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You, Josie, and Valen continued moving stuff in for a little while, Valen had to go to work at his bartender job and you stayed to help Josie decorate and talk with her more.

It was getting a bit late so you decided to go home as well but not before talking pickle to the park to play.

So you brought a ball and were currently playing fetch with your pal, as he was running to go fetch it he turned to look at you, you patted your knees for him to bring it back and he started running.

In the other direction.

"Pickle! Get back here" Pickle did not listen.

Great now I have to chase him and he's gonna think it's a game! Little Shit.

So you began chasing him and he indeed thought it was a game and began running faster.

But then the worst happened, he took a sharp turn and then you lost him, so now what was a game of tag is now hide and seek.

You wanted to cry, pickle where are you? I am NOT giving him any scraps of my plate tonight.

You were running out of breath yelling Pickles's name everywhere, people were giving you weird looks to which you delightfully returned with the finger.

Just as you were about to turn another corner you were probably way further from home now, you heard the jingles of a dog tag and the giggling of a small child.

You turned around and ran in the other direction where you heard two sounds coming from and there was your dog.
Standing over a little boy wagging his tail and licking his face all over.

You weren't the biggest fan of kids but your heart was about to explode over the adorable scene.

Pickle noticed your presence and was looking back and forth at you and the boy wagging his tail and occasionally letting out excited whines.

Almost as if he was saying 'Can we keep him? I love him!'

The boy also noticed your presence and slowly got up, put his arms behind his back, and shyly looked to the side mumbling incoherent sentences.

You took notice of his scraped knee, dirty clothes, and disheveled hair he also looked like he had been crying with his puffy eyes.

"Uh hello, are you lost?" You asked, the boy didn't respond but instead looked up at you with his big green pleading eyes, you could tell his breathing started getting heavier and his eyes began watering, he was about to cry.

Shit! I don't know how to handle kids crying...

He began letting out barely audible whimpers, your dog also began whining sensing something was wrong. You quickly got down on your knees to try and soothe the boy.

"Hey don't cry it's okay this is my dog Pickle, if you tell me what happened I can help you, do you know where your parents are?" You tried soothing him to the best of your ability it seemed to be working a little.

It took a minute for the boy to calm down but he eventually got himself together and explained what happened.

Apparently, he stays with his brother occasionally on the weekends at his apartment, the building has a playground so he went outside to play but some mean kids from his school started picking on him so he did the only logical nine-year-old thing and ran away.

He ran so fast and when he finally stopped to catch his breath he was in an area he didn't recognize, a few minutes later Pickle the hero found him and made him feel better with kisses.

"Okay um, can you tell me your name?" The boy sniffled and wiped his nose before responding "Caden..but most people call me Cade" The boy you now knew as Caden replied.

"Okay Cade my name is (y/n) I'm gonna help you get home okay? Do you have a small idea of where your brother's apartment is?" Caden looked around for a minute "Yes I can try miss (y/n) I can try to retrace my steps.."

Damnit he's too cute!

You lend your hand out for the boy to grab and hesitantly he took it and began walking in the direction he was running in (he thinks).

"What's your brother's name?" You asked gently praying he wouldn't cry again from the nine-year-old stress. Thankfully he didn't "My big brother is Koren.."

Oh well, that's convenient, is what you thought but then you remembered you don't have his number but he has yours, and like all predictable moments in books and TV shows, your phone is dead great.

Also, this could always be another Koren, you doubt it though because the more you look at the boy the more features you can see he shares with your weird boss.

Dark hair, unnaturally tall for a nine-year-old, green eyes. Plus this is a small town the chance of there being two Koren's is little.

"I think I might know your Brother.." you said quietly putting your hand on your chin, "Really!? You know him? Are you friends?!" The boy asked with a big smile in an excited tone.

Well he cheered up fast pft

"Well does your brother have a mullet, green eyes, and is he freakishly tall?" You asked, the boy started giggling and skipping his feet waving both your arms around excitedly.

"Yeah! That's my brother! How do you know him miss?" Caden asks "Well he's my boss" you replied to which Caden let out an audible gasp. "You work at his restaurant? Is he a good boss or a bad one?"

You wanted to joke with him and tell him his brother was the worst boss in the world but that could end badly so you didn't.

"He's nice he's a good boss" the boy laughed "Good! Sometimes he's a bossy brother.."

You and Caden continued talking as you walked he became a real chatterbox once you brought up video games and you surprisingly had a very good conversation with a nine-year-old about Minecraft.

Caden let out probably his third gasp tonight and started pointing at an apartment building "That's it! That's where my big brother lives!" Before you could respond Caden began running at full speed dragging you with him.

Pickle chased both of you thinking it was a game.

Before you could tell him to slow down you could see a worried Koren outside talking to some neighbors "Kory!!" Caden yelled.

Koren turned around with a surprised expression and before he could say anything Caden jumped into his arms almost knocking him over.

As Koren was busy scolding Caden about not leaving the apartment building he noticed you standing in the back awkwardly kicking rocks with your dog.

You were about to leave as you had done your job but Koren's  voice stopped you "(y/n)?" You looked up at him for a second before Caden ran up to you grabbing your hand and walking you up to his brother.

"Kory! This is the nice girl who helped me! And she has a cute dog!" Pickle barked at his mentioning, Koren looked at you and smiled in appreciation.

"Thank you so much (y/n) I don't know how to repay you" you laughed awkwardly as you usually do when some compliments you. "Can she stay for dinner Kory!? Pretty please!!"

It seems Koren didn't have a problem with it as he looked at you for an answer "Umm well as much as I'd love to it's getting pretty late and my phone is dead so.."

"But we have chargers! You can eat while your phone charges!" Caden whines while giving puppy dog eyes.

After more convincing on Caden's end you ultimately decide to stay and have dinner much to Koren's delight.


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