𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒊𝒙

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You felt a bit nervous not gonna lie

The last time you saw Toby was at his graduation party two years ago, which was also the same day you broke up.

It wasn't a bad break up really, it was actually more your decision than his.

In all honesty, his college isn't that far away and you could've made long-distance work.

But here's the thing.

Toby is the kind of guy who's constantly putting others before himself especially people he cares for deeply.

He's also a huge worry wart, so his moving away to college would've been a constant battle of him always worrying about you, and thoughts of how you're doing getting in the way of his studies.

Which isn't good because he wants to be a pediatric doctor.

He's also the type of guy that if you told him you didn't want him to go to college and stay there with you he would've done it in an instant.

So to put it simply you felt like you would be holding him back from the best future possible.

Not only that, you were also very busy in life and things honestly just wouldn't have worked out in the long run (in your opinion).

You and Toby met your sophomore year of high school, his junior year.

You both ended up being put in the same honors math class together as seat buddies.

It was probably about three weeks into the new school year, and you and Toby hadn't really said much to each other yet.

But one fateful day you caught him drawing a picture of a character from a horror video game you really liked, it was very good so you kept peaking at it throughout class that day.

I guess he noticed you looking at it because, at the end of class, he asked you if you wanted it, delighted, you took it.

After that, the two of you began talking more about your shared interests and things just kinda blossomed from there.

Toby was a good boyfriend.

He was very attentive and always made sure you were comfortable in any situation, he spoiled you, he knew how much you liked his pictures so he drew one for you every day and so much more.

In all honesty, you felt like you didn't deserve him that's also a huge part of the reason you broke up with him.

Shortly after the breakup Toby left for college and he still texted you occasionally checking up on you and asking how you're doing, he even sent you a package for your birthday with some treats that you like and of course some drawings.

But of course with the distance and both of you being college students and you working a full-time job, communication fell off.

But right now the two of you sat in the bedroom surrounded by other friends catching up and laughing as if no time had gone by.

"Wait wait (y/n) do you still have all the drawings?" Kj asked humorously.

"Um yeah? So what there good pictures why waste them?" You replied in a shy annoyed manner.

Toby and Kj both laughed joyously "No but seriously I thought you were gonna be mad that I didn't tell you he was here" Kj said.

"Why the hell would I be mad?" You muttered

"Um maybe because you don't like surprises?" Kj replied in a snarky tone. "Wait (y/n) I haven't got the chance to be properly introduced to your friend here, Koren was it?" Toby chimed in.

Speaking of Koren the man was currently gritting his teeth at the sight of you joyously laughing with your ex-boyfriend.

He was practically holding himself back from ripping you away from the party and taking you back to his place.

He was also jealous of course not just because Toby was her but also because of your friends, he didn't like seeing how comfortable you were around these people, it just reminded him that he wasn't yet a part of your life like that.

He was just a casual friend.

He couldn't tell if you had any lingering feelings left for the man, what he could tell immediately when you saw him was that you were a bit flustered and nervous, probably after not seeing him for a while.

Which he also hated, why should Toby get to see those reactions out of you? It wasn't fair.

"Oh yeah this is Koren he's my friend, also my boss but he's cool." You explained casually.

Toby being the nice and polite guy he is got up to shake the man's hand with a smile.

Which Koren returned by grabbing his hand and squeezing the ever-loving shit out of it with a passive-aggressive smile.

"Ah yes nice to meet you Toby I really haven't heard much about you but it's nice to meet you" Koren spit with venom which of course went unnoticed by you.

Typical Mc.

But not unnoticed by Toby or Kj.

Toby just awkwardly laughed at the obvious resentment while subtly trying to rip his hand back from Koren's vicious hold.

Poor Toby.

"(Y/n) Why don't we go downstairs and get you something to eat? I know you haven't eaten yet" the man stated quickly with a closed eye smile.

He wanted you as far away from Toby as possible.

You were hungry so you didn't argue.

Koren wasted no time grabbing your hand and pulling you out of that room.

But about halfway down the hallway the man stopped and turned you towards him with a smile.

"I need to use the restroom (y/n), would you wait for me in the kitchen?" Koren asked "Yeah sure" you replied casually while walking away

The man yelled for you to be careful before he started walking back to the bedroom where you and him just left. What was he doing you might ask?

Well, he was eavesdropping.

A man who has just seen his ex-girlfriend for the first time in two years? Of course, he's gonna talk about her the second she leaves the room.

"Sooooo?" Kj asked in a playful manner

"What?" Toby laughed.

"Oh, nothing... it's just been two years since you've seen her, what do you think?" Kj asked.

"Well she's still beautiful if that's what you mean, that guy she was with is kinda weird though... are they like a thing?" Toby asked bashfully.

"Oh no, you don't have to worry about him, (y/n) isn't interested." Kj snorted

Koren rolled his eyes a bit offended, what does he know?

"But assuming that you asked you're still interested" Kj teased.

"I mean...I'd be lying if I said no but I don't wanna bombard her or anything" Toby replied.

Koren walked away. That was all the confirmation he needed.

Now he needs to get you out of this party as soon as possible.

He just needed to figure out how.


𝑺𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓 𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎 ❥Where stories live. Discover now