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Koren had made it back to his apartment, it was a little past twelve at this point but was he gonna go to sleep?

No. Because he's on demon time and he's got work to do.

He had gotten the numbers of your parents, and your ex-boyfriend, and when he took you home while you were unlocking your door he snagged a picture of hopefully Josie's apartment number.

When you have someone's number and full name it's super easy to find all their social media, and when you have someone's address you can get their number and find their social media.

So yes he will be stalking people tonight.

He started with Josie, he is a little curious to see how she's been ever since he ruined her four years ago.

And what he found is incredibly fucking boring, just like her, funny.
He did find it amusing that she hasn't been in a relationship ever since their relationship.

Aw, poor thing.

Josie was one of his favorite victims, her personality and goals never really interested him in the slightest, she wanted to be a teacher, get married, and have kids, yawn.

She was boring to him.

But she was beautiful and what really drew him in the night they met was her lousy job at hiding her interest in him and playing hard to get. He thought it was amusing and cute at the time so he decided he was gonna hurt her and that was that, end of story.

Her reaction and the aftermath was the best part, it was what made all the effort worth it. She looked like she wanted to scream at him so badly, but the pathetic thing could barely get a word out, every time she did it just came out in sobs and whimpers.

That was what Koren thrived on, what he lived for.

He can't remember when this infatuation with mentally hurting women started, probably somewhere around his senior year of high school, all he knows is that it's like a drug and he doesn't really know how to stop.

Anyways.. moving on to your parents and your ex...

He didn't find much with your parents he did see that you mostly take from your mother, he did find a younger picture of you though.

From the picture it looked like your tenth birthday was being celebrated, he thought it was adorable so he saved it.

Moving on to your ex-boyfriend, his full name is Tobias Lincoln, he is twenty years old, studying at a university about an hour away from this town.

He seemed pretty fit according to a shirtless picture of him at the beach.

He's not a bad-looking dude but still doesn't compare to him Koren thought to himself.

From what he posts he seems like a geek, is that the kind of man you're into? I mean from what he's learned about you you're a bit of a geek as well but Koren thought that was a cute look on you.

It seemed like you and this man had a lot in common but Koren thought you should be with someone different, opposites attract right?

As Koren scrolled through that man's photos he got progressively more annoyed. He thought back to the conversation he had with you in the car about your parents.

He believed you when you said nothing terrible had happened but he also knew that what you told him wasn't the full story, just the run down.

Did this guy know the full extent? Koren didn't like that, it didn't feel fair.

He knows and understands that logically you're not going to tell someone you just met very personal details about your life, but that doesn't change the way he feels about it.

For some reason he can't pinpoint he feels like he needs to know everything about you.

And him not knowing why he has this feeling just pisses him off even more, he knew that your friends most likely knew everything as well.

It's like that feeling you get when you have a group of friends and they have an inside joke that you are not a part of, Koren doesn't like that, it makes him feel left out, it makes him feel...inferior.

Koren never feels inferior.

Suddenly Koren stopped everything he was doing and really thought about his behavior over the past few days.

Why am I keeping random pictures of her? Why am I thinking about her this way?

Since when have I ever given a shit about crap like this? Why do I care who knows about her life? Why do I care that she's been in a relationship?

Since when have I ever felt this way about anyone?!

The room was completely silent, only the sound of the man's quiet ragged breathing could be heard.

"Oh no- no no no" Koren thought out loud, Koren's breathing was getting heavier, and he began sweating.

He can't be- no not with you.. you're nothing to him! Just a meaningless tool! Just someone he'll throw away once he has no more use for you!

Suddenly Koren felt a very painful feeling in his chest as he thought that, an ache in his heart.

The more he thought about you in such a cruel light he felt...guilty.

But why should he feel guilty? He didn't do anything wrong? Not yet at least, nothing makes sense right now.

He can't feel that way about you he just can't, he won't allow it.

But as Koren put more of the pieces together he began to understand it more, you're friendly with most people because that's just common decency.

But the only people you really allow in are the people you've built a special bond with.

He was jealous of that.

Because no matter how hard he thought about it he couldn't think of anyone in his life he was special to besides his brother but that goes without saying.

His relationship with his mother was laughable, to say the least, his relationship with his father was nonexistent and he's never spoken to any extended family.

He had friends in high school but it was never like that, and he doesn't even speak to any of those people anymore.

His 'relationships' didn't count, he never felt anything for any of those women, not romantically at least.

And it was always about him making them feel special, not the other way around.

Koren understands now, he wants to be special to someone, to be special to you.

The relationships you have in your life are all the more precious because they're so rare, he wants to be a part of that.

Koren can't say for sure if he has... feelings.. for you, even just the thought of that scares him deeply.

What he does know is that he's going to put this project on hold until he confirms his feelings.

He has a few ideas on how to do that.

A ping notification sound from his phone interrupted his thoughts, annoyed he looked at his phone, and he grew even more annoyed once he saw who it was.

Guess he'll be paying a visit to his mother tomorrow, unfortunately.


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