𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆

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You were wrong Koren wasn't offended, he was actually crying.

He just doesn't understand, if you're not upset with him why won't you speak to him?

Why can't you see that he just wants what's best for you? And what's best for you is to be with him, and no one else forever.

He can give you anything you desire, he has the money and the means to spoil you with whatever you want. With him you would never have to lift a finger again, he'll do everything.

Koren can't help but think you're being a bit unfair towards him.

All you need to do is listen to him and you'll be okay, is that so hard?

Well, not really towards you but to your uncle.

Koren's starting to despise everyone that's close to you. It's not fair, they don't deserve your attention.

At first, Koren was fine with you visiting your uncle when the two of you got together, and on very special occasions your friends as well. But now he's taking that back.

You don't need them. And they don't really need you either.

Koren knows you might be a bit upset at first, but he'll help you understand that they never really cared about you, not to the extent that he does at least.

Koren knows that he might sound a bit dramatic and twisted to others right now, but they don't understand. Every moment he's away from you he feels like he's going insane, his mind can't rest.

Everything will be fine once you're in his arms for good.

Despite you telling Koren in nicer words to leave you alone, Koren just couldn't handle it, normally he could handle being away from you on nights before work but that's only because the two of you would be consistently texting each other sometimes talking on the phone.

But you're not texting him this time, and even worse Koren can tell you're still a bit upset with him, or at least uncomfortable.

So since he can't stand it, right now he is currently sitting in his car parked outside by the park watching you and your uncle Valen play with your dog Pickle.

You looked so beautiful in the moonlight... breathtaking actually, looks, personality, there were no words to describe how amazing you were to Koren.

You're always taking his breath away and you don't even know it. He just loves you so much that it hurts.

It's crazy to think that not even that long ago, past Koren, would never believe the shit he's been doing in the present.

Crying over a girl that he loves? And not even normal crying either, if anyone had seen him they would think he had just gotten to worst news of his life, but it was unheard of for who he was in the past.

But the past didn't matter anymore, he was determined to be the best man he could possibly be for you, and make you the happiest girl in the world.

It was incredibly disappointing but it wasn't hard to tell, you didn't have feelings for him.

As much as he hates Allegra and hates it even more to admit this, but he's starting to understand how she feels.

But, he's beginning to lose his patience.

As he sat in the driver's seat of his vehicle, watching you laughing with your uncle, playing with your dog...
He just hated it.

He knows that Valen isn't too keen on him either, it wasn't hard to tell. Koren can't help but feel like your uncle is doing this on purpose.

Like he's trying to keep the two of you apart, but Valen doesn't fucking get it, at this point Koren feels that if he can't have you then what's the point in living? He has no friends, and no family besides Caden, his mother.....and his father.

But he knows Caden could live without him, his mother despises his very existence and his father practically gave up on him years ago. He only has you.

Valen doesn't understand that and it pisses him off.

If only you knew the lengths Koren was willing to go to have you.

If I had it my way I would just take her from everyone...somewhere far where no one can find us and get in the way of our love.

Wait- what?

Koren sat in silence thinking about the thought that just came to his mind.

Take her?

It was pretty intrusive, he never thought he would have any idea like that but the more he thought about it the more he liked the idea.

Her friends, her family, her stupid fucking ex-boyfriend. Everyone is getting in the way... if they weren't around her then nothing would stop our progress, surely... I can just make her learn to love me, right?

Yes. It's the only logical way to do this now.

If you're only around him, then you'll have no choice but to love him.


I'll just take her...


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