scowl.

"You're a fucking psycho Koren!" Josie exclaimed with nothing but pure hatred in her voice.

Koren rolled his eyes at the woman "Whatever just stay away from her yeah? I'm already pissed that you ran your mouth to her, fucking hell you really need to get over that." Koren stated in an annoyed tone.

"Oh, I'm gonna tell her everything... I'm gonna tell her that your a fucking crazy bitch who attacked me in my apartment!" Josie yelled.

"Jesus keeps your fucking voice down nobody wants to hear that, shit People are sleeping... and attack you? Really? Let's not be dramatic" Koren stated getting more irritated by the second.

"You should stay away from her! She's a sweet girl Koren don't hurt her like you did me... she doesn't need that in her life... she doesn't need you!"

In a split second Josie was shoved against the wall for the second time this time with Koren's hand pressed against her throat and Koren's expression went from an annoyed one to a blank one.

"Excuse me?" Koren uttered heinously "You don't know what she needs." "the only person she needs in this world is me"  Koren stated blankly.

"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you to stay away from her."

Josie could barely speak with the amount of pressure the man was applying on her neck, every word she uttered came out in a horse and quiet voice, barely above a whisper.

Oh, but she went on.

Josie went on and on about how terrible of a person Koren is, that he's crazy, that she'll tell the police and make sure he's put behind bars for the rest of his life, that she'll make sure he will never see you again.

Josie ranted on like this for a while, at least that's what it felt like to Koren because, with each passing minute that she did, the man felt his patience and sanity chipping away.

It was like everything just went blank for a while.

But when he was finally able to register reality it was too late.

Because Josie was already dead on the floor.






It looks like Koren must've slammed her head against the wall in a fit of irritation.

It makes sense though back when they were still together Koren actually can't count how many times he wanted to smother her with a pillow.

It was a pretty euphoric experience when she would shut her yap.

But that's not the main issue here, time to clean up the mess.

There was blood smeared on the wall, and there was still blood oozing from the back of her head.

Fortunately and very conveniently for Koren, he wore gloves. Before you ask he knew that Josie would go to the police, and he really didn't need to leave any evidence that he was there.

So instead of trying to clean what seemed like the endless waterfall of blood, which would probably take hours anyway, Koren went for his second option.

After all, it wasn't hard staging a home invasion, he learned from the best his mother, the fucking queen of destroying shit.

So that settles it.

A home intruder broke into poor Josie's apartment, and in a fight to save her life, young Josie Flores was unfortunately murdered at twenty-four.

Maybe this is for the best Koren thought, I mean at the end of the day if she was alive Josie would've gone to the police, and even though he's confident that he could put his manipulative skills to use and 'prove his innocence' it still would've created a whirlwind of problems for the man.

And no one will find out he did the either, he's confident about that as well.

And even if that did happen he would simply run.

You would just have to get comfortable running with him.


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