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Humming to himself as he stands in the kitchen of his co-owned restaurant, packing up a box of leftover food from the day to take home for himself as he was not exactly in the mood for cooking tonight, someone barges in through the entrance door of the kitchen, "Hey Koren, can I talk to you for a sec?"

A little startled because he thought he was the only one left at the restaurant and annoyed with who was behind him, the man in question turned around to face the woman "Allegra?...I thought you went home already, what can I help you with?"

The woman then giggled and let out a long sigh "oh nothing...It's just that some guy dropped off an application for his daughter? I think...Anyways I was just wondering if we could look over it tonight at your place maybe?" she asked bashfully looking away with rose coating her pale cheeks.

Now more annoyed because she was lousy at hiding what she wanted, the man turned back to his food back facing her and sighed "Ally...looking over applications or schedules is not something we'd do at my place or yours, it's also not something I take care of, what do you really want?"

The woman's face immediately heated up ten times more than it already was at what the man was implying "Kory...come on don't make me say it...you know what I want" the woman replied once again in a bashful manner.

The man rolled his eyes with an annoyed expression on his face, he then turned around and smiled at the women and began walking over to his hung-up jacket and started digging around the pockets, he pulled out his keys and threw them over to her. "Here, go start up my car, I should be done here in a few minutes" he said with a wink.

The woman smiled and giggled in response before taking the keys, "Thanks Kory can't wait" she replied in a seductive tone returning the wink before walking out the back.

Koren wanted to gag, desperate hag...can't she get it anywhere else? as much as he wanted to tell her to fuck off, she was his business partner, and the whole reason he was able to co-own this establishment with her was by...pleasuring her and whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

He thought that once everything was in place she would slowly start looking for someone to get serious with and settle down with, as any normal middle-aged woman would do. But she hasn't, if it weren't for the fact that she was managing his restaurant he would have kicked her to the curb ages ago, but the last time he even mentioned the thought of ending their casual relationship she went nuts.

She went from crying, to yelling, back to crying then finally, threatening to either replace him or leave the establishment. Usually Koren thrived on these types of reactions from women he planned on hurting, but he never planned on doing so with her. No, not because he cared about her but because he didn't care enough to hurt her.

Though he was not prepared for that reaction from her otherwise he would have said good riddance, he did not have someone lined up to take her place as manager, and he preferred keeping his job. He quickly disposed the suggestion of ending things and helped her calm down, regretfully.

So after her little melt down, alas, he needs to keep her in his good graces... or in his preferred words, keeping her on a leash, at least until he found someone to replace her.

Though by doing this he basically got whatever he wanted from her business or not related...which was a bonus. He wasn't necessarily attracted to her looks or personality wise, but her body was decent and plus, the benefits.

As he finished packing things up for the night he reminded himself to pour a strong drink for the long night that awaited him, let's get this over with he thought to himself as he let out a painfully long sigh.





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