𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒆

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Koren was in a bit of a dilemma.

He actually forgot about the whole Josie situation for a while, but since he was enamored with you he didn't really think of anything or anyone else.

But he saw her and she definitely saw him and that's a problem.

Since you and Koren are still on good terms with each other now it's pretty clear Josie hasn't run her mouth about him yet.

But it's also clear that she's fond of you, and now that she knows you and him know each other she's going to try and give you a stupid warning about him which will complicate things.

Pests just keep showing up left and right, first her pathetic ex-boyfriend and now Josie?

Koren understands what he has to do, he just has to get to you before Josie does which will be easy considering that he's your boss and work isn't over for another couple of hours, unless Josie hasn't already texted you, though he doubts it because she looked pretty shocked when she saw him.

So he'll find you in the break room when it's time and flip the story around and make Josie sound like a crazy ex-girlfriend who clearly still isn't over her ex.

After that when work is over, he'll drive you home and make a small pit stop by Josie's place to give her a little verbal warning.

Though with everything going on recently Koren is slowly coming to the realization that not only does he love you, he really doesn't like anyone else that comes near you.

Which is why when he does finally obtain you some arrangements will definitely be made.

When we begin officially dating of course she will move in immediately, the apartment will do for now but somewhere down the line I will buy a lovely house for us and she can decorate it as she pleases, preferably a house on the countryside on some land away from lurking eyes.

She will also quit working immediately as well as school, I can provide anything she wants or needs. This might be a little difficult seeing as she's quite adamant on the career she wants, but she doesn't need it so I'm sure with some convincing she'll be perfectly happy with living a comfortable work-free life at our home.

She can visit her uncle but of course, that will be limited as she'll be busy spending her time with me and being cared for. As for her friends, I suppose on special occasions and special occasions only she can have supervised visits with them. But I'm certain that once we start our life together she'll slowly come to understand that she doesn't really need them.

I would also prefer that we get married as soon as possible, I've never been big on the idea of a huge wedding ceremony, especially now since I'm not so keen on the idea of people seeing my beautiful (y/n) in a gorgeous wedding gown but if she wants that I suppose we can have a small get together, her friends and family can even consider it a farewell since they won't be seeing her much after that.

I believe (y/n) will be okay with not leaving the house very often of course I will only allow it if I'm right by her side every time. It might seem a bit controlling to others but really it's what's best for her, (y/n) is awfully unaware of her surroundings so I can't have her getting hurt, others just have to understand, that my poor darling can't survive without me.

But let's handle one thing at a time, first, let's deal with Josie.
You were currently in the break room reading (manga name) on your phone to pass the time.

Scaring the absolute shit out of you, you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist, as well as some weight on the top of your head.

After shortly recovering from your initial heart attack you realized it was just Koren, he's weird and no one else does that.

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