𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒊𝒙

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After thinking on it more, Koren is sure this is what he wants.

He can't get too excited yet, he still needs to work through his plan.

As soon as the idea came to Koren's mind he quickly drove back home to form a plan, that was a few hours ago so it's safe to say that the gremlin man didn't get a wink of sleep.

But it was worth it to him.

Koren knows you might be a bit angry with him at first, but with some time and care, he knows that you'll adjust fine and you'll understand that this is what's best for you.

The apartment will have to do for now, but eventually, Koren will need to find a new place for the both of you to live together, preferably someplace far away and secluded.

Koren was planning on saving and eventually buying a house one day when he decided to settle down but that wasn't for awhile.

Koren has a good income and can afford many luxuries, but with the world's current economy adding to the fact that he wasn't planning on settling down anytime soon (before he met you) he has no savings to afford a house that he deemed fit enough for you.

But fortunately for him, he knew just who to call. Even if he really dreaded doing so.

He scrolled through his contacts until he found the desired one and clicked to call the number.

It only rang for a couple of seconds before the person on the other side picked up.


"Hello Father"

"What's going on? Are you calling about Caden?"

"No, I wasn't actually hoping you and I could meet up to talk...if you're not busy-"

"No! Of course, we can! Uh, where and what time?!"

"The coffee shop on xxxx at 12:00 pm"

"Okay! I'll be there!"

Koren quickly hung up before his father could say anything else, Koren felt weird talking to his father, the only time they really spoke was when it concerned Caden.

If you're curious, no Koren does not believe to lies his mother spewed about his father when he was a young boy.

But he still had no interest in forming a relationship with the man, even if he wanted to it's just too late now, Koren is twenty-five years old and he honestly just feels no attachment to his father anymore.

He would be lying if he said he didn't feel at least a little bit of resentment towards him.

Koren just felt like his father gave up on trying to win him back too soon, he feels like if he loved him enough he would have fought harder, and maybe his childhood wouldn't have been so bad.

But as said before it's in the past so there's no point in dwelling on it.

That being said he did feel a bit bad since his father sounded excited to meet with him when in reality Koren only wanted him for something and had no interest in catching up.

But only a little bad.

And hey the old man did say he could call if he ever needed anything.





Koren arrived at the small coffee shop and looked around, as expected his father was already sitting there waiting patiently for him.

Koren curtly made his way to his seat and greeted his father. "Hello Koren," Marvin said with a soft smile on his face.

In terms of appearance Koren definitely took from his mother, except when it came to his emerald green eyes, he took those from his father Marvin Lucas.

"Hi. Sorry to call you so abruptly like this..." Koren replied nonchalantly "Oh no it's fine, would you like anything before a talk?" Marvin offered generously.

"No, it's fine. I must apologize but I didn't call you here to catch up or anything like that, I need a favor" Koren stated bluntly, he honestly had nothing against his father he just wanted to get this over with.

Marvin smiled and lightly chuckled before responding "That's fine Kory, I told you that you can call me for anything, what is it that you need?" Marvin asked.

"Do you remember that vacation cabin that we used to go to during the summer? Winters as well..." Koren asked and Marvin nodded in response "Of course! That was your favorite place growing up, but what about it?" Marvin replied. 

"Well.... If it's possible, is there any way that I could buy it from you?" Koren asked. Marvin stared at his son in silver for a moment before laughing lightheartedly.

"No need to buy it, Kory, I was always planning on giving it to you when you grew up, I just wasn't sure if you wanted it from me anymore" the man replied with a smile.

Koren let out a sigh of relief before smiling at his father "Thank you..." Koren replied appreciatively. "No problem, think of it as a gift, I do have to mention of course since nobody has stayed there for a while it needs some repairs done on it... Oh, don't worry! I can pay for all of it I'm happy to!" Marvin blurted out anxiously.

"That's fine Dad... also I can help with any payments I can afford it, how long do you think it could take?" Marvin looked down in thought for a moment before responding "Well with the cleaning and pipe repairs I'd say somewhere around two to three months... and please don't worry I can handle all payments this is a gift..." Marvin stated thoughtfully.

"If you insist but let me know if you need any help. Thank you for this really" Koren said with a charming smile "Of course! I'm happy you want to live there... but if you don't mind me asking, why all of a sudden?" Marvin inquired curiously.

Koren couldn't hold back the blush and smile that came to his face when his father asked that question, he immediately thought about how his life will be with you there... his silent reaction gave Marvin the answer he was looking for and he responded with a chuckle.

"Well in that case I hope you two have a happy life in that home together" Marvin stated happily "Thank you..." Koren replied bashfully followed by him clearing his throat.

"Well thank you for meeting me here... and thank you for the house I really appreciate it" Koren stated while getting up from his seat.

Marvin followed in unison and smiled at his son "It was my pleasure I will go home and get the repair process started... I'll update you and let you know when it's ready for move-in".

This is good, everything is coming together...

Soon (y/n).

Koren thought while smirking to himself, his plan was officially put together, now he just needed to put it into action.


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