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Koren Lucas was currently sitting in bed with a random woman sleeping passed out beside him.

Late at night in his dark bedroom, all you could see was the man's face lit up by his phone screen.

The man had a big unsettling grin on his face he was once again currently going through pictures of you stalking your social media.

He just kept replaying the interaction between you two today for reasons unknown, he couldn't get it out of his head, or more accurately he couldn't get you out of his head.

It was odd though Koren thought, he'd had plenty of 'special' first interactions with the ones he planned on hurting.

The man was always excited when starting a new project never this excited though, maybe because it had been a while?

Yes, that is the only logical conclusion, it had been a little over nine months since his last project, why you may ask?

Allegra fucking Pres.

Plus work and all the other bullshit but mostly her. The insufferable woman has been getting on his last fucking nerve lately.

Koren is beginning to grow worried, no not about her well-being but he's worried she might be getting a little too serious about their casual relationship.

He keeps having to gently remind her every now and then that it will never grow into anything serious but lately, whenever he does she gets very sensitive and defensive.

After that meltdown she had a few weeks ago he's had to walk on eggshells around her and it's been incredibly annoying.

She was especially annoying tonight, after Koren closed up the Restaurant he decided to stop by the bar to celebrate starting his new project.

Allegra was blowing up his phone begging him to meet up or come over even going as far as to send very unsolicited erotic photos of herself.

The man had to make up some elaborate lie that his younger brother was sick and he needed to stay with him for the night then he put his phone on silent.

It doesn't matter though he's not letting anyone get in the way of his newest project he was also in the works of looking for a new manager to help him run the restaurant.

Speaking of which he reminded himself to talk to Lonnie first thing tomorrow to see if she got the information he needed.





Meanwhile, on your end, you were currently taking your dog Pickle on a late-night walk.

You told your uncle about your first day when you got home and his reaction was exactly how you expected but at least he ordered your favorite food to celebrate.

You were still in deep thought about how your day went before your phone began to ring.

It startled you a bit because you knew both your friends were probably asleep at this hour but quickly felt confused when you saw it was Lonnie.

You wondered what she could be calling about before you answered "Hey (y/n)! Sorry to call so late just wanted to chat about a few things maybe ask a couple of questions?"

"Yeah it's fine, what's up?" You replied "Well since I asked to be friends I thought it was only natural I get to know you a bit more you know like, what are your hobbies, interests? Things like that haha."

It was a simple and natural request when making friends but you felt a little worried when hearing the tone of her voice it sounded a bit like someone was holding a gun to the back of her head.

You decided to shrug it off as it being late and the both of you were a bit tired. "Well.. okay! Um, It's not really all that but I mostly like playing video games, horror movies, playing with my dog.."

You and Lonnie both went on for about twenty minutes talking about each other's lives and interests by this time you were already back at home in bed with your buddy.

You learned that Lonnie had recently started her own online shop where she would put outfits together and sell them to people and make her own accessories it was actually quite interesting and you didn't peg her for the crafty type.

You felt a bit tired and let out a yawn "Oh I'm sorry you sound pretty tired hun, I'll let you go but I'll see you tomorrow!" The woman said

"Yeah see ya Lonnie I'll take a look at your shop" The woman giggled and said her goodbyes once more then ending the call.

You had already done your nightly routine but as you were lying in bed you kept thinking about another thing that your new friend mentioned.

It was very brief but she advised you to steer clear of your other boss whom you met today, it was nothing too serious.

All she said was that the man had a history of flirting and having inappropriate relationships with multiple female staff members.

She also gave you the short story about a girl who got fired about a year ago because the two of them got caught making out in a storage closet by Miss Allegra.

You wondered why he didn't get in trouble as well, he was her boss so surely he had the upper hand in the situation no?

Not that you cared much anyway, you were never planning on getting involved with him in 'that' way for multiple reasons.

But nonetheless, you appreciated her looking out for you and for the sake of your job, you would be keeping things civil with him.

But of course unfortunately for poor you fate had other plans for your near future.

You should enjoy the peace while it lasts.


Koren at the beginning of this chapter:

__________________________Koren at the beginning of this chapter:

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