𝑻𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒘𝒐

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You woke up feeling a bit strange.

And by strange you mean you woke up with a massive pounding fucking headache.

But even weirder, you woke up in a room you did not recognize.

Okay so now you were panicking a bit.

The last thing you remembered was eating dinner with Koren. Did I just fucking pass out in the middle of eating? Why didn't he wake me up?? Valen is probably losing his shit right now!!

In the middle of your mental crisis, you heard something going on in the kitchen, you assumed Koren was cooking something.

You slowly emerged from the bedroom, head still pounding in search of Koren.

Said man was indeed cooking breakfast, as much as he wanted to spend the whole night cuddling you, he knew you would freak out if you woke up with his arms tightly wrapped around you.

So he left the room about two hours ago occasionally going in to check on you, he only got about four hours of sleep last night but it was worth it in his opinion.

Koren noticed your presence behind him and turned around with a gentle smile. "Good morning (y/n)".

Your head was pounding harder by the second and you felt like you were gonna puke, but you were also still trying to comprehend and remember what happened last night.

"Um excuse me but what the fuck happened?"

After giving you some medicine and water Koren explained what happened.

Apparently, somewhere in the middle of your eating, you felt sick so you excused yourself to the restroom Koren said he thinks you threw up but you can't remember.

After that, you came out of the restroom and apparently just crashed on the couch out of exhaustion.

Koren did try waking you up but obviously, to no avail, you were out like a rock, so he took you to his bedroom and that was that.

You felt a bit embarrassed that you just crashed on the couch like nothing, but at least you don't have to remember it actually happening.

I guess that's what happens when you work a ten-hour shift without eating anything and only running on four hours of sleep.

The medicine and the water was helping your headache at least but you still felt like boo-boo.

"I made French toast I hope you like, also don't worry about your uncle I texted him last night letting him know you'd be spending the night elsewhere" the man stated casually.



"How did you get in my phone without the password?" You asked puzzled

The man stared at you wide-eyed for a moment before laughing "Your words were a bit slurred but you did ask me to text him for you and gave me the password."

Your mouth formed an O shape while you tiredly nodded your head, you were honestly too tired and too sick to even use words right now or question if that was true.

"(Y/n), as your boss I'm giving you full permission to stay home today and rest, after you finish eating I will take you home." Koren once again stated casually while elegantly sipping his coffee.

Again, you were running on zero energy and you felt like shit so you didn't argue.

It's probably for the best as you can't even stomach going to work right now and you have an essay due tomorrow that you didn't get to finish writing last night.

Did y'all forget MC is a college student?

Koren did keep his word and drove you home after you both finished eating, you could barely fucking walk so Koren had to hold your hand and guide you to his car, of course, he didn't mind, he actually loves the helpless and dependent look on you.

You were too tired to be embarrassed with yourself, but you'll feel the shame later.

Right now your only plan is to take a nice bath and a long nap.

Unfortunately for Koren, a certain deranged woman watched the entire scene from her car parked outside of the man's apartment.


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