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You were sitting on the couch watching a random movie in your shared cabin home waiting for Koren to return.

He left two days ago saying he needed to go on a trip to get something special for you.

You were against it and scared to be alone, you and Koren haven't spent a day apart since he brought you here, and you weren't used to doing things on your own anymore.

Koren was in fact the person who found you in the woods and he carried you right back to the car and drove to the cabin without stopping or speaking to you.

He was not lenient with your punishment.

He did patch up your feet but you were kept locked in a spare room in the dark with no furniture, no nothing for a long time.

Koren didn't speak to you or look at you, just brought you your food and bathed you.

It got to the point where you were just begging to be let out with the promise to be good and not run away ever again.

He did let you out and the both of you resumed life like nothing happened, resumed life like a married couple.

That was two years ago.

Koren basically did everything for you, cooking, bathing, feeding, getting you dressed every morning, and most of the time he just carried you around the house.

The only things you did by yourself now were obviously use the restroom, and brush your teeth, but it was fine you were used to it and it made Koren happy.

You think you love Koren, I mean you kinda had to. There are still days when you get irritated with him and think about your life before him and feel resentment, but that was only occasionally. 

It could be Stockholm but you don't know.

All you did know was that you couldn't stand being away from Koren, he was all you had so that has to be love, right?

So you sat there and patiently waited for him to return.

As if on cue you heard the faint sound of a car pulling up outside. You got up and walked out the front to greet him.

Shutting the driver's side door and looked up at you with a bright smile Koren rushed towards and picked you up in his arms, kissing your face all over and telling you he missed you.

"Did you behave while I was gone?" Koren asked while setting you back down with a hint of amusement you nodded in response and buried your face in his chest.

Koren giggled at the adorable display and kissed the top of your head.

"Close your eyes my love I have a surprise for you..." Koren said clearly excited, you did as Koren instructed and obediently shut your eyes tight.

You could hear Koren's footsteps on the gravel walking back towards the car, you heard the door open the close again and the sound of more footsteps?

"Alright open them"

Reluctantly you opened your eyes and let out a gasp as you were greeted by your one and only beautiful black lab Pickle.

Pickle immediately jumped at seeing his beloved owner once again, he did that cute little wiggle that dogs do when they're excited.

Koren smiled, dark blush coating his cheeks, and laughed at the sight of you playing and rubbing your beloved dog's belly.

Once you were finished you looked up at the man with wide eyes "How did you do this?" You asked in disbelief.

Koren chuckled in response to your question "Don't worry about that darling, just be happy that he's here with you" Koren replied as he walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, and embracing you.

You decided it would probably be best, you were just so happy, now you have Pickle and Koren here with you.

"I love you my dear (y/n)" Koren said, kissing your cheek.

You smiled

"I love you too Koren"

Life was good.


𝑺𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓 𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎 ❥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora