𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆

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Valen was currently sitting on his couch in the living room of his and your apartment.

Phone in hand, going through his list of contacts looking for anyone he could call to find your whereabouts.

About a day and a half ago he got home from his shift at the bar and you weren't home.

He brushed it off at the time and figured you went off the hangout with a friend, he was a little concerned that you didn't message him beforehand but reminded himself that you are an adult.

But obviously, he progressively got more worried as you did not text him nor call him all day yesterday.

When he tried calling you it went straight to voicemail at first, but now it was telling him you were no longer in service.

Since you got a job, you recently started paying your phone bill, as you could now afford to and wanted some responsibility.

With what happened to Josie and now this? Valen was now beginning to panic, rightfully so this wasn't like you. He spoke to some of his colleagues about it and they told him he was just being paranoid, and doing the overprotective thing again.

They told him that you probably met up with some friends and went to some parties... that you were an adult now and he shouldn't worry so much.

The thing is, that wasn't like you either. You're not the party type. Not that Valen had issues with it, he knows that young adults especially those in college get into the party scene.

Valen has always told you that a party once in a while as long as you are one, being safe, two always have a designated driver, three always call him in case of an emergency and four keep up with your college studies.

But the last time you came home drunk (a year ago) you spent the entire night puking and laid in bed all day the morning after nursing a hangover.

That was the last time as you surprisingly kept your word saying you would never drink again.

His friends at work were right when they said he could be a bit overprotective, but he couldn't help it.
Ever since you were born you had been put in dangerous situations due to your parents, you were always going back and forth between living with him, his mother, and your parents.

You're his beloved niece, Valen would never forgive himself if something terrible happened to you. When he was told you would be living with him for a while due to your parents being out away for a long time he wasted no time moving forward on taking legal guardianship over you.

Valen had no doubt in his mind that his sister (your mother) and his brother-in-law (your father) loved you. They loved you more the words could describe but they just weren't ready to be parents, and that caused you some heartache, even if you would never admit it.

Valen actually hoped that what his coworkers told him was true, he hoped you were just out having fun with friends, getting in a little trouble. Because he prayed that you weren't locked in a cellar somewhere or dead in a ditch.

It might sound dramatic but as said before, you're his world, if anything bad happened to you Valen didn't know what he would do with himself.

He already called the friends he knows personally, Kj and Della, and they haven't seen or heard from you and now they were worried but told him they'd be on the lookout for you.

Now he was just sitting there wondering who else he could call. He knew you had a few other friends he just didn't know their names or numbers, but Della and Kj said they would call other people you know.

He didn't want to at first since this could all be a huge misunderstanding, maybe you lost your phone or whatever, but Valen was getting ready to make a police report.

Which wasn't great either because everyone in this town knew that the police weren't the best at their job, and honestly a little money corrupt.

But he had to try.


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