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It was nearing closing time at the restaurant, and you and the rest of the staff were cleaning things up.

You were a bit sad and confused.

For some reason, Lonnie has been extremely short with you all day.

It confused you because this morning you two were laughing and talking like usual, everything was fine.

You tried asking her if she was okay and she just told you that she was fine and to leave her alone.

You also overheard a conversation between her and Carrie asking the other woman if she could switch partners.

You don't know what you did wrong and that's why you're a bit sad.

Koren on the other hand has been extremely chatty with you today, coming and talking to you whenever he gets a chance.

There's no issue with it really, he's actually been pretty polite but that's also the problem.

You're starting to feel a little conflicted about Lonnie's warning.

It's not that you don't trust her because of her behavior today, it's just that the way she described Koren in your opinion just doesn't match up with his recent behavior at all.

The way she described him in her warning was a malicious playboy who dates and hurts women emotionally for the shits a giggles, and that he had a history of abusing his power as the boss.

You won't lie, yes Koren is a flirt that's an obvious observation but so is Lonnie and no one is punishing her for that, because there's nothing wrong with that as long as you're not doing it to intentionally make someone feel uncomfortable.

You've also just been very focused on the fact that 'I should trust Lonnie because she's known him longer so she would know best'.

But you haven't taken a second to think about the fact that you don't really know Lonnie either.

Yes, you two are friends casually and know some basic interests about each other but you don't know her.

Della made a comment the other night that Lonnie could be lying to you because she likes Koren and doesn't want you interfering with her love life.

While that could be true as much as you don't want it to be it doesn't make sense because you've made it abundantly clear that you have no interest in the man or dating in general at the moment. 

You also came to the conclusion that Lonnie is possibly just a gossip trying to stir up some work drama, but again you don't want that to be true either.

But at the end of the day if what Lonnie says about Koren is true and he starts showing that behavior towards you, you will simply remove yourself from the situation, and move jobs if that's what you have to do to avoid conflict.

And if the conclusions about Lonnie happen to be true as well you will simply do the same thing, because that's what normal people do.

But as of right now, you will continue to be friends with the both of them (if Lonnie even wants to anymore) because truly there is no proof or signs that either of those things could be true about them.

Because again you don't know them so it's not your place to judge them simply based on rumors.

Don't judge people you don't know kids.

While you were in deep thought you were walking past the slightly cracked break room and you heard...crying?

You decided to be nosy and take a little peak into the break room and low and behold it was Koren.

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