𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆

366 19 1

"Are you going to kill me?"

You asked with a rough voice, Koren on the other hand his expression turned from affectionate to utterly shocked in an instant, almost angry as well.

Inside you began panicking again thinking that you pissed him off, your mind went to how you can possibly make a run for it but Koren immediately grabbed your hands and brought them towards his face, looking at you with glossy eyes is this crazy bitch about to cry??!! "(Y/n) I would never hurt you" Koren responded, voice shaking as he looked down bringing your hands to his forehead.

"I-I'm so sorry I made you feel that way, it was never my intention, but I can promise no matter what I would never do anything to harm you..." Koren stated, slowly looking up once more as he gently kissed your knuckles.

Cringing, you slowly pulled your hands back which clearly disappointed the man but both decided to let it go. You still didn't trust him and didn't know whether or not you believed that statement but you just decided if everything goes to shit and he tries to kill you, you would do everything in your power to fight back even if it means one of you will die.

And if that's you, at least you died trying.

"Okay... if you're not going to kill me, why did you do this?" You asked reluctantly. Koren responded with a smile and a lighthearted laugh "Because I love you..." Koren stated with zero hesitation while affectionately caressing your cheek.

Excuse me?!

Koren laughed once more at your baffled expression "I know how it sounds but let me explain... you wouldn't understand this yet but this is the best way for us to be together..."

"Everyone in your life... was trying to keep us apart it's not right" Koren stated, anger lacing his tone "What?" you stated shocked at what the man was telling you.

"Look (y/n)... I know you'll be angry about this for a while and that's okay I was already prepared for that, but I know that you'll understand soon that this was for the best... once you realize that you can love me too..."

The more he spoke, the more you realized that Koren had zero plans on letting you leave. You were beginning to panic even more.

"Koren. You need to let me go." you said in a frustrated tone "I'm sorry (y/n)... but I'm not going to do that." Koren responded without a beat.

Anger, fear, frustration, all emotions were beginning to make your eyes tear up "Please Koren... I promise I won't tell anyone if you let me go... I have people who will worry about me." You said, voice shaking the more you spoke.

Koren looked at you with sadness written on his face before pulling you into a hug, shushing you, and stroking your hair like a child, "Please don't cry (y/n)... I promise this is for the best so that we can be together... you'll understand" Koren explained.

"How is this for the best? I promise if you let me go we can be together I won't tell any-" Before you could utter another word, you were cut off by Koren roughly smashing his lips against yours.

It all happened so fast, you didn't know how to react other than to push your hands against his chest.

The kiss went on for a while, his soft plum lips roughly moving against yours, in an effort you tried to keep your mouth closed which you could tell was frustrating him.

Koren's hand cupped the back of your head, abruptly tilting it to the side by your hair, roughly biting down on your bottom lip, to your utter horror his warm, soft tongue met with yours, the feeling sending a sharp jolt down your spine.

It was clear that Koren was very experienced you thought as his tongue danced with yours, you had kissed before, but never this extreme, you just wanted it to be over.

You had given up on trying to break free from the man's stronghold, as it was clear he had no intentions of stopping.

Koren on the other hand couldn't get enough, his lips could stay on yours forever, and the more he kissed you the hungrier he got, a kiss had never made him feel so alive, it was euphoric.

You were getting more exhausted by the second, eyes getting droopy begging to flutter shut, Koren only seemed to get more energized.

Finally, the man pulls back, making your head bob back, eyes snapping back open. After assaulting your mouth, this man had the absolute gall to gently kiss your cheek and smile down affectionately at you.

"(Y/n) That's enough, do you think I'm stupid? If I let you go I know you'll go to the police and I won't be able to see you again..." Koren stated with a pout gracing his handsome features.

You were about to argue but Koren cut you off once more, "Now, as much I would love to stay with you I have to get ready for work, you'll be in the room for the whole day... I know it's not the best but just rest for now"

"I'll make you something to eat before I leave, also don't try breaking out the door will be locked, also please don't shout for help either this room is soundproof no one will hear you, you're only hurting yourself in the process," Koren explained looking at you thoughtfully.

The man didn't give you time to respond as he abruptly left the room not before kissing your forehead, followed by hearing the sound of the lock clicking in place.

What the fuck?!

What the actual fuck?!

Okay okay (y/n) let's not panic.

People will start looking for you.

Valen, Kj, Della, they'll make sure the police will find you. For now, just play along. Don't do anything to piss him off.

Everything will be fine.





After a short while Koren came back into the bedroom with a plate of what you assume was beagles and oatmeal.

Koren made his way toward you, he set the place on the nightstand next to the water and sat beside you.

Koren smiled at you affectionately as he caressed your face "I have to go now but here's your breakfast my love... when I get back I'll answer more of your questions." Koren explained, you didn't respond and just stared at him blankly.

Koren frowned at that and sighed, he lightly kissed your cheek before standing up and walking towards the door.

Before leaving he looked back at you once more with a lighthearted smile "I know this is hard for you baby, believe me I know... but please believe me when I say that I love you so much, this is for your own good." He said before walking out the door.

For my own good? Fuck you...


𝑺𝒖𝒈𝒂𝒓 𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎 ❥Where stories live. Discover now