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After your nice weekend, it was now Monday and you were back at work.

You were a little more scared today since it would be your first time seeing Koren after he abruptly kissed you the other night.

Lonnie skipped into the break room chipper as ever "Hey hun! How was your weekend?" The woman asked as she applied mascara using her little mirror.

"It was okay hung out with my friends which actually reminds me, feel free to decline but my best friend King is having a party this weekend for his birthday, he said I can invite people would you wanna come?"

The woman closed her mirror and looked up at you with a smirk "Will there be drinks?" Lonnie asked mischievously.

"Um most likely" you assumed since Mr. Lacey didn't mind and Kj's older cousins and friends would be there then yeah there would more than likely be alcohol.

"Then I'll be there text me the details!" Lonnie replied in a chipper tone.

As you were giggling with Lonnie Koren abruptly came into the break room, his eyes immediately pinpointing you.

Koren greeted you with a warm smile "Hey (y/n) I had a lot of fun on Saturday, how was the rest of your weekend?" Your face went pale in a second because the idiot made it sound like something it absolutely wasn't.

You could see Lonnie's jaw-dropping in the background.

Nuh uh, this was NOT it.

"Oh uh... it was good? How was yours?" You asked still recovering from your previous whiplash.

Koren, giggled?... "You're so sweet, it could've been better honestly but I manage" the man replied with a wink.

"Well I don't wanna hold you up, just wanted to greet you and thank you for the lovely night" Before you could respond Koren was already on his out, not before kissing you on the cheek (again).

This kiss did indeed last a bit longer this time.

You slowly turned your head towards Lonnie whose jaw was still dropped "Um ma'am, explain now?"

After recovering from your second whiplash of the day you explained the whole situation to Lonnie.

"Okay, so it was just a coincidence?" Lonnie asked "Basically" you replied,
"Alright I agree with you on keeping things civil and friendly but please be careful okay? I know this might sound stupid but I just really don't want you to get hurt" Lonnie explained in concern.

It felt good knowing Lonnie was looking out for you, at times she definitely felt like a big sister which was comforting.

Unfortunately for poor Lonnie, a certain someone overheard the whole conversation, and he wasn't very pleased.





After some time, a couple hours into the day Lonnie excused herself to go to the supplies closet to grab extra spray to clear a table.

As Lonnie made her way into the small closet, the door abruptly opened and slammed shut followed by the sound of the lock clicking in place.

Before Lonnie could even look up to see who it was she was harshly spun around and pushed against the wall, and a strong hand was slammed by the side of her head another by her shoulder, trapping her in.

Due to the fear running through her body, she could barely look up to see the terrifying blank expression on Koren's face.

"Lon... would you like to tell me what the fuck you've been running your mouth about?" The man asked in a passive-aggressive tone.

In the silence, you could hear a quiet gulp come from the woman "W-what are you talking about?" The woman stuttered out.

Koren let out a breathy chuckle "Always sooo feisty until someone actually gets in your face huh? It's pathetic I hope you know that. Let me spell it out for you."

"Why exactly would my dear (y/n) need to be careful hmm?"

It didn't take even a second for all the color to drain from her face.

"Don't worry Lonnie... I'll forgive you, as long as you never speak to (y/n) ever again" the man stated with a smile

Lonnie was about to yell in anger at the man for putting her in this position in the first place but Koren was faster in harshly putting his hand over her mouth.

"You have really been testing my patience lately you know that? A little word of advice Lon, don't bite that hand that feeds you, Allegra doesn't even like you so the only reason you have this job is because of me never forget that."

The man finally let go of the woman and smiled gently like nothing happened as he stepped away.

"I better not catch you speaking to her if it's not work-related okay?"

And then he was gone.

As soon as the man left the closet Lonnie began having a panic attack.

She had never seen that look in anyone's eyes before, it didn't look...human.

Lonnie truly believes that Koren Lucas is a psychopath, a wolf in sheep's clothing, a monster.

Lonnie was wrong though because Koren was none of those things, he was actually worse.


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