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Lonnie felt like shit.

Well, that is a bit of an understatement, really though. She's been losing sleep since the day Koren confronted her.

Not just sleep, she hasn't been eating properly and is having trouble staying focused, all of this is affecting her work performance.

Thankfully the new manager is a bit more merciful than Allegra ever was.

It might sound dramatic to anyone she tells but they weren't there. They didn't see the look in Koren's eyes.

Probably the worst part about all of this is that she knows you think it's your fault. Lonnie feels terrible, she knows you think you probably did something to upset her which couldn't be more untrue, you were an innocent party in all of this.

Lonnie has been observing Koren's behavior towards you these past few days, she also noticed Koren has been driving you home almost every single day.

But this was strange to Lonnie.

This behavior was unlike him, she'd never seen the man go to these lengths to get a woman to fall for him, to be fair with his face he really doesn't need to put in that much effort.

The way Koren treats you almost reminds Lonnie of how a parent dotes on their child, or how someone treats a flower, delicately like you could break at any time.

She's never seen the man act like this before towards anyone, especially not the women he plans on hurting.

Lonnie thought she'd be jumping for joy when the day came that Koren finally found someone to love for real. But something about all of this was off.

She had this feeling in the beginning as well, when Koren asked her to get basic information about (y/n). But she brushed it off in the beginning.

But now it was getting increasingly difficult to ignore that nagging feeling that something terrible was going to happen in the near future.

I mean when Koren confronted her in the supplies closet he said 'my (y/n)' and not just that, purely based on his behavior and even the way he looks at you he just seems very possessive.

Lonnie has actually tried to get you alone to talk to you more than once. But whenever Koren isn't watching you or with you, he's watching Lonnie like a hawk and she is still quite literally terrified of the man.

The saddest part about this is that she actually liked you. Lonnie's never really bothered to have work friends before, and despite what you might think she doesn't have many friends outside of work, and the ones that she does have aren't the best, just people to pass the time with.

But it's easy to get along with a person like you, you just have a very welcoming vibe and Lonnie liked that. Not to mention you've been nothing but sweet, you don't deserve this.
You were pretty exhausted after the long but fun weekend, except for Koren cutting his hand and all.

You can't believe Toby's back in town, well only for a few days but still. You thought things would be awkward if you two ever saw each other again but everything was basically the same you were happy about that.

Things with Lonnie are still the same, she's only spoken to you about two times and both were about work, also very short so you couldn't even get a word in so you were sad about that but there's not much you can do.

You were in deep thought so it took you a second to register that the person sitting at the table you were about to wait on was Josie!

"Hey (y/n)!" Josie greeted you politely with a smile. "Hey... I haven't seen you around the apartments in a while how've you been?" You asked the woman.

"Ugh I know being a teacher can keep you busy, but schools are out today and I've been dying to try this place so" Josie replied "Well what can I get started for you then?" you asked with a smile.

As much as you would love to stay and chat with Josie obviously you are still at work, but you brought Josie her food and continued on with your work until Josie asked for the check.

"(Y/n) Maybe on a day I'm not busy we could have a girls' day?" Josie asked excitedly, before you could respond Josie saw a figure in the distance behind you that she unfortunately recognized all too well. "Yeah, that sounds great I would love-" You stopped mid-sentence as you looked at Josie's pale face looking in the direction behind you.

You hesitantly looked back to be greeted with- well nothing. Nothing threatening at least. "Are you okay? You look...sick." You said.

Josie looked down before slowly getting up from her seat still looking like she had seen a ghost "Nothing I just thought I saw something, um I have to go thank you this was lovely" Josie replied curtly before scurrying out of the restaurant leaving you concerned and confused.

That was weird?


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